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lïair's Aguí! M.ilifinr-. l'ïirc ono dollar. Ask for t. MUSICAL. Prof. BjU&s Clan ln note readlng nncl Mnginsrwill 1 liin ifMiin, Xit. 24 lïank Bloék, Maiïi St., Natmday, b;pt. 21, atüo'clockA. U. LET ALL COME. í,i:i:at bjbbuction Ou UOWS and TI13S at JOE T. JACOB'S, the iuílii. r. Also thn present Biook of Wtxileri Gooda soltl at the B;ime p ire tlu ;i.1vmih:-. Cnatoo aomeoarly witl have this bncfit. Hoorn N. 16 B. Main St, A. Á. IVrr) Ims tlic I,ur-iC Styii; of Silk Hals. bc it quality, ut $5. Culi uud ncc thi-ni lrices Rcduccilon RlttcK Point Inci; Slimvls muil tliv wiiolc ok ik suld out: I win mU my Y.10.00 Shawl for SS.2.'.. I wlU eïl iny tT.SO ShaivK for $.'.(;(). I wlll scll iny $5.50 Shawll for S.t.25. iSt;V M1LI.I.MHV SIOHH, 4T Sui.tïi maiu MvitI. X'-;i': qnlnlne ur anenio aiei&Barr'a ; i i Eaflldgton. Le&viag cbe Bast and arrivin r.t Chicflo or In"lis, how sh;ill we Peácfa the Wealf Tho lu'--r Line ie ackoowledgfd to ! theC: B. A. ( . Jol Il g i'i'T wltl the H. M Ballroad by the Iron Bridge al Burlington, an i c:ü edtheBarilng ton Ro-.ite. 'ii naaiii llneof thoRoate running to Oranhfi, Sondfli j'.ikí t' nutodajtne leadJng route to Oaltfornla. Tho Midi!o li .: ! ca :it iMait-month. throogh Lincoln, tile State Capital aart wil! : {o Fort Kear4oj, formlng the anortes! ron e ACrOM tho Continent liy over 100 miles. Lnotber brancbof thj lï M , diverglng nt Reí O:ik, rtl sinto a line rumw.17 down ih! Missouri thrnu.'u Ft. Joe to Kansas City. :im] all Kansas. Passenge bj ttala route to Kansas, see Ill'nolti, South lowa, añil Missouii, ami.bya sllgbt dlverce nee, can peo Ncbraüka alBtfi Lover of dne ■Aewi ehonld remember the Bar Ungton Route, for tts towní " hlgh-gleamlng from afar"- lts tree-frinsetl strearas- its ron.;]) bluftti and qnarrien- lts corn-oceaiiB stretching over the prairi' furthfr th-in efe can rnclj. Land boyen B1 be snrs to remember It, fortney hnve l'ricHds araoag th two thoiiaand who have alreadr bongbl furms from Gi-o.S. Harrip, the Lind 0( lissiuner or thc B. & M. K. R at Bnrllngton, Iowa.or amungthe fonr thonsand home-st and pre empton w-.o laat yaai flled claims In the Lincoln laúd office, where "Únele Sam Ís rich énongb to rívj as 11 a farm," Yon crin nt'ni.l to bnsineea while íiikiug Barra Aguu IXedidiWi !)U' Ml!,l,lE.Y STORE. Iu order lo rióse out a. fciv rcmainine Iti;i li Poiut Lace Bbairla, I nill scll tlicm :ii Cost. Those Parker Bngu Cnred Hams at Slonon & í on's are chalí r, whon tlio oilor of the bost kept and cloanliest butchci's stall is not vcry temptiiiKBarr'a Agüe Medicine is R safe, speedy arul sure citre. Boldters of 1812, v),. sótieá ixty days, are entltled co l'eusion, and sho;ii.l apply ïmmediately to John N (iott, Boanty and Peualou Ajtut, inii Arbor, MWl Vou can tind l"n liirecst assortment of IIoi NU i ils and corft'Us :tl tile laivext p rites, ut v millincry Store 41 Soatb 9f ain Strct, Botinl}' (o So!Iicr9. irboenllstedln hsi on tbe firat cali qfPreailent Lincoln, and who rere hondrribly dlscb befurcihe expiration of thc terra of their enlist. ment, are cntitlod to 100 eacb, as bouuly. And soldlersenllstlng onder act of.Ialy 4th, 1S64 aretobeallowedthe aupald Instalmente ufbouniy lf they wero disebarged by ezptratioii of service ire dasies sbould make applloation to the nnderslgned. Bareh24th,18I0, 'üi'tl JOHN N. GOTT, nouiily and Claim Agent . I ... ■ : .■':;., Duint) Ajjue, Bil; ios I' vi i.


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Michigan Argus