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TUST 11ECEIVED! FINLEY & LEWIS have rcceivcil .1 largo and well selccted Stock of New Fall Goods ! BOUGHT FOR CASH, All óf Which riiöSt l'e flbhi nsUÍe of Rlxty days to make ioo!n tot oor ÜéCóñD Fall stock. Wc an show out1 customcrs this I3est Kip Boots ever broubt to tbis market, Doth for men and boys. CALF BOOTS Ö ALL ÖRADES. Ve haVc the exclusive sale of J. M. Burt's line hattd-tüade orR- ciiilcctled to be the lust work to wuar lu thb mal-kcti stock öf .ADÍES' AND MISSÍÍS W01ÍK IS COMPLKTIC. ES" We liave thc exclutive sale of the Ine goods of E C. Burt, of New York, and teynolds ]}ros., ot Utica. We guarante intire satisfaction on tli's work. 1334 gOMETHlÑG INfcVV AT 50 Main Street t LOÜISWALZ, GROJCER &CON1?ECTIONER Ií AS A fiL STOCK ÍN IltS LINE, AIÍD WILL PROMPTLY SERVE THE PÜ1U L1C WITn 9UOARS, TEAS, CO?FEES SPICBB, SYRÜP8, CANDIËS, El'C. Parties Supplied witn CAKES OF ALL KINDS Atf SHORT ííOtlCE, OP THE BEST QUAI.ITY, AND AT THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. ÖALL JlsTlD SEE HI3VT BEFORE PURCÖASING. 1330 m6. np o FARMERS! I lns1re ñoW to fctlit'h rtly tiearty thauks forthe iberal patronage of the Farmers of Washluiiaw and idjoíning Conntlfts, who liave for ao many ycare in the pust extended to me thcir trade, and I hope and trust Natis facto ry and proíHable to both parties. I hopa tu receivg á íair sitare or thcir patronee In the futuro. My efforla will be llouestly Öirected towarda the Intorests of my Customers, as well as my own. And again my atol Üi be, not to keej) hp chcap goods a? possible but a fj'od as cau be fotmd, aud at as Ijow Hates ae the qnality of my ffOodft cati be nfl'orded. I will not tiodertake to copiiictelnpríces wlth Inferior goods. I will uotimRt the qiiality of my implemento in order to reduce the price. The pu reliase of cheap goods of any kind proras un unproñtable fnvestment, as many have íoinifl to their cost. I shatl kcep a FLLL STOCK OF FARHKfi TOOLS on hand.that Is generally foundMn rttarket. I am theaUthorlisedageat for thefullowing THRESHÍNG MACHINES ii'lkiiinc Ituf l'nlo Fitts, i:i,;T.J.i, N. Y. 'ti hiu.iii Svifist:ikos. Hattle Creek. IflChOla A Slicplicrtl'! Vibrulor, B.Crcck. Xlie Ociser ITIaciiinc, Hacine, Vil?. UN The Chaitiplon ftfi)rr & Itowcr, Srlf Rake. The KIrby Soll-R.ikin,' Itcaptr, Combincd. The Hirby Two-U'herlcd .tlowcr. Wood's Marhine, Combined wíth Self-Rakc. JACKSON WAGONS, Buckejre and Shortsville Grain DrillsVairbank's Scales, all sizes. THE QENÜINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, Manufactured at Kalamazoo. I have lpcatcd myself at the oíd and well-known Apple l'acking Houee of D Ilennlng, on Detroit Street, opposite Buchoz Block. where I shall be liappy to nnutt H many of my oíd cuetomers, and afl many new oucs ae muy picase to come I nave eeenred tht! pcfíiiaricnt sen'iccs o f Samuel McUaretif olle óf my uldshop hands, who perfectly un der. "tand BEPAIRINQ All kinds of Agricultnral ToolB, nnd will be on lmml !'irl y in the mornlne and late at nlgbt, whetl nuceBeary to accommodute m. rocers. AöflArbor April lst. 1871. ltUmS DIRECTORY -OP- A. ISf íí ARBO Ifc, FOR 1871, Wlth a Complete Portralt ot thé City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &c. &c. TUS UNDERSIQNED.havinghad an extensivo experiencein thi? compllation and p'.iblication of City and Connty Directories in thl andother átate, aud having been solicited by a number of the prominent cltizcns lo lssne a work of tliis kind, (eels aafein prouiUinn complete imtisfaction. The work will eontain a cúmplete portrait of the city, setting frth ít advantages ae a commercial and mannfactnrintf town ; also statlstlcal tablea showiní tito nuraberof firma engaged in every department of manufacture and trade ; tile ñggñgtVt animal fSles ol the same ; the number of OWelllng and buBincsii houses in th( city, and in fa't tvtrv kind orehanctar of Information tlmt the liiizm .r ■trsngei nviv dodn ; aketehaa of the achools, fliiirchi', benevolíütt sotieties The City pOfjesseM muny lulvnutugcs wlnch, Ir thuy wciv óenerkllj known, WOOld attract (ettlcr8 from all ijartn of the country. It i? oiir design to pnbiish a work for general dlstilbntiou ihroutrhont the United States. It wonld be superflnon to here nrge the nece-ity of advertlnin acltT.or to m-iitiin the dTSnlieea te! a&t ownan&nd bueine.-s men derivo from tina r ethod of adrertising a city. Thr work will be delivered to subscriben? in tlnmonth ofJuly It is to bc hoped that business men will dtily consider and BpprflClfttfl the mlvautau'es of advertlsiny thelr basinesa in thislwk. It will be foand í stores, offices, hotels and all public plaO6i wiiere the cards must meet the cye uf scores ol purcluiser ever' duy, Terras of Advertising. One Pa?e $26 on Huir ■ i5oo Kourth " 8 00 Capital Namce 50 I'rice oí boolw to sr(bíertbcr8,$8 00; to non-siibscribers, $3 50. 1322tf 'AMES M. TIIOStAS. Tinest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City,by OUILDERS ATTENTION, SANFORD&CARPENTER MACHINISTS Are preparcd to do all kinde of LA.THE 8CREW CUTTING, FLAÑING, FOWEB FI'HCHIKG, BRIDGE AND BUILDING BOLTS ! -- ALSO STEAM AÑD GAS Í1TTING IN A IA At L IT3 ËK lííCtíES. AGKNTS POE STEAM GAS FITTERS GOODS COCKS, VALVES, WHISTLES, &C. ALSO Model Making of every variety Basement of Couricr Office, Cor. Main and Cthcrine Streets. ANN ARBOR. I33O-m3 SAM. B. REVENAÜGH FHOTOGRAPHSR, MAKÈS ALL K1JXDS OF PIOTURES FROM ÏIIE SMALLEST LOCKET TO (TUE LIFE SIZE, AND PINISHKSTHEMíÑ INDIA INKI WATER COlOBs I IN A 9ÜPPERIOR man r.r.i;. 1319-ly. No. 30 III:nON STREET. I wanted; 300 Bales Prime IK CO Hoi8. 200 Bales (iood 1S70 Hops. E. n.wvi.r.Y A BOS. ÏIhR and Hop Dealen, in i i Detroit. -M úii. GotoR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choiceWines and Liqunrt for Medical Puiposes . OMETIUNtí WEW' AT LAST! AT 24 Main Street The undersigned, having located at this 'place, has just openedaft FINE and SELECT an auorV ment of CLOT1, CASSIMERËS 6 pancy wm% Hé can be found 'west o( New tfork City, whleh1 he is prepared to make up into the mokt STVLISH GARMENTS, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICË LOWEST POm&LE PRICEí ALáD A LINK OF EPKVTS' FURNISHING GOODS.Call on JAS. BOYD and he wilï GITE YOU FIT JAMES BOYD, 131 stf 2 IWaln Strot." TfOR RENT A DESIRABLE STORE ! And ('F.LI.AR. Aluo om Fine Front Room ovr lln-ir New snro, N. is Sfuin St.. from August lt,' 1871. Enq'uirc ot l?30-tf O. W.HAY3, Snpt. PHYSICIAM' PRESCRIPTIOIS iOOU&ATEiiT AN1 CARBFULL Y PREPAHED BT i E. W. KLL1S & ÜO.,DRUG(1IS1S.


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Michigan Argus