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. E AR YE ! The "Bar" not being a Monkey ISN'T OXE OF DABWIN'S PUOGENITORS ! HUT WHAT OF TUAT AS LONG AS È. J. JOHNSON! HAS A FULL STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! FOIt 3PEIN& AND SU1OÏER ! ! Hls SÏYLES .A. :R. E THE L -A. T E S T. Il IS GOODS THE BEST! AND niS PHTCES THE Also n full line ol Gen!!' Purn] hing Gomia Cali and examine hls CHIPS, VALMS, 8TB I WS, i'AXAMAS, ntid LEGIIOKNS, Ijclore purchaslng. 7 South Main St., Ann Ai box. NN ARBOÜ BAVIN6S BANK. ANNAltBOll, MICU. ITE9tEST ALLO1VED 0 DEPOSITS ! ! COLLKCTION3 MDH AT ALL ACCESSIIil.K POIN'TSUNITED STATES BONOS, GOLD, SII.VER. CAXADA MONEY, AXD COUPONSBOUGHT AND SOLÍ). DraftíMesticdon New York, Chicago, and Detroit, juni Hills ut Kxchange drawn at slght on all the pflnclpal iii of Km TvroixrEz' x-o-A-OsrEiD ON SBGURITIB8. All kinds of legitímale Banking üuhioss transnctod ACCOUNTS 8OLICITED ISSStf. tyANTED AT OUIÏ NRW PROWCK HOUSE, opposlto the M. C. K R. Depot, 5,000 Bu. of Oats lor whlch we wUl r.rWOOD Jt IriL3t ! V. Ann Atbor, Ang, 4, 18T1. 188flw8 jjUTTER WAiNTED. [ am agaln propared to take all CHOICE BÜTTER Madeln theOonnty, for cv II orgooda 1822tf -r. II. M iYNÁRD MOTFGIO. Broke in.-) the Lndornre of l!i sl;)í■r:' on or about tbeS üi day if M .y Tl. ono Hpottsd Mare Pony, with white f i :tli arouadf abool ten or LwèlTorears of age. The ownef ia reQneatt'l to prove prop.eny, iuy chargea and tak maro away. J.VCOl! WEBBKK. Lodl.Jnly, It,18Tl . vrC The public are [orbtddon to trast iny son John i ahall i.-n do debtt oí ttlü ci:i! i Freeuo . mg i I 23, lsTl. nS" QARltON VOLLAND. Finost Assortmont of Toilet aoods in the City, by j tJ 8 T EECEIV E D I FINLEY $t LEWIS havo recelved :i lare and well Belected Stock of New Fall Goeds ! BOUGHT FCR CASH, All of whlch must. be sold inside r slxty days to mafce room for onr stock. Wa can show onr customeis the I3est Kip I3oots over btonglit to t&is markel, botb fot tiacn and boys, CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. We linvc the exclúgtve sale of J. II Burt's flue band-made work - conceded to be tlie beat vvork to weai Ita t!:: uiarfcet, Our stock of LADIES' AND MISSÈS' WORK IS COMPLETE. E2F We hnvc the exdtitiee snlo of the fino gooils of E C. Burt, of New York, and Reynolds Bros., ot Utlca. We guarantee cutiré sati8factlon on thia work. 1334 QÜM ETlïïNÜ' HUW at 50 Main Street I LOUIS W A I.Z, GROCER &CONFECTIONER HAS A LI, STOCK IN IIIS LIXK, AND WILL riMMiTi.V SERVE III13 PUB. LÍCWITH 8ÜGAKS, TKAS, COPFEKS SPICES, 8TRÜF3, CANDIES, ETC. Faziies Supplied WITII CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT RIIOKT XOTICE, OF TUK liEST QUAUTY, AND AT THE MOST Lir.EIUL TEBM8. cali, j.jsri see iïizm: BEFORE PURCHASING. 1880 m8. T FARMERS ! I doMrenow to fetarnmy heattV thankfl for the ttronagc of the Farmers of Washtenaw aud ftiiJoinniL' Coa&tlea, who havo for so many yeftn In the pael uxtended t me their trade, and i hope and Lrast latlsfactor; and profftable to liotii partiea. I hope to receívo ñ füfr haré f their patr nage in the futuro. Aí y effortfl will be honosily directed towards the Intcrests of my Customers, Mwell aamyown. And aalnmy alm will bc, nt to keep aacheap goods as possiblc. bnt as jood as Ciln bc i'ouml, ainlat :is Low Rritfs ;s the quality of ■ can be afforded. I irül not nndertake to competo in prices wlth Infcrtot goode I will not lm pair the quatity of my fmplementa lo order to re doce the prlce. The pnrchaseofcheap goods ot" auy kind provea an anprofitttble inveisiim-nt, a ruany l::n g round tu ihetr coet. I sluill keep a FCLL STOCK OF FAIiMÏXG TOOLS os band, that Is fronerally fonnd in markot. I am the aathorized nent tor thefollowing THEESHÍKG MACHINES Genuine Hi:ffalo I'itts, Bnffdlo, N. T; michlffan SvreepstakeSj BsttleCreak. Ni'lols & Shepbcrd'a Vibmtvr, B. Oteek. Xlic tivixvr H;i(iinc, SadneWli, AI.SO T!ic Champton Beaper & üIoH'r, Self Rake. The Rit!y Self-lUklng Iteapcr, Combincd. 'i'l'.t Kirby Tuo-l'heclcl í.'ohct. Wuod's .Ilachinc, ComMnd tvith Sclf-it.ikc. JACKSON WAGONS, Buckeye and Shortsville Grain DrillsFairbank's Sca.les, all sizes. THE QBNDINB CÖRTJS AND DGDGE PLOWS, Manufacturad at Kalamazoo. T havo locatod myself at the oíd and well-known Packlug Honee of D EI en n In, on Detroit Strccí , opposlte Bachos1 Block wberei shall be happy to meel aa iniiuy of my old custonuTH, and as iiüiny new ones ;s may pleuso to foini, t havo soruiTd the permanent Bérvlces óf Bamnel UcClaren, one of my old shop hands, who perfectly UMiliT-timds ïE-iFiiisr oAH kinds of AgiiciiltBfAl Tools. and wïll be on rly In the mornlng and lato at nlgbt, wbeo sary to accommodate . M. ROCERS. Ann Arbor Aprillst, 18Í1. 1315mG "dïëectöry -OP ANN ARBO 1, FOR 1871, With a Complete Portrait ot the City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &c. &c. TUI? TTNDERSIQNED.b experience In tho compllatlon nnd publlcation ofCityaud Coantr Directorlea In tbtsandother lielted bj a tuunini1 of tho prominent cltfieoe to lsne a work ir i hie kind, FoId prouiUlng oompletc Batiafactlon. The work will coDtaln a c mplete portrait of tho city, forth lts advantagee a a commercial and mann&ctnrlng towa ; also statlsttcal Uiblefl showLng the oumberoi finns engftjsed in ov ry di partment of manafaetnre and trade: the Rggregato antles ol the Baine ; the number of dwelHng aDd business housee In the city, and li Rn kind or charact r of Information .nor straneer mav dealn ; Bketehea oí the bcIiooIs, chnrenos, benevolent sodetles The ei m.-iuy advoDtagea which, ir they were general]; known, wonld uttraci settlera froni ;ill parta of the country, li Is o ir de IgB to pabli ■ i a work for dUtrlbntlon tnronghoat ihe DulledSi II wonld be stiperfluona io here argethe ai ■i clty.or ;o mentí w the dvai íhnt real estiito owncrsa ften derivo from tlu i etbod f adrertii ' g a i :i v. The work wlllbedclWei :" Iho nfjnlj ft [e to bo lioped thal b islncss men will doly con8lder and appreclate tho advantiiges of advertising tholr i tblabo k. II il! be fonnd In ston-n. offices, hotels and all public placo i i ■d must meet the eye [ ol purchi sera every day, Terms of Advertising1. One Page Half Ponrth" sK) OApItal Names ol booksto snbscrlbers,$8 00 to nmi-sub1832tf ÏAÜES M 1HOMA8. Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquors for Idoaical Purposes . - --- i 15UILDEES AÏTENÏION, SANFORD&CARPENTER MACHINISTS Aro piTpared to do uil kinds of LA.THE BORB.W CUTTING, PLANING, 1' O WE R PUNCBOHG, BRIDGE AND BUILDING BOLT3 I Al.SO STEAM AND GAS PITTING IN ALT. AtHÏSBKlNCHKS. AGENTSFOK STEAM & (3 AS FITTERS GOODS CÜCKS, VA IA T.s, WHISTLESi &C. A.LSÓ Model Makicg of every variety Basement of Couvier Office, Cor. Mttln ana Catherlne Strects. ANN ARBOR. 1330-m:: I Sstt.t f Snbscrlbers t Petera f 1 ! -■ ii Muelual Monthly .'ir i eetj Jk'U SJ Mug thelr Mnifc ' i! two cents :t TTT ■ Thoi-e who 1: ■ I .shonlrt tend 80 cents f"r :i eT I B Btunplepopy. The dkdsíc U t-i .-■■ f 1 h.v llays. Thomas, KluTj'it n kei, Pereley, and other JLUU ü V popnlar mil re. Two bac k Dnmberfl lor A New School Bonk, lv l"xn'.-. Konrback nnmH. 8..PBKIKS. I $ï.fo por dose6. Contains „, i - vswi oviT tivo hüiulrvi! urn: lid ■ W' 'V beaatlftal songa dnetoi tc. I ■ il.' by Will S. llays. Web' H ster, Thomas, etc. fivery I "i": f hing Is ih:s'. friuli, :u:.l JL l: - sparkllng. Contente and ,.,,, , , Si specimen pages Bent free Illll I 1 ■ E w Sample copies malled lliPll I II I igeto teachers for VjlJÍJllí%KJ t"5 cents. Liberal terms I' riiitiodiieliou. tol 3Adi! i .!. L. I'lfrF.RS, ."!) Broartwny, ". V. Teachers sendlng ns thelr orders (ar $To vorth o muslc, an claim a criptioii !■ PetesJ I Moiunly. SAM. 15. UKVËNAUÜIi Copies Olil AÜBRGÏÏPES & DAGLERREOTVPES IN FIEST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DESIRr}D STZE. T IVE GHÍiSE FEATHiíKS PISBTQUALITY, Constaitl jon hand aud forsnle by R ACH Sr ABEL GotoR.W.3LLIS& COV for ïtrictly Purp Driii;? and Medicino tYi?aïnt f ,Oils,&c. ÓOMETHliro NEW AT LAST! AT 24 Main Street. The undersigned, having located at this 'place, lins jmt opened as FINE and SELECt an assortineat of CLOTHS, C.ISSIHGRES & MM VE8TIM8, As can be found west of New York City, whicii he is prepared to makc up iuto the nost STYLiSH GARMENTS, AT THB SHORTEST NOT! CE, loïïeïï nmw m% AÜ80 A I.lNE Of GENTS' FUKMSHINU GOODS. Cali on JAS. BOYD and lie wiÜ GIVE YOU FITB JABÍES BOYD, 1818K 21 muin Street. ■pOR KENT A DESlltABLB STORE ! LL i:. Ai-., on ■ 0 ovrr irStorf, Ha '8 Main St., IVoin Aiimisi Int, 1871. Knnu -:r c. r. ji. vs. Supt. I PHÏSICIASi1 PRESCBÍPTÜT C AREFULLY PRBPABED BY r, W.KLLÍ8 é vo.,vnuaaisiit.


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Michigan Argus