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From The New Life Of Jefferson

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PuIiIísIhiI iiy Harper & liiothor. Nothmg cotila have been more congenial or (lc]i;ihtful to Hm than the society in which Ji lUrsuii moved in Paris. At the hem! of an elegant establishmi nt, os an American Bad the frisad of Lnfayette, his house vraa the favorite resort OÉ'all the ;(■■ 'liiiiiislinl ;ili(l ■ ■; : 1 1 1 . 1 1 Í yODllg oh officors i'1ki )::ul enthiigiastically taken up muis in defensa of the great cause f liberty in the -New World; while aa a philosopher and author of the "Notes on Virginia," bis society wai souglit for and enjoyed by the most disfcinguishöd savanta and men it' s-inur, w'no throngi '1 tVom all parta ot' Burope to the great Erreaoh oapitai. Kor were the "TiiiT of lus áddress, the charras of liis oloqueni conversation, and the varied e tent of his learning, lost apon the witty and handaome women who were found at the court of the amiable young Ijouis the Sixtcenlh tmil ol'liis yueon, tho lovwly Marie Antoinette - 80 siully preetninent for beauty and mi sim tune. His social inturcourse ■with them, and the picasant friendshjpa iocmed lor manj-, wc i liscover in his gracefully-written letters to them. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams wero in Paris with JeíFuVáon, anA Mrs. Adams paya a graoefnl tribute to his talents and wdith n hor letters homo, and in one of tliem speaks of him as bemg öno of the " choice ones of the earth." His interoourse witk his two ooileagues, Dr. Franklin and Mr. Adame, was of the most delightlul charade!1, anl by both he v;is siiieeicly loved and esteeiued. The l'riendship then fonned between Mr. Adama and hin&self withstood) ia alter i, all the storma and bitternoss of politica! lifo, at a time when, perhaps, party feeling and prejndioe ran higher thun ever befores " hen Vr;uiklin rotúrned homo, loaded with all the honors and love thut the admiration of the Frcnch peojle eould lavish on hini, Jefferson waa appointed to take li is plivee as Minister from the United Si a ti 'S :it the Court ot' St. Geiiiiiiins. " You replace Dr. Franklin," s:iiil Count de Vergennea, the Prench Premier, to him. "I meoeed him; ao ene eould replaoe him," was Jeft'ersi ii i's ready replv. Per hapa no greater proof of Jefferson s poputitvity in Paris could bo given than the faot tliat he so soon became a favorito in tliat learned and polished society in which the great Franklin had been the lion of the day. We múst maKg roöni for the deoription of Mr. JeflPerson's domostic lifo and habite after his retirement from pablio lifes wtitten by lis grandson, Col. Joffersoii Bandolph : ilis ruaimeis wero ot tnat poastted school ot' tho Colonial GoVerniilent, so renlaïkable in its il:iy - ander no circumrtances violating any of those minor convcntional observanoea whioh constituto tlio well bied gentleman, courteoaa and jonsider&te to all persons. Ou riding uut with hint when a lad, wc mei a negro who bo wed to us ; he returoed his bow; I did not. Turning to me, he askcd : " Do on pemlit a negro to bo moro of i gentleman than yourself 'r " öLr. Jefferson's hair, when yoimg, was of a reddish cast ; aandy as lic advanced . . bazel. Dying in his eighty-ibnrth yeaïs hs had! mw loei n tootb, noT liul mu' defectivo; Inn ?kii) thin, peeling Lrom bis face on exposare tö the mu, and giving it a tottered appeapanou ; tho Buperfioial veins so weak aa upon tho slightcst llow to causo extensiva Mitl'usiom of blood - in early lifëj upon st:ui(ling to writc for any longtli of tune, Imrsting bcnouth tbc skin ; it, howsveTi guve hun no iiiconvenicnee. His countonanco was mild and benignant, and ;iti rut-t ivo tv tmngotp; AVliil President, returning on liorsehack frona Charlottesville with company whoin he had invited to dinner, and wlio were, all but ono ortwo, riding ahead of liini, on reaching a stroain over which there was no bndgö, :i man asked him to fiake him up behind him and oarïy him over. Ihe gentleman in tho rear coming u] jusf f.s Mr. Jefferson had put him down and riddca on, askêd the man how it happoned that hc had permitted tho othen to pass without asking them. Hc replied, " Viom their looks, I did not like to ask tliem; tho öld geatlei looked as if he WOUld do it, and 1 askcd him." He was veiy niuch sorprised to that had nd'lcn luiliind üic President of the United States. Mr. JeSerson's stature was oómmandiiiir - six i'eet Hvo and a half mohos in height, wrll formed, indioatiDg strensrth, tctivity, and robust hcalth ; lus öartiage ereot; step firm and elastio, whioh he preserved to his death ; his temper, naturally strong, undor perfect control; his courage cool and inpassive No one ever knew liilil cxhibit trepidation. His moral courage of the highest order - his will firm and inflexible - it was remarked of kim that ho never abandoned a plan, a principio, or a friend. A bold and fearless rider, you snw at a glanco, froin his easy and confident seat, that he was master of his horse, whioh was nsually the fine blood-horso of Yirgifiiai TIn' only impatimce of' temper he ever cxhibitod was with his horse, waioh he subdued to bis will by a fearless applicatioD of the whip on the slightest show of ri'stivcnr-ss. Be retained to tho last his fondness for riding 'n horsobaci : iie rode within three weeia ui' his death, whcn, from disease, debility and age, he mountod with difÖoulty. Jlc rode with confldence ttndaever pennitted aservani to accompany him ; he was fond ot' solit-.iry rides iind musing, and said that the presenoe of a servant atmoyed him. He held in little esteem the eduoation whieh tnade men Igttorantand helpleas tts to the common nucessitics of life ; and he exemplifled it by an incident whioh occurrcd to a youiig gentleman roturned from Eurojic, whero he had been educo i.d. On ruling out with his eompanions, the gtrap of hia girth broke at the hole for the buokle ; and thcy, peroeiving it an accident oasily ivmcdied, rodo OS and left him. A plain man coming üp, and geeing that his horse had made a circular path in the road in bia impatíence to get on, asked it' he could aid hun. ■ Oh, sii," replied the yonng man, "f you oould only assist me to get it up to the next hole. ' 11 Suppose yon let it out :i hole or two on the otherside," said the man. Ili.s habita were regular and systemfttio, He was a miser of his time, rose alwaya ai dawn, wrote and read ontil breakfast, breakfasted early, and dined from three to tour ; . . . . retired at oine, and to bed from ten .to eleven. He said, in his LUnoss, that the sun had not caught !ihn in bed for fifty years. UeaVwaysma Ie bis own im. He drank vator bul once n day, a single glass, when urnod frotn bia ride. lio ate heartily, ;inl muoh vegetable food, preferring : oookory, beoause it made the meats more tender. Ke ncvor drank ardeni spirits or strong -wines. Buoh was liis avereion to ardeni .-i.irits that when in bis last Ulnesa liis hysioian desirod hüu to use braady asas astriijgent, he rn.t induoe bim to take ït strong onough. [es at the seaside oomplain that tlie i removes all tho life tind stiflhess .. l'niortunatoly it will nat remove Btifíaesa Brom manuors.


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