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Local And Other Brevities

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_"! ain yet. _ Sprints, brooks, cisterna dry. _C.onds of dust obscure the Su. _ And all our cry is, "Water, Watert" „.lira-sdou't look as thotlgh ever green. _ ïuc melon-collc days have come _Now is Uic time to subscribí: for the Abgu. _ Cora and potatoca .irc past belng kelped by rain. -Tlie Main streot boro: down TT0 feet jnd the tools fat. _Ttic oldest luhubllant con&sses to tliis tónï " a dry spell." _ Preeldeot Anoki.i. and family are exwtfil lierc next reek. _ "Bc our plata nnswer tliis ;" We don't l.i.wii wlieii I wlll ruin. _ Fivc nnuiwiiys tliis week, and not mochol' a week for bnsl tiesa elther. -Order your Bill Heails, Letter-Heads, Sütcuciits, Canls, &c, at the ABOU8 office. - Fifteen frelght tr:iins c.ich way, every diy, pass through Uere on t lie Central roadUiv's for business i -Prot. A.. WlHOHBLIi is the Vico Prest" itt oí tlic Aiiu-ricni Bclentlflc Associatioilor tlie rnsuiíitr yeor. -Tlic wallsot Uic L'nivcrsily hall are gmn;wiiJ!y up. The second story win Joiv frames are neariy all in. -BcAnn Arlior PostotBce has beca dfsi;natl, under llie new lostal ment, asa foreJgo money order oiik-.e. - Petches are selllng Id oor market at $3@$6a busliel. ïlic baskets don't hold itliinlof a buslicl as Uic law rcquires. - The Saline folks are conlldi'iit tliat a railroad i'rom tlielr thrlvlng burg to Adrián ítobelirmiediutely built. Ilopeitmay. - If there is any trutti i t!?e slircwd oM in.ahaiit'.s in.jutict.ioti : " Advertís wlien business is dull," now is the time to do so. - A five hnndred pouo4 témale pamed througli the citj' on tlie cars Tuesday forenooii. Slic uil went in oiiu car, for one lire. - Watermelons are coming in by the vtjgon load, and pnces reavonable enougb tobring them witltiti the renen of all tlieii' lovus. - The Pre.byterian EUtfcbatil School held 4 picnic In the grove opposite the Fair (irouiiíls, last Frlday, aud report a pleasmt time. - An i-ight motitlis oíd chilil, wlth a heatl as Itrge as tvvo coimiwu oiicí, attract i considerable atteution ou ilain Street We.lnesday. - Quite en artny of young maids a tul missfs left t!te 5th w.ird yesterday mornlng for the hop yards aromid about. Nuiv is tlio time for " bops." - At the school tneetiiig to bc tód Honiay, September 4th, three írna 'ws are to be elcettd to succeed C!. B. Cook, Dr. Saoeu and Dr Wells. - A St. Louis advertlslag ngeney offers s $35 In " bitters " for $75 worlh of adverlisiog. They onght to take rooms in an Insaneasylum or reform school. - Upon the lot at the northcast cornor r Main aud Aun streets, Is being erected '"structure" like unto the ones vhich Uve for years graced that locality. - The steamer Ilennann, wlth Professor Fwezk and party en wte for Germany, lindeil mails and passengers at Southamp t11. Eug., ou Wednesilay morolog. All ■dl, - The Grammar School wlU not be opened until Monday, Sept. 4th, the ncw Wras not being ready. The llijjli School nJ Ward Schools wül open on Monday t. - Chester Ikgalls, of the Fifth Ward, ff nearly lortv yoars a resident of tliis c''y, andat oue time one lts principal ''wluess meu, died Wednesday uight lastBe was aboitt 70 years of age. " The Dexter Leader has added a col'mn to each page, and boasts ol being as large as any paper In the couuty. Mac Sits up readable locáis, but bis " patent 'nanis " have a very familiar look. " 1 he pooplc of Webster township are et:tii]fr a Dew town house, a little soutli " est o! the old oue. The DOW bulld'"ê s tocost $1,000 when completert, and WH an Improvement rauch needed. " W. BdggestS that those Ibrtnnate men HWete thrown trom Malloky's buck "afl a ftw days ago, gettinj; thelr heada briswl, siiouid telegraph to Qbant that % belongtotbe " dent tamlly," and claim WCli au office. - H. 15. HuTcmsg, of Ibis city, of the 'assof'71, hus accepted Ibe poeltion of BPerlDtendent of the Owosso public hl0, at a salary of $1,600 a year. The ""Wo peopic are fortúnate In the choice wy Imvc made. arñ" 'iss ''a Siihixf.u, the nc,v Professor ' iinlin umi the Plne Arts in the Uui Jrlfy of Michigan, I opposed to womaD Wee._jf. f Etêrung font. BmOk A-DAS " llca(l is level," that's a fact. 'i then, we hadn't heard of her appolnt I Jlih profcssorslliP lu lUe University - Last Saturday, wliiie il fcelght train was standing on th tfattï down by what is known as Eellogg's cidsSlng, oast of tlie depot, nnother ftti.uüt train turuing the bend suddenly, fan into the rcar end of it before belúj) ailo tó fiilly stop. Notliin.i: was injurcd excopt öne or two of the cara Bllghtly.


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Michigan Argus