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N EW YoBK, Slipt. 3. The fluanclal featace of ths weck thM far is the ad vanee In gold to U8$. JUouey is easy. The balls on the stock exchange ara ba vlag another entfipatgn, umi tlio il of the rallroads are cxcitcd and advaDcing. Breadstaffs have boon wenk am1 declinlng for sume time pust, bul to chiy there is u bettef feolina:. wlth an advauce, and wheat doses l@2c iban yesterday. Iod!cat!ons are favorable for a good inarkot daring the rail, and it seenis Ihat tlie only thlng that stands 'm the way ofa healthy ad vanee is the Insuöicleul supply of frelglitlug vessels' :iilic-ri;s coinplalilt, The British niarket i mucb ei - year than last. September, last year. was a v.ry qaiet nnjiitii, d uring whlch California white wheat, whlch is a standard varletv In the Liverpool market, dld npi go above 1 lüo Ibs. Darlng October, however, thé demand beca me more active, and the samé grade Bold al high as I3s. The latest cable qnotatlons are I2s 2d. The followlng qno tatlons show the pricoa of leaalng erades of wheat In the niarket :it dates glven : & pt, 1, '70. Fob. 1, '71, Sept. 5, '71: lied aml Aml. .3! WX&.4Í White Michigan, L.M L.JO i.Ji At the two last namci dates, Cali ornls white wheat In Liverpool was quoted at 'the same flgares, nameiy, 128 2d, whiic :it the iirst named date it wasbut 10s. Yet it vvill be st 11 that prices at tliis time are but a trille hlgher than they were In Sen, H0, and nol nearly as hlich as they were In Jfeb. 1871, .and lf We take Michigan wliite, tbe-qootntlon Is no hlgber now, conslderIng lts greater intrinsic val ne over laai year'scrop, than i was in Febraary Ia3t, wheo prlces wefe about the saine In Liverpool that tl.v are now. Of course do figures that cap be givjen are Infalllble as Indicatlng the esct state of the mirket at uny time. They are onlv approximab ti ose Interc8ted munt draw thelr own concloslons from tberu. Dhthoit, 8ept. n. There Is an abundance ol none; In tbe city, botb at the lnnks and tor Investment by private parttes. Iudlcatlons :re favorable for an active fall business in a!l branches. The moveinent of vvheat Is greater thna far tban at the flame perlod la any foriner'year. Bales daring last week wei arattvely Cree, bat at decllnlng ratea, festerday, however, tlio raarket tcok a start, ad vanclug about 2c, and tlie advance Is malntalned to-day, dne, of conrse, tu eastern and forelgn causes. Cargoes are made up direct for Europe. Prlces are about as follows: Extr.v wh :0; Treadwell, 1 l.5: Amber, $1.81@1.83. Corn is nonal inlasyi-l, noiicw coru eomlng i'orward. Bonie farmers estímate the depreclatlon o: tbe coru erop from the dronght at 10 per cent. from wii.u t woald have been wlth rain at the proper time. Oats in f ir deinand at 40c for white and :!T lor mixed. á.ppiés steady al 10 per bbl. for shlpplng. Beeswat, 80@82. Butter, demand qolte good at 18@2O Obeese, factory, ii ■■ Kü... EgRs, scarce, au : I mand at 18c. Voiatoe-;, por bbl. $2.25. Ank Annoii, Sept. ?. Ve qaote this r. m., as follows : Whbat- Amber, $1.30; No. 1 White, 14-25; Delhi, fl.80. Oats- :: I CoKN- 0(1 BW PoTATOM - 80C Onioms- 90c. ÖBAN8- $1.50. Bdtter - 20c. Kogs- l!cAprwis - i5@50c. Peaches- ?2.00@3.00.


Old News
Michigan Argus