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" Yon mon are -woatbcicocktf," ciied Rosnlind. " línili' Uní-," Miiiil 1, lint woinai: . ::'. li : But i!' it wfll fin iw, ox bhingsiwi] Euwayago; , all power oí moví men( o brokeu, smoabed, tliey bll to tura no inoro I" If llev. Mr. Smitli, or Kov. Mr. Jones, or Eev. Mr. Brown 1' builda oaw ohuroh editice, it would be projeoted on tho samo oíd pattern, and Mke protty much all tho othev S in the country, and so I would na'tur tion it'as a new Presbyterian ohuroh or i now Methodist, or a now Baptiat, never think of oalling. it by the pastor's ; but when a Beochcr projei iflce is neo going utirely fresh and original. It is in other chuvch in the world; itisgoiü be os vaHe witii as peculiar and strikiug an indi ality as a Beecher hinisolf ; itiBgoiug to . more Boecher in il I one nal I can lii ia it without rattlihg, or any one arbitoary order of architecture can symmei . Consequently, to cali it a egational ehurch would nol give half an idea of the il. onlï one wo id di ep ei to tukc iu tin; wliole ;iu;iii' and expresa it ininously e -and that is i! lochor. The projected ucíificu I urn aboul to speak of is, tl ■ iroperly named in ttiy c:::)tior. as a aiow Bceohor ohi roh. Thjsproj asK. BéechCT) bro1 ter one, of course - I never kauw but onu I and 1) phew. The new church ia to be buüt in Elmira, N. Y., where Mr. Bi i oher bas boen ag to one and M: oongri Eór the past 16 . and is tb rtoemed and 1 by his people. I have ha opportunity to lioar all about tli(; new öf uroh, tor I have lately been visiting in Elmira. Now, where ono has that .ves its posscsíor the titlu " humorist," he must raake oath to his the public will not be,,m. Therefoie I make sol mn oath that whatl om going to tul! about the new church is the strict truth. The ïnain building - t'or I ler in a la square, ornamented with quite ; fon ghade trei v.ill be tíie churoh It wil] be lofty in ordi t to Becurogöod air and ventilation. The uuditoriuni will be circular - an ampitíieater, after the_ orninary pattern of an opera house, without gállenos. It is to soat 1,000 persons. On one side for end it'you choose) will bc an ampl] latfonn for the minister, the rear half of whioh will be occupied by the organ mn the choir. Bofore tho minister will be the amphith ater of thi' firet 30 or ■)() on the lcvel floor, hfi next rising in graduated tiers to alls. The w ;iis on the level floor will b! oooupii d by the aged and inflrm, who can enter the church through a hall ander the speaker's platform, without olimbing ;iiy stairs. The people occupying the raised tiera will enter by a dozen doora opening iuto the ohuroh trom a lobby like an opera house lobby, and ,..i the various ainles to their p 1 1 mju ut' irii nr earthauakea. the 9U8 rxits wül lu coiivciiieut and usot'ul. No Space is to be rasted. (Jnder the ruiscd (den "f pewa aro to bc stalls for aad oaxriages, so that these may eltered Erom sim and min. There will be '21 ot' these stalls, each Btall I entered by an arch. ot' ornamental masoni-y no doors to open Ot simt. (Jonsequently the outaide base ot' the ohurch wül have a formidable, portholed look, man-of-war. The stalls aro tu be mailed witn "deadeners," and so thorouglily plastered, that neither sound nor ■mell oan asoe&d to tho ohurch and offend Hm worahipare. The horses will be i tendanoo at ohuroh but an hour or two at ■ .f course, and oan leiile the si:ills butlittle; animmediate oleansing th v leave is to sot that all right again. - ',r. ],.■ no s'.cc]i]c on the ohuroh mei1. n '"' made of it. Thereisto be no bell, beany ignoramus knowB what time chnroli legins -without that i peraling nuisanoe. In explanation o this remark, I -wül state that at home I ■ ,üy and under the distraoting clamor of 13 ohnroh bells, :ll of whom (is that right 'í) clamor ut OB . i,i ;h rd. A "'t ot' uiy most Tal aable time is taken uu in and unusual sufifents, :ü:fl in ■ thein on Hell-ringad having aood time. The seeoml building is to be less lofty than the ohuroh it is to buiU right again! the rear of it, and communioate with it by a door. It is to have two .. On the flrst loor will be thrce distinct sunday sobool rooms - all but ono considerably larger than the othei twO. The school connocteci with rh-. Beeoher's ohurob Uu al ; "graded" mo, and each dopartough in Lts k;'-: ; the pupil wins hie advanooiiKT.t to f ":i" ■■ tn proflciency, not by mere odded years The Largest of the three compartmonts will be uaed aa the main Snnday school room, and forthe wOek-day evening ture. wliolc upper story oí tais large building will be welf lich tea and vuntilated, and oooupied wnolly as a play room foi ii. ' of the ohuroh, and will stand opea and woloome to them through all the week days. They can lili it with their play tilinga ifthey choosc, und hesidoa, it will be fumished with duinb bells, swings, rooking horses, and a ;is children dehght in. lea is to make a child look upon a ohuroh as only another home, md a gunny one, rather thau aa a dismal cale or a prison. The third building will lio loss lofty thtin the second Lt will adjoin the ru;ir of the second, and ooinmunioate -with it by a door or doors. It will consist of three storics. Like the other two buildings, it wili ooyex considerable gr On the first floor will bo the " ohurob parlors," where the usual social gatherings of modem congregations are held. On the sitiiui Hoor, and opening in the parlón, wiU be a reoeption room, and also aciroulatinglibrary - afreelibrary - not simply free to the ohurch memberBhip, but toovcrybody.just astho present libráry oí Mr. Beeoher's church (and few líbranos are more extensivo and inoro utly and gratofully used than tbis Also, on thia floor, and conimitni■ -witli the parlors, wül be - tcll it not in Gath, puoïiah it. not in Askelon! - six batb rooms - hot mdcold water - free tickets issucd to any applioant among tho mof the oongregation ' The idea s sound and sensible, for this reason : Many members nt':i':l oongregations have id bathing faoilities, and are not able to pay for thom at the barber shop without feeling the expense; and 5 luxuriouh btith is atliin th;il all OÍVÜized Deings greatlj enjoy and derive t healthful benefit from. Tlie ohuroh buildings are to be heated by stoam, and consoquently the waste stoam can be very íudieiously utdlized in the proponed batb room. In speaking ot tnis uatn room it, I have revealed a state Beorei; but I never oould keep one of any kind, statu or otherwise. Even the oongregafcion were not to know of this matter; tho ing committee was to leave it unmeutioned in their report ; but I got hold ofit - and from a meuiber of tliat com■, too - and I liad rather part with one ut' my bind legs than keep stülabout it. The bath rooms are unquestionably built, and so wUy not tel] it? In the second story of thia tbird building wil] be the permanent home of the ny." a lady who conBtantly looks after the poor and siok of the ehnrch ; also a pot of lodging and rooms for the janitors (or janitressy wiU 1)0 women, Mr. Béecher holding that women are tidier and at in snelt a position thaii and that they ought to dweil npon the premi give them their unir are 'is rooms y as a J. and ] ring always uppoi f its owjj micharity. In the infirmary will bc tept odO or two vater beda (for invalida vhose pains will not allow them to li I ii ldingsul id half a dozen . . Tlie vu tii' beds and invalid ohain ■■' pi elongingto the ohurch are alwaya i" service. Part of the appurtónanceg ot' tho new ohuroh vül be a and new vehiele, to bo :.::! driven by a janitor, and usod vliuüy for giving tho churoh's indigent nvalids air and exeroise. It is found ■ is driily needod - so mucH so, indeed, aa to almost mioimt to a nliurch necessity, The ti.ird story of the building is to be h kitchen, aloft, so that íiiü a uil boarding house smell shall go a and aggravate the birds instead oí tlio aints - except sucli of the latí abovo tlio clouds, and these can ■ atoftheway ofit, no doubt. Dninb vaitovs will carry the food down to tb ohurch parlors, instead of up. Why is il hatnobody has thought ot the simple this arrangement befori a church to step forward and teil ■ get rid of kitohi n sm Ha and noi[fi be asked wby the new phuroh will need a kitchen, I remind the reader ot tho infirmafy pccupants, etc. i tu y aiiBt eat ; and bi 'lal gathei ol' tuis oongi at the ohuroh arlor i ■ throe or . inings . and se w, drink tea aütd g - g - . [tcommencea with g, I think, but somelov- 1 oannot tbink ut' the word. The new ohuroh parlors wiïi Be large, and it is intended that the social gathorings s'iKill be promoted and encouraged, and that they áhall take au added phase, via: When sevoral families want to indulge in a littlu reunión, and have nöt room in si home, theyoau have it in the churoh parlors. You will noticc in ovory feature ofthisnew churoh ono predominant idea and purpose always discorniblo, Üio bandin togethcr of the congregation as a famüy, and the making of the church a home. Yo;' it in the j)la room, the libraiy, the b the inftrmary - it is cvei'ywlu'iv. It is tho gr. at oentral ruling idoa. 'i entirely consunimatc siich a tliiiifr would be iinile with ncarly any o t'uni in the union ; lmt aftor 16 years ot' tcacliin; and moulding, ilr. Beeoher lade it wholly poesible and practicable with thia one. It is not stretohing a metaphor to say that he is the father of his people and his church their mol In1)-If tiio new ohurch project is a curisosity, it is still lmt ;m inferior ourioeity compared with the plan ot' raising money for it. Ono coulil have told with hi shut and one hand behind him thai icrinated with a Q roiñsr to s.iy with a lunatic, but the suoees.s of tau plan roba 1110 of the opportunity. When ided to build a new ohurch ed■ a i ■■ .-1 of not lesa than $40,000 nor moro than $50,000 (for the memberabip is not 350 8trong, and thero uro nol gbi in it v. . Mr. Beecher gave to eaoh memboi apnntod oiroular, enoloa d in m envelope, prepaid, and uddrossud to h i raself, to bj ratu through the postoffice: [Contidontial.] Itis proposad to build a meeting house and otner rooms for the ose of the ohurch. To do tliis vrork honestly and well, itisproposed tospend one yearin raising part oí the money in ad, In getting plans and making conI ion - April 1, 1871, One vimi'i i 1 1 i i ■ l juni oover in -April 1,1872, to 18Ï3 rea , finish imct furniah to IS74 One year, ii;iy lui in full and ... Unl 1, 1874, to 1S70 It ! to speni not i 4O,O00 aor re fchan 150,000, to tlie uliility shown by the return ol these caids of oonfidential Anj' member of the ohurch aud ermgregation, or uny i'viend of tiiü cliurch is lowed and invited to gubsoribe. Uut no one is ui-ged, T. K. BB E ! 1 1 E! R, l'astor. To help build our meeting house I think I Buall be ftble to give Not less than - and Nol more ■ b 1'. i yearfor four years, beginning April 1, Jkti. Or í eau muke in one payTrusting intho Lord tohelpmo, I herobysubaoribe the same as noted above. Name. Besii Tlio suliscriijtioiis wero tü bu wholly viilunt.niy iukI stiictly confid!iitia) ; no one was to know the amountofa man's s il Boription cxcc)t himself and the znin; iiobody was urged to givo anybhingatall; all wore aimply invitod to give whatever gum they telt wm right andjust, from ten oenta upward, n.nd no asked, no criticisms made, no revealinents uttered. There waa "o possiblo chance for glory, for even though a man gave hia whole fortune, nobody would ever know it. I do not know when anything has struck me as boing so Utopian, .so absunlly rumantic, so ignolant, OH i's face, of human nature. And 80 anybody would have thought. Partios said ir. Beechcr had " edueatod " his id that each would give as be privately feltable, and not bother about tno glory. i Deneva numan nature to bo a more potent eduoator than auy minister, and tliat the resul t wonld show it. But I was wrong. At tho cud of a month ov two, sonie two-thirds of tho oiroulars had wendedbaok, one by ono, to the pastor, silently and seoretly, through the postoffioe. and then without mentioning the name of tho givor, or tho umount ot' hi,s ift, Mr. Boechor annoutíoed l'rom his pulpit that all the money neoded was pledged - tho oertain amount being over 140,000, and tho possiblo amount over (00! When the remainder of these circulan have romo in it is confidently ted and bolioved that they will add to these amounts a suni of not loss than 10t000. A groat many suhscriptions from ohildren and working men consisted ot' cash enclosures, rangmg from a ten cent üirrenoy stamp np to live, ton and fiftcen loUars. As I said before, the plan of levying tax, and tho success of tho plan, are nuch more curious and surprising than ;he exceedingly curious edifico the money it to croate. Tho reason the inonoy is to be paid in inual insfcillmonts - for that is tho lan - is partly to maleo the payments easy, but ohiofly becauso tho church is to bo substantially built, and its several parte illowed fcime to se1 1 Ie and ison, eaoh in i. For instanoe, the Buperstruo:ur! will be allowed to sottlo and OOm)actitself aftor compietion a good part of ■ year; fche walk thesooond year ind so forth and bo on. There is to be no wprkdone by contract, and no unseasont'il wood used. The materials are to be sound and good, and honest, competent, arkmen(Beeehersays there we suüIi, the opinión of the world to the ;y notwil ■,, hirod at üull y, to put thein together. The above statements are all true and 'onuine, according to tho oath I have almade theroto, and which I ain now ,o repoat before a notary, with my hand ■ i ijuenüy, we ure govery curious church in Ami ïica. iwave that I liucl no business to teil all ars, but the reporter instinct vas ti-cjü upon me, and i could nothelp t. And they were in everybodjrs aouth inElmira, anyway.


Old News
Michigan Argus