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The Annual School Meeting

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Puisuant to tbs requirementa of law, the animal school meeting of' the distriol i ging tliis city and territory adjoining in the town of Aun Arbor, was held on Monday last. As USUal polls for the olection wero opened at 10 o'clook a. ir., and kopt open until 2 o'olook P M. Thcro was bat ono ticket in the field, and thu turn out was eonseqtietitly anv1, only Kl votos being received. The"oitizens fcioket," nomina tcd on Satnrday evening was unanimously clocted, that is: Dr. Wells, Dr. Sageb, and l.'ev. Dr. Cock eb, Th" business meeting was held immediately alter the close of the polls, J. II. WhkklER, rrosident of the Board of Trustees in tho chair, and Jas. B. Ooït, 8ccrt!tary of the Board, offioiating in tiiat capaclty. The anmial report of the Board was presentod and rcad as follows : ' .M, BEPORTi The Board of ïivistocs of School District No. 1, City of Ann Arbor, sulmiit tho following report for the school ycar ending September 4th, 1S71 : RBCKIFT8. From Bal. at diifo of lad report í 2,9S9 lc " C'hsIi om liaii'l irom ;K (or pniihase oflotaia6th 1,00000 " 'J';ix ii' Ltopa] bondsof 'ii-iri-t... . " " ' " " int i ti . : as bonds,,. 8!i o " " " " teacfaera'siüiuries.. 10400 00 ' " " " " jnniíor's BGTVÍI inauj ... 2,350 00 " " " " " sil - liool llOllhO, 40 01 " ïwi) miU tux ::. 11 l'rlnl il y 'I I fusdi [,140 23 " Tuitioo non-iTimk-iii pupila, .1,3640 " " oí resident pupila, -4 .''.fi " " in ihiiuiiin, 51.10 1,810 41 " Ineuxance sari] . 27 70 "i1 ■ tol luiii.'iii'. a Idition i" i School building, 15,oon 00 ltüwjivcd inr broken &L-ut, 4 0 $41,368 78 Bul. ciiiried to oredit of Trsararer, . . $4;.oy.r) oo i SPI Mii; i RES. Püid salaries of teachers $15,719 7.r 11 Bonda of district dueFeb. lat, i".... .'i , o " Lnterest on bonds (111,000) 8 percent., 8bi oo " ('. U. Milieu lor acnool site in sixth Ward, ,4M ii' " Janitor's services BS 0 " InMirqaoe, I. " Fuol, KM: ' Otdemnol Induded in lasl report 2ie 01 11 1' lirillMUV, J-.'.;(11, .Hui IN. Hl, Illitls, including painting Waid odiool building, 1,03141 " M utorials juni woik (othoi than maBonsandtin] in erectbig addition ta l iiion Sol o '1 building 11 " Bf iuou's '...ik and móteriuls 8, -'0 Oi " Steara heating app :. ,-.i , 3,1 ; " JKoofing and bn work Buia total,. j 17 KV 11 The present, iádebteda&ss on bonds i [lowa : " Bonde due Fab. lt, 1::. - " " " " 1879 4,000 '11 " " " " lSili 5,00 'Ol " " " " 1877, 6,000 'i " " " " 187 6,0011 1 ÍÍ4.I Whtdi bsan int?rcst at r pereebt. from Feb. lt, 1S71. i'ii'iuni this mi 't int; must provide for the payincnt of f.j,!)CO OU v.'hinti is the amonnt falling due i'oii. Lat Ajeo, for tho sum of. 1,920 00 interes! duo ut tint time on the uiitBtanding bumi.t ol the distriot. Total on bonds and interast, (6,920 0 Thia meeting ili alm have t pioride 1 i:!ii'i by tas or by issue of the bonds f tho diatrict, fot tha aam of í.j,7:í} 2S balance over drawn ftom tho Troasntar for materials Hnd wnrk on addltion tti the T'nion !chtol building and putting in am hcal ing apparal ua. &]ao for due and nbt audited 301 . o The Board estímate that thefurthersum of 7,300 90 wfll haya to be ntised by the district by or issue of bonda for t1;" oomplètion of the Union Seliool building, and purchasc of bel] and furnitnre It will also be neoeesary to proviile fov intereat on tliis amount to ftb. lat, 1S7:', .. (00 00 $13,M2 12 rii.. board estímate tl:'.l theamonntraiiutred forti hers1 Mhnr.s and Ert%er 1 .- penses, with the Indebtednera fnlling due on the let dny o{ Feb. Dext, ia 27,716 1;; and tli. u the reesipts from publio inonoya andtuibons will i,.; ., Whloli will lo.ivu a balance of í22,HB 67 Whichthe Board reeommend should hu nroTided for by tax. t f 1 T I ■ . m _ i ne returns made to the Board, fro a censos just made, sliovs the uumbcr of persons ín the district between the ages of iivo and fcwenty yoars, to be ',r'-'2. whiohis 171 more than last year. The whole number of pupila enroüed and in attendanöe in the schools tin jreat was 1,719, whioL is 1 " [esa tban the previous year, and the attendanoe wa 94 14-100 por cent. of the tibovc number. The number of non-resident pupila was Ml whioh i ::h cxcoss of 13 over the previous year. The number of sittings ín all thesonool buildings is l',074. Though not fullycompleted, our Union School building u in bucIi oondiMon that there will be no suspension ot' Bohool duties from this date. Only the utmos diligeuoa luis enabled the contractora te accoinplish go muob in the brief interva of our tummoi vacation, and when, in th space of abont three weeks more, the i a tire building, witb its hcating apparatus and furniture, shall be entirely finished it will bear oomparison with mj' in the State, for conveniont arrangement and architectural effect. This iinprovement was on: lunch aeeded, and uu appropriations will be foted more oheerfully than thoae i ijued to dia harge the indebtodness incurred for the samo. A sitr fot :i school building in the Hli WmiiI lias been purcliased, in aooordanoi tlic resolution tidoptud at the last meeting, at a oost of $1,400, and a titlc Las boon peifeoted thureto. At a recent session, the Board ordered that whenever a 'lass of ut luast twenty deaired it, Germaa Bhall be taughtin the Qrammax Department without charge. This is an experiment made in oonfonnity to the suggestions of the Superintendent's report. The Board believing that instruotion in music would prove bonoficial to the schools :it large, yet knowing that some differenoe of opinión exicts aa to how far appropriations for that parpose shoald be máde, have direoted that the question be subniitted tn the present annual meeting in the foi'in of u resolution, and with recommendation that the same bo adopted ; Resolved, That an appropriation of $ made to secure instruotion in vooóJ muño in tlio varioue departmente of our Bchoola as soon as practicable, and that the Bame be caade a part ui the regular ooiuree of stud}'. Your action apon this leeolution will govemthe aotion of the Board. l''(,v partíoular detalla in regard to tho üpuration of the schools during the year and tho present conditiou of the Bame, your oareful attention is deaired to the iililc report of the Superintendent to the Board. Saheduïe A, made a part of this report, ;ai exhibit of salaries oí' trinquis for the ■umiiij; vcir. Sohedule H. algo made ;i part af thia report, is an estímate of the probable ivceipta and expenditures of the coming year. Schedulo C shows tho naines of tho teachers employed and lh; amount of Balar] paid èaoh of thcm during the year ust closed. Tho term of office of throo Trustees, EbENEZERWKIÍS, A.BRAM BaQEB, and COLLINS B. COOK, expiros with tlie current year, and if, is ingiiui)pnt npoii I bis anntial meeting to eleot their buo ■l'S. All of whioh is respectrally submitted. By order of the Board. JOHN M. WJtlEELER, Pres. Jas. IS. Oott. Sec. Aan Arbor, Sepi lth, 1871. The n por! was, on motion, acoepted, after whioh resolutiona wcto offered aad unanilnously adopted making the fóllowipg appropriatione for the coming year, and ordering tax luvios to meet-the snmc : tewriutv' lalaria, 110600 " " f: nul, janitors, aaonnse, inoideii' tala, iVi., i ;-,,, "- bonds due Februrttr lrt, 1 ■;■;. .. . ü'm " -i duo .' .. " " muido teacher ]". 'jöo t22,U70 A lean of $1 1,000, at percent., p r.OOO in IH7, and Y7,01)0 in 1878, 1 to pay arrean on oentrol School Vailding enlargement, heatimg apparatus, seating,, &c, The appropriaticm tbr the pament of teaohan is in addition totheestimatcd reccipts from tvo mili tai, primary school fund, and tuition feos, Whioh would in e the aggregate expense for teaoher to il il, 000. The appropriation for mimo pr. for instruction, ;is goon as practicable, in the srvuiiil departmentBi in toooi music and sifj'it siiifiing, of as was ekplaim .1 i y ProL Wikohell, " ainging by note and nut by rote." The resolution making thii appropriation elioited oonsidi . but met genera] apprpvo] when put to a voto, Itesolutions viere also oflVrecl by ï'rof, i.vciu-.i.i, recommending the i in all of the departmente oí free-hand or blackboard dntvving- with white and colored crayons, and liglit ymnaetica. After which the meeting adjourned. - lt is groatly to be regrottod that a largar number of votes were not pulled tor trustees) and that the boaness meeting wis not fuller. The resultmight not have been different, but a ftill Court House wouid have shown more interest in oui bchuuis.


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Michigan Argus