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Keeping Stock Up

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The Americim Stork Journal has a correspondent who thus stiltes the udvantKges to be derivcd trom keepiirg and feeding stock in barns and yards: 1. The stock being tamo and approachable, at all times, are more saleablo und will commaud a higher prioe - other things being oqual - than thoso which are not tamo ; as purchusers prefer tliose which are gentle and orderíy to those which are wild and captious - whether horses, oxen, cows or colts ; whilo they are always ready at hand, in the best pïight and condition for inspeetion by inquiring purchasers. The vpération is thus as profitable to the }ursc ns pleosant to tlio patience. 2. Then, they being rcgularfy handled and trained trom infancy, the dungcrs and difficulty of breaking colt, steers and heifers are avoided, which the broeder is subjectcd to under the usual practice, as, under this system, they grow up already brokon and inanageable ; needing only to be kindly taught what is required of them, whieh they will readily do without vicious contest or fright. ;i. Bang kopt up and ff the stock is secure from the many aceidents incident to running out, of which every farmer knows. Thoso which need it, and at suitablc times each day, will be allowcd to run in the yards or lancs suffieiently for exercisc. 4. Beiug quiot and peaoeful and notharassed by dogs or other causes, they require less food to sust;iin the same oondUaons of flesbu milk or toil, and being better sheltered they grow nd thrivo better. o. Less tiemblo and expense are required to remove them from place to place or to market. (. Tho vexing aiiTioyance of "breeeliy" cattle - at home and abroad - is prevented. Otten more damage is done in a singlo day or night than Ihe worth of the anima] oommittine it; individual and neighborhood quarrels and expensive litigationa are en gendered very uiten by toepassing cattle umiing at largo, rosulting ot'ten Ln losaos of time, money and ezpensive lawsuits, to a greater anionnt than tlie worth of the animal and tho damage dono oombinod, besides exciting eninities and hatreds of lifetime endúranos with the partios ; all of which is avoided wliere the stoek is kept up. This faot alono should have weight in the ininds of all our operators. 7. Vast saving is made in the expenso of fencing, as will bc fnlly ezplained further on in this artiole. H. Uy the mode of cropping by this plan tlie lande will produce much larger yield annually than under tlie usual mode. It is well known that lnnds whieh are liberally inanurcd will yiold mueh more in bulk and better quality of fecd whon cut frequently during the scason tlnin it' left togrow unHl'ripe; Por instance, ïf a field that is. in high tiltil be sowii to oats, corn, millet, etc., and be sevenil times cut, as it attains a fair growth it will aft'ord two or throe times as much good succulont feed as-H' cut late and but onco duiing tho sensoii. The sanie is true with dover and meadow grasses. This rosult is in obodienco to a common and well known law of vegetable gïowth, whereliy plants constantly strive to reproduce or perpetúate tluiuselves, whon intenupted by any cause, wbjte the growing season la.sts. Wlnie meadows are kept well manured by anmi-ii top-lrossing of tino manuros thoy ■will yield two or three tons of good hay per acre at ono mowing in the usual season ; but let the same meadow be mowed early, and then cut twicexluring tho same season at properlv chosen periods, they will yield tour to six tons of even better hay than that obtained in case of one outting. 9. This order and seronity boing secured, both man and boast will bo able to accomplish a greater amount of labor in a given time ; higher impulses will prevail and guide all tho opera&dBS ; very operation will bc more suroly done in its proper season, and everything saved and kept in its proper place ; men will labor with more tranquility, and tho teams in more tractability; he will not get " riled up," nor will his animáis bo vicious from his own fnry ; so that none will frot away their strength and flosh. Serenity and comfort will roign with all, and all enjoy thrift, wheroby tho highest profit and progress possibly attainable are socured. Groater eleanliness will prevail. Stock being kej)t up, littor is not dropped evorywliere to bo carried about on the feot ; and there boing fow fencos, less space of land is oócnpied in that way, and fence corners grown up with weeds and brambles to cumber tho ground and scatter soed everywhere, to Einder and aunoy labor, will bo unknown.


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