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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. EDWIN T. VJIÏ.. Priwecullng Atinrn.-y. At "mu Arbor Tucüdity and Prldayol eaohweek. i 1MI M:i .V SCHIHIS, Dealere In Dry Q Orucei 4. No. SJ South Maip ■■S1M.J .-?. f. tt. .. Resldence and 31 No iS.cornetW Cnompaou Streeta. ho;irs 1 lo t P M. . - TñcHAEL nVRBAV. Roofer Pir l Water Prooi, Feit nml Composltlon Gravel t on to order and trarranted, Beeldeuce oa 81 peet, Ann Arbor. n W. !■;.!. ís & CO., Pin R. In Poiutói OUs, te. No.a South Main Street, ■r. I o. A. siossions, Attorney and Counsellor ,1, ,i i aw, ■■■il Bitste D(i [uu ' Con. mudo ' 1"1' "'' ' 'ID ; ' " eiuM i '"i liberal term. Office in 1'. i.r.ii;. jlock. tp'Wirs, Ilunill Mml. ■ lui Mich. t: H. JACKSON, Deutlil racoewortoO I'. , portel Office corner Malii and r'nron streets, ■ent Ilic Btore of H. W.Elllsi ' " Ann Arbor, mlnlstercd if Mqnlred. F. BKEAKET, !H. I., Phy!da ann , , . . r Ihir eaal ui' 1'. .. ■ ■ . Heh. p J. JOHNSON, Dealer In Hat and Cap, Jj fan. Slraw Oooda Qonis' F ■.iots, jt, No!1. Main treet. Mm Arbor ornlKBLAKB & WHEJ9ON, Lifn and i , . nts, and dealers in Keul I ii c.i. IS i'. B1SBON, Dealer in Hardv iu Warc,&c. - inth Main un et. ÍvaT'II ABEL, Dealer In Dry Oooda QroDetries, ie &c..No 0 t'outh MkIu ntreot, Ann tlbOT' . & SON, GroccrH, Pnivisicm and 5 O'oiúíiiLsíion Merchante, and In Water . , , irla. No. 18 Kust H -run uri-lDHEIM, Wholesale and KetallDealer 3 in K iady Made lolhlng, Cloths, I Qent's PuroUluk Go ds. No.BSoutta n et. __ WA;NEll, Dealer n Kady MadeCIoth1 ff iug, Hotba Ca Caps, i' 'ü . outh naln stroet. riILlTIOHE Fisivr, Bookscllfrs andsi..■:rl College Text I!" ks, Nurlli Main .'■'tt;t;, Aun Arbor. F"'.V V i,HWIS,lV:llrrsuill(WK. Sb I Oíiwr, s Ippcia, &c 'Nu. ï Bast Unron ttrvet, 'r. TVTOAil W CHEEVEK, ATTOENET AT LAW ! ClIte with E. W. Jlorgiiii, Kust tij)" of Cour! House !qirc. 1331 U7 II. DAVÈNPORT & GO., BANKERS, SALINE - - - MICHIGAN. BüY ANO SliLL Government Secnrities, Geld Coin, Drafts et Detroit, New York, Boston, and other Oities eivemoney tin Depoêlt. mako CollecUüuis omptl lo 11 buslBes pertaintng to :■ ftuefl nu approTed Secui I id8 J. . SCïïABBEBLB, di ' i w Uon on ttafl PIANO, ViOLIN AND GüiTAR, No. 61 South Ualn straet, (Uoore's . ' ut Uie reslileace of tbc pupil. " PIAiO TUNIJMG, ■üeaaneclalit; and satlsfactlon guarantccd. i.vj.yl '50CKEBY. OLASSWAKi; & GROCEEIES, J. & üonnelly Htnlnatore alargo etock of Crocke, Qlassware, NiMWare, OnUery Orocenm, &c, Ac, all tube wHatunilisnaUy low jtricés. Ño. 12 Bast Hurón Street, Ann ' HMtf J. A: 1. DO1ÏNEXIK'. JOHN G. QALL, DEALER IIT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, 1,.K, SAI SA(;j-.S, Kir., ManaoHcited and promptly fllli'rt wlth tbebest in the market. 'H Haat WMhlngton lret. 4in Arbor. Sept. 16th, 1869. 128Stf NAliKSEY, oáFRaManutacturcr of Carriages. Baggies, Wagons, WD SLB1OHS of ever; etylc. made of the best erial, and warranled. ËTorae ihoeiog aud Resufiug done jjroiivtlv and priees reMonable, Stn et, near K, B Uc-pot, Aun Arbor, Micb 13y] J)R.C. Ií. PORTER, DE1STTIST. 'ïteintheSAVINGSBANKBLOCK, AnnArbor. Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth I' E HF U HM KI) W1TH CARE. ait3üRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPBKIENCE mie art! Sal teeth, D TO ÜIVE E ACH INDIVIDUAL, %%rtof the proper sixe, shapetr,olor, Jirmnessantl na al expreision. 1244 Qt C. JENKINS & H. RANDOLPH WHITE, M. D. DENTIST8. SSER OF MAip AND WASHINGTON ST'S. AH Opo:ations peifoimed in the Most Thorough and Scientific mamier. Nitrous Oxido Gb constant! y on band, Aiadmtnlstercd wlth perfect s;ifc:y. 13-'O vl. JH)"glovks. I havo 20 dozen df tbo tölRBitATED EMPEES8 KID GLOVES I ! most exquiöite shades, for one dollar a UMïU J. U. MAYKAUD.


Old News
Michigan Argus