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Butler's Assault--by One Of The Bit

Butler's Assault--by One Of The Bit image
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■ . 1 RepubïlCAXi. tíoarly half t General Butlers two bours' speech lasi i;f:!it v;m devotod to ■ abuso of his oppononts, and alargo of tlic otHcr lin.lf topraisc al hlmsolï. Tbis luit :i sin.ill portion tor lii criticismo on flio Ktiito governnient, nnd !!■■ Republican party, and for hia discussion of nuance, tarifi, and labor reform. The latter, whioh wo print inoro fnlly thaaa lio delivered thera, win1, liko n. st of his neeches on tb.088 topios, qaecr modley oí' crudo theorie, sound obeervationi, ; liits and demagógica! apponl. in ,ii of his speech, howeTer, there was littlc or nothing newtotho publio, aad , anything in whkh bie hearera my interest, excepi when he deolnred that ne would the Bcpublioan . to be a thorn in the Öeah, and r i vb bis adrice fco tli( labor rcformerstodo ukewise. This was accopted m mi offioial mation that he Lntond o riin for Qovemor after h is defoate l ftt the Worcoster convbntion. Tho stuple of . a i dolivored, waa abose of porson i and of newspapi i ■, and tlii.i part was given in (he orator' most ciharacterisüo manncr. Beckloss aliko of both truth and deooncy, I"' cast about lii.- Blaaders, Bscribing to tho editora of evory ttewBpper wUich oppoaos his politioal c somc mean and dirty move, uch as wro must presume 'would i.'!i " himBelfif no tril the litur of a iow Of these slandcrous nttacks mou i litora, two wre promptiy i i ■ hoods on the spot. Ëarly in ü: harangue Butof the editora of the Reptibl, ilng Mr. F. fi. Sanbota, ..,. ü f a back door toa void go . Washington to Brown." Thia Btatciw ut, which uverybody who rowomber8 tho erventa of April 3, 1860, in . kuows to ba was instantly deolared a falseb l . Baaborn, who was presontatthe roportor's tsvblo, .hí1 w] o d tently ! afterwnrds au i pportunity to anBweran insulting quostiou of Butlor's. - Koon afterwurd Ocnurul ILiwley, of tho Hartford Co ■■ I, was di qouu'j i as haring been removí J froto ;i military coinI and incompotoncy," and it wasadded thaf Butl r rei red hirn and that - was " ; rv . ;■ ■ fterwaul." This bu ! waa mhed to General [tawl Eord, vlio aton o c ipli il in a tol lio " charge wal au inf uuoua huud, and. tin; mun si:u uttoivd it a h:u and ;t bla was , t fco ■ adjeuce iiich had board tho slander, andtho ohairman rei'u-i-.l it ai by General Butler al the Massa o in tli" pn - itod il of W assa husotta Doubtless tho foul-mouthod abuse pouied out by the .pinki.v uu othor gentleni3U not present or not opinmunicated with would have been mot by den had thoy boen at hand to ariswer But asido from tho genoral malioe in ndacity of his utteranoesi General Butlor now stands chargod to his face witl open falsenoou, on ttie authomy oi wliosf veracityis unqucstionod, and o luit i which only need to be exaniined to bc accepted. This isas u ning of our would-bo öovornor's eanvass of this State, aucl tbc bulk of his 8] was of piece with this. Coarse, petty furious, boastfuli unscrupnlous in assor tion, equivoca] in árguinent, coiti place in oratory, this opening addxe - just that which the friends of good ordei and good govemment would biave hai Butler make, and the very one-that hi blenda would have withheld hiin froii mákingif they could, And tho quiet a plo of Maesachusette, who will read it thi üiorning, or thi.-s ovouin, in ix dozen pa pers, will feel a new qualm of diigust a rajé thonght that this brawling d gogne, this branded Har, is oonoeit enough to stippose himself wortby to si in the chair of John A. Andrcw.


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Michigan Argus