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The September Magazines

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' - Scrihnei'x Jfoiilfilg has : Pictures froni Canada, bj W. G. Beers, willi eleven illustrations; Mercator, the Path-Flnder of the Seas, iy Win. Wells, with portralt ; Monutaiu Views nuil Ad ventares, by J. T. Heaclley, six Illnstratlons; Whose Wife was Slie? by Sixe Ilolni ; The Songster- a fii'.d-Suinmer Carol, by Edmund C. Sted man: Bcenfei (rom the Marble Fauu, by V. L. AMen, thrce Illostratlons ; Chinese Skilied Labor, by Wm. F. C. öhankfl ; A Woman's Executlon, Paris, Ma#i "7-, poem, by Bdward King ; The 'íiver oí Bgypt, by W. O. Stoddard, wlth map dl Suez ('anal ; The Clood and Pire,- A UyrnU, by Saibuël Wolcott; Peter Bloei),- A Qartz Legend, by Susan Archer Wi iss An Adventure In Japa-o, by Gilman 1'. Brlggs The Elms of Tiinuy, poem, by H. T. Tuckerman; The Co-Educatlpn oJ the Sexes, ly Alex. llyde, in favor of that "new departnre"; WillViil Cuinberincde, ohaps. xxxvm. - xi.ui., by Qeorge -Mac Donuld ; A New Snuly of uu üul Porce, by James Rlchardüou, two illust t'iit iony , ei 'Oi'iitifiits with lloint', the medium ; nnd In addltlon, the several de partmeuts, Topics of the Times, Old Ctiblnet, Ho and .Society, UnllUre and Progresa at Home and AbRtad, are well flileil. A readable aamber certalnly. $3 a year SCBIBMBB et Co., G54 Broadway, N. Y. - The Bdeclia has (bu r teen carefolly and tvell selected artlcles. a blographlcsl sketch fMax Muller wiüi a Unely eugraved portrait, readable üti-rary uotlcee, ootea on science and art, and a table of vurieties. Die leading pipers are, perhapa : Charles Dickens, trom Blockuood; A llittory of the Comtnane of Paris, same ; The Tasmanlan Devil, St. Pcul's ; Uiuler the Moontalns, a story f'roin Cornhill ; Two Niglits In a Preuch Prison during the late Civil War, liacmiüan'ejiagaeirie; Patty,chaps. xxxvu, XL., same ; Some Original Letters of Mary Rosaell Mitford, Cutmber't Journal; and Uarat and Charlotte Corday, froni Temple Har. 9 a year. K. K. I'klton, 108 Fultou Street, New York. - LipptneolCa Magazine has : Scrambles íimoiiiíst tlie Alps ni toe years iouu-oy, 8, iy Edwani Whymperj Bhall ve throvv pbysic to tho dogs? by E. P. BuBett; Not Pretty,' but Precions, part second uii'l last, by Margare t Field ; Lcouard Qrimlelgh's Bhadow, by Thomas Duim English ; Tiic City.oi Jtomnncnts, by J. V. Palmer; A Staiued Web, by Lucy H, Ilooper; Wild JLrcland, vi., by B. Donbaí vaml ; At Sea in a Sail-boat, by Charles LNorton ; Insect Locoinotion, by Caroline A. Burgin; Monthly Oossip, Literatura of tlic Day.aud anotlier supplemental iustalment of Rookstone, by Katherine B. Macquokl. $4 a yenr. LirriNCorr & Co., PhlladelpbJa, - The Catholii World cditcd by "íathtr Hecker," has : The Reformation not Conservativo, Gcnzano and Frascati, The House of Yorke, A Page of the Past and a Shadow of thö Future, Iiqucfactiou of the Blood of St. Januariua, Lucas Garcia, The Uood Qerard of OologneEgyptlan Civili.ation accordlng to the Most Recent Discoverics, Mr. Carlyle and Pere Bouhours, üur Lady of Lourdes - part ix., America's Ol)lgationstoFrau:e, The Catholic Chnrch n Oenevá, poema and reviews. íi a yiar, j.wvhic.ncic Kniiorc, 9 Warren Street, New Voi'k. - The Atlantic Mon&Uy has : T#ln-IiOT, y Bayard Taylor; Learnlog, poon, by B. 5. Hiulson ; The Fiold and the Garden, by Vilson Flagg ; American Life in Franco, ., by M. L. P.; In tlie Lane, poem, by Cea Thamter; Isaii' BeaamoDt, cbaps. xxvnxix., byj. VV. DeForcst Tw'enty Dollars; BUawerlng of a Natlon, by T. G. Apletón; Foreshadow?, by A. W.; Watcli nd Wanl, it., by H. James, .Ir.; EncycllcÍs of a Traveler, nt., by II. JI Thelr Vedding Journey, 1IL, by W. D. Howells; V Grcyport Legend, poem, and The Roímce of Madrona IIollow, by Bret Harte; )at Wliispurinu' Qallery, ix., more oí Dick:is, by Jas. T. FieHls, uncí Recent Literaure. $t a vear. Jas. R. Osgood & Co., Jo.ston. - The. Nursery Ís brim full of pwtty picures, neatlv told stories, and plcasn; vera s. It is bettcr for the little ones thun Wínslows cordial. Wo wlsh that every our or live yearold coukl havo ltE nxmlhly tamben. $1.50 a year. Jon- L. Siiorky, 5oston. - Our Toung Folks gcta In foui' more ihspters of Tro wbrldge's Interestlni; story, fack Hazard and his Fortunes; A Nigdt's Vdveiitui'c on the Ohio River, by Martba IC. Thomas ; LIght and Shadow, by Mis Jasan Nichols Uarter; The Girl vvho could ïot wrlte a Composition, n., by Eüzabeth Staart Phelps: The Crushed Urchin, by Mrs. J. P. Ballard, wlth several otlier ar;icles, both prose and poetry, all, letters from Young Contributors, iharades, &c. Jïuy the nnmber for your 10 or 14 year old boy and see how quick ie wlll go throngn t. $2 a year. Jas. ,K. 3sgood & Co., Boston. - Peters' Musical Monthly has flftecn pieces, Incladlng "Barney A.leen," a beaatl ful bailad by G. W. Persley; My Mothcr's Wedding Blng," a channhigsongby Tucker ; "The Cross and Crown," "My Sister iu Htaven," and "The Home oi the Swatlows." All for 30 cents. J. L. Pjítehs, 590 Uroadway, New York. The August nrnnbèi of Hand, McNally & Co.'s líaihvav tíuldc is at hand. In addition to the vast amount of usefal information furnished, tuis number contalns, as a frontispieee, a ilue view of Niágara Falla - from the Canada sidc. Tliis publication must, in the natural order of thlngs, supersede all others. It not only gires the time cards of 300 railroads, hut In addition, the general sltnatloa, uovspapers, banks, Iqadlng nianufacturing interests aud hotels of 5,300 niilway and rivcr towns. In advance of the publlshcd ceusus it Is the beat reference bo-jk now published. Sample copies wlll be mailed to any address, upon receipt of 25 cents and 0 cents postale. Address Rand, McNally & Co., publlshers, 51 Clark St., Chicago. The llluslrated Chrittian Weekly for Aug. 2Gth has a varled table of contenta, and an umisual nnmber of fine engravlng?. The great "Central Park" of New York is depicted In a series of lllnstratlons, and the editor promlses to Ilústrate "Prospect Park" of Urooklyn in a few weeks. The publishers oll:r to send the lirst tliroe months of the paper stltched in paper covers, postpald, to any address, Cor only fifly cent. This affonts an excellent opportanlty toall to examine tliis beautlfUl illustiMted weekly. Address, "IllnstrateJ Cliristiau Weekly," New York. Tlic nlnth somi animal meeting of the Michigan State Aaoclatlon of Ooanty Baperlatendenta wil! be beid at Charlotte, commenclng Toesday, A.agost 89th, at 2 o'clock y. u.., and ciosin: Thursday afterïioon. Tlie programme includes addresaes, essays, (Ilscusslons, etc, the adilresscs to ie dellvered Tuesday eventng, ly Prof. EtfTABROOK, if FpBlIantl, and VV'iHini'Silay evculnK, by Supt. Dcami Doty, of Detroit, öupt. Wheelkr, of this county, opens the dlscusslon of the questlón, "Ls School Vi.sitation, as practlced by Couuty Öupenutenclcnts, acooraplisUiujj; wliat itoulit todo ?"


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