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Dressing With Taste

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It ís wrange tliat, with áll the timé American 'iv-ómeii bes'tow üpon dress, sd few know how to prepare a simpl.e toilet with taste. ïo be well-dresaned meatls, with most, tó eaT irich material, mude ílp iti a gorgeous stylc, and with all the usual accessories of jewelry to add to the ïnagnificenco of the general effect. Never was there a greater mistake. To be welldressed ia onlv to have attire suited to time: plu and oircuu uki , made itt. a. becoming manncr. This iutire may be a shilling calicó or a rich silk, and yet ia either, if adapted to the conditions wo havo niention;d, ft womaumay be said to n: well dressed. Whoro household duties have to lio perfonTicd, and the care of the children devolves piirtly upoñ tho mistress of tho house, a neat dress fitted gracefully to tliu flgnxe is much better for mi?rning wear than the faded refitaiiis of a mora pretentious costume. Nothing looka more forlorn than to seo a would-be lady jjerfonning householtl dutfra, of n'öt tho ïftost reflaed cha'racter, in an old torn or dirty silk dlreM , or a soiled and draggled opon wxapper. One of tho secrets of drcèsing well is to dress appropriattly ; another, to be careíil of 'lfce details, the mmmtia of the toilet. Thorough personal cleanliness, glosar, WelP-brtlghéd hair, neat 8hoes and stockings, are as essential to a good personal appearance ss the material and fashion of tho dress. Indeed, a lady who is particular in 'these minor matters can liardly evor bo said to be ill-dressed, as this delicate refinement will not only excuso faults, but naturally show ils'olf in tho good taste which will guide her sehnjtixjn, po matter biiwsnlall thecost may be. Some persons have an extreme horror of being " caught," as they cali it, in a iworning dte88. Why tfiey should b'e so sensitivo on this pointit is difficult to gaty. If it is clean, and adapted to the wot iá which they ave ertgagéil, th'ére isnóshamo i's s' eéüng it, and, above all, it ought tó be remembeied that no nttiro i not good enough for mere aequaint-anees who may chanco to favor you with their society. It is much better to be i aught in a plain mórnirig dress than to bo carbt véíy much ovordressed, as some ulcly individuáis are, at a small evohing party. In onc case there is real causo for mortitication, in the other thtre is none. Mothers should carefully impresa this lesson upon their daughtrs. Many a young lady has lost an cligible match through tho discovory that the belle of the eveninf was the sjattorn of the niirning, and that sim péid táori attention to the number oi her flounces than the cleanliness of her porson, more care on tho brilliancy of her head-dress than the conditio'n óf hcï hair.


Old News
Michigan Argus