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"money Makes The Mare Go."

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This trite ptoverb lms lts ftpplioaöon to more mattorg thun horaos malo or f.-niiilo, anl just now it b disdosod that mom v olccted Otea. Quant Prosident in i) luid rappoBod f - t it was votes, the votes of loi] mop, lorets of tho Union í"!-i of copporksada, and airy polf had nothiiig todo with it. Jin! wie (torn. ü. W. Pai.Mbr; late Ciwiniss:ry-Gr!iiiTul of tlu' State OÍ ïfoW York, mul Ínter A'ppraiser of t&o port of Now York, has -mitón ft ;nx l"í'er ''-1 lbo N. T. Stening '., in responw to a communioation rritton i" thu intiire.;t of geaator QoxKLnra and passing stñotare apon Senator Feston and ox-Colloctor G ui xx rA.i.. Tiiowbole letter il i'ul! of points, bul wint we want at thi momi at is foiind in threo briof paragropha which wc quote : ' 1 11 1868, Son. E. D. Washbunte, now Minister to Franoei oame to thi city to enlisl Üie efforts o the Eopublicans in . bben in progresa for O i irant' elootlon. Th ratífloation meeting in Penngyl ania bad been failure. t. WaBhnirTin rlnaireri ïnoTirr liou!il !■ rui" ■■! f I irpose i ' oarrying tho Muine, ndiaua, and Pornisvlvaiiia eloctiona ii loptcinbcr and October. Hoapplied to Ur. Orinnell, through whose groat peronii! offorts f 140,000 was proóured and iSed in that o tmpaign, " Mi: WaMnriw and General Qrnnl h wt . Imitted that tMs aid teas ■ Mtt ■-.'" he l'nni.linf'" eonttít. Por this, ;"i!l his ive reputation koA popnlaíity, 1'. ïrijineil was appointöd Ooilector för Iho ort of NeW Vork.'' Anothor evidenbo fhat " monoy in the ro 'i "f ovil." Itbribed tho rotcrs of ?u::. m , [ndiaua, and PonnaylvBiii! orIho Ooiober electione, Bnd w;cnrcil UiiA.vr'.s elnction. OUiKZLt. fniaished the monoy -f140,000 -at WAsnuuaKE's solioitation, and was rewardod with tho Èiow York Colkctprsbip, WAsnnruxK, nr, taking the Prench mia; .. Qkinsbll was probably remorod r " oontributor" lus turn. Porhapa öon. Paliieb will conFe88 thia in 'ïi.s ncxt Letter. Tui: Radioal journals reccntly an.1 wijth a groat flourisfa of trumpte thai tko Stock Exchange of Berlín bad refused to allow quotationa of New Tork City Sfcneka to appearonits I Ti'.;: triuruph ov.-i' t: 1 1 disg rac ■■! Domopratio city administration more than comtcd for the sh ame these journa tor iho ractropolitiui city mothor. Bat in due courso of carae i,!u Bremon steamcr with tho Berlin mails a:ul tho Blandei is cxploded in ii trico. Tho Berlín papers of llth, one day lator tlian the "caipatch" on whiph tho slander founded, make no mention ofany suoh ■ by tho Berlin Stook J, i'icw York bondfl which ' in Borlin, August ■'!;! ' 07 1-, on tho 10 th, the date oftlio pretended diapatoh, were quotcl at 07 3-8, aad on the 1 lth at 97 1-2. And tliis in tiiu offici;-.! "Stock List." To what base meana will not Radical politioians resort to acoomplish thoir ends. Bat "loil"-ty oovers a multitudo of sins, and (:c is virtue an crimo praiseworthy if porpetrated against tho "vilo copporhead " rulers of New York. The Tribune and Timet, and thoir editoT8, woiild do woll to remombor thnt " it ia a dirty bird that foula ita own nest." The Hopublians of Jíe w York are dv:l"s of Barxum'S " Happy Family." The ónly bond of sympathy or uaion is oppo sition to and donanoiation of tho " Tammany Hing." Boyondthat fcb.ey are oha w;:h other up as though real lovers of som and Ropublieaneain the bost ar(ücle in that lino. The TribtiM strikes right i til ose high in authority. urges that the party has been reorganizad in Now York in the iïitei Senator CoSKLINO, and to "socuro bis reelüotiou as Chairinan of the State Committco ; " that tho Stato Convontion h:is been c:ül :1 at a late day in tho same in; that Mr. Cornet-l, " the holdei of tho 'i st Fe 1 ':' offi : in the oity " has desi n-i upon tho Convontion and intun'l to "pack it with his oreatures;" and that bad muil iro to bo foi.steil upon tho iiepublioan party by lto nominations. As tlie Trilmu' feotion always voto tlic . OONKXBTO, COBNELL & ÖO. will prpbably allów that journal to blow. At a Btato Conventipn of Prohibitionsis, huid at Detroit on Tueaday last, Aagust 29th, the following resólutióna wero adopted : Resolved, That the law cnütlod " An Act to prevent tlie r.ianufacture and rsalo of Bpirituoua or intoxicating liquora aa a beverage," appro ved Febniary ;i, 1SÖ., togethei with tlm amendinents tlitreto adopted at the last two sessions of the [aturo of tliis8tate, is eminentlyjost and propor, and should be faithfully and Impartially exeouted ujxm all who violato i( ■ salutary provisious. Thai we repootfiüly solieit Qovernor Baldwin to issue a proolanaation, oalling upon all subordínate exeoutivo officers, and ii[):u ;ill i-ity and villa': Corporation, to faithfully discharge the dutiea requirod of thoiu byth.6 Prohibitory Liquor Law of tho Stal i, in order to tho proper exeoution of the same. iteed, That aa law-abiding oitizene of Michigan, wo pledge toour civil offloers, in thoir i ii ir ■ at .il' the Prohibibitory Liiquor Law, tho support of our uioral influence. A gpmiaittea was appointed, oonsistitig ï HenbtPish, Eev. Geo. Tayloe and Andrew Haeshaw, to wait upon Gov. 11 'j'A'ix and present hini with a copy of the resolutio The New York Boening charges h.e (iii.wT administra!:': htangslike i mill-stone around the neck of tho Bofiublican party of Now York, dostroying ;ho hope of victory in the ooiuing elee;ion. Ilcarit: " Thig Stato oan novar be bronghi to approve evory act of G rr 8 admimstration, and ought not ' to bo asked to do .so. It can not bo 'brou;lit to dèinand bis reuomination ; ■ tor if In; be renominated at last, the mos! tpublicans in tin' State will ac1 oept hija, not as tueir ohoico, but pnly 1 as tnoir Lwf resortto prevent tho deof Bcpublioan principies ; and then 'with Httle hopo of carrying thia Stato 'forhira, unleaa against a very bod oan'ilidati! iiml avery bad platform. "li;i( liink tho8Ímon pnro ÖRAWT inon of 8uch i oonfeseion X Gom i ;l Lewia 11. I'.' reons hnsheon (iloced Proeident of the North MisBouri !;iil'"■' GompaBy, lic Uarton Bates, and ïendorson iV; Hayden oppointed attorteys. il' nderson is ox-tsonator Jolm ]!. ÏQndcr8on.


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Michigan Argus