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The Wisconsin Democracy

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It is pluin to ko; from thn charactcr of Oic resolutione and aominations mad the Demócrata of Wisconsin in the conrention held on Wedn mday, Augusi 2'M, thatthey are going into with the deterraination to sncceed. The platform is admirable. Whilo it r cvery essential feature of tho orthodox Democratie oreed, j t i . t :; such will be acoeptable to evory Democrat in the ; fcliere i nothing in il tha ny vqter honagtly in favor of revenue reform and the payment of the national i. opDoaed tu the unc lation ofCongross and the imbecality, corruption, ;uifl nepotism of the administratiou, enn object tó, whotever his party relations m:iy lnivu boen heretofoie. That such a platform will attract recruite f rom the adverse faotion we cannoi doubt. Xmdoes it dé ipire tu iy to turn. the State ovar totho Domoeracy. Ofallthe Northru Sla.V.-s Wigoonsjn has recently be n i!' inost evenly dividod betweon lln two löading parties. lts Lcgislature has had a larger próportion ót Dein' tlian tli;it of anynoighboi-ing S ito. Govevnor Fairchilu had bu( 8,203 majority twoyeareagd in a popular rote of over 130,000. In tho Congre laai year tha net Radioal majority in the distrist8 of the State wás but 5,950 in a largely increaeed aggregate vote. The Domocrtits olected 1 1 Senators to the Badicals' 19, and -lo Etepresentativoa to the Radicáis' 63. The Milwaukeo' District last yearlected a Demoorat to ('l)ll■:x by 1,800 majority; and in the bosom of tbe Stute lies that staunch old Democratic district which Mr. Eldridge roprenénto, and whiohisalwoyi goodforfrom 3,000 to 8,000 Democratie majority. Y'iseonsin, thereforo, ia almost a Demooratic State. With the platform ju.-i . man ofbrains, of address, and of persona] popujarity to lood the lilit scomsonly to bo ncciled to mako Wisconsin wholly and permani ritly so. James Dóolittle i , obably that man. That he still has n hold on tha píoolo of t'ne Northwest by reason of bis old intímate relutions with (hem as their strongest repr wül hardly h questioned. 1 1 is personal popularity with ihem lias nol wani I, thi h iiis poli nflucncé over them for 1 hi II e is the Democratie eandidate for Governor, and it is to be presumed tli-tt he will make m active canvass of the Ríate. The Radicáis are distraoted wiih intern .1 i',. uil-. The President, isitópudently ing one ofthe Waahburn family on the party is its candidate for Gtove nor, and the act is indignantly_ resentod hy the Prienda of the otter aspirant i. The President wiH pzalMlbly oavd tas way. Tho I (emi i '" ticki l containa ■ popular ñames. Mr. Rice, ;Matu ;■ uti'iiant-Govniioi' ,' the best known and most. reilablc Demoorata in i congin. Antón Elaus, the candidato for Treasurer, is a prominent and weaVthy Gormas if: . and Jacob li.latc! t'i.r !omt oflmmigratioti, represents tho Scandinavian elenioiit. The adopti 1 citizena will havo ocoasion ín the No mbi f eloction to oar' many of the BUggostions of Cari Bchurz. -.V." !' World, At GtoeDvillo, on Tliuisilny afternoon, tho eml;ijiiv!:iiit i.u the graaB of Dotroit, tandng & Lake M ii ilrood, two hnndred feet inlongth, sunt undec thirty r. Thefllling wes oompleted, and the men were moTÏngtla traok on the dummy oaWj when, 6 alii g the baak sinking ander thein, they fled for safety, mul in live iiiimitiiM the wholo bont d wil ii wtff.


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