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"Wonld you likc to havo an aquarium ': Well, tin-u, you oan do ono of two things. Kii -"t and simplest, you can buy a largo glasé " cake-coVeï;1' of tho kind used in confectioners' shops, and which coHs froni three to fivo dollars, aocording to aize. " Somebody " will wbittle you a thick square block of wood and mako a liólo in tlio middle, of right dimensiona to hold the glass knob of the cover nTiiily. Well, now you have your aquarium ! Tho other way is to order a square or oblong tank, made at the pluinber's, of glasa framsd ia slute or zinc. Uut this cos'ts Hioro uiicl is jmiiitioiilly nd bettei. The nrxt step ia preparing tho waterj for, bc it anderstood, wild, aewly-oaught water is not tit for parior use. You must wade out and dip it up at a flood tidc, when it ia frosheat and purest, and set it away for twenty-four liours to settlo. this is {;"'" " tliu HÜTor sand may bo irooúrcil umi wasbed : washed in sovoral waters, that it may be froe from slinie and dirt. Prctty pebbles and piceos of rock can bo seleeted and made ÖxoTOUghly clean. TheiC is notlung Uko storting with perfect material. Wlicn :ill is ready, cover tho bottom of the bowl with a tlurk nnl ol smul, and arrange your rocks and pebblea :is yoü pleaso. Two tall bits of granito, witli a third acroaa to forin n sort of hollow cave, basa pretty effect. Theflshaeem to cnjoy darting to and fm in thismimio gatoway, :i :i caged bint enjoys hia swing. 0ïaW off the waker vuntly fim the ' wit li ii siphon aml iill the aquarium ncarly full. Lastly, throw in a coupks of bits of si-u-lottuce, and loavo it lor two or tbrocduys to settle and oonopose itsdf. And now begins tho dolighttul busi- ncss of " stocking." And horc thero is but ono general rule to abridge the tv. r dom of individual experiment. Do not havo too inany ■uiiiiiüls, 'i'wo fish to a gallon of wfttw ;iinut tho right proportion ; and With a minibrr of snails to cat , up the refuso and keopthings hcaltlifully clean. They are tronhïégome crcatures, from a propensity thcy have to orawl out of the aquarium und periáh of tbitst on the parlor carpet ; büt, as 'their rato of pfogtcss is' slow, a little júdicioús poking and luplticiii will keep them withia bounW, und their yaltie as scavengers ia so great that ho tahk floilrishea without them. - Manie and Society; Scribner's fot Sfpleiiilici:


Old News
Michigan Argus