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TUST BECEIVED ! o FIIMLEY LEVYIS luve recelved :i large n nil well-sileetcd Stock of New Fall Goods ! BOÜGHT FOR LASH, All of which must be soid inskle of sixtv days to make room for our Becond Fall stock. We can sliow our cnstomers the Best Kip I3oots i vor bhDght ) tlii-s market) ljoth fur men :ukI boys, CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. We have the exclusive sale of J. M Bart's Boe hanct-made work- conceded to be tlic work to vif.ii' in the market. Öur stock of L ADÍES AND MISES' WORK 13 COMPLK'L'K. C2P We lnve the ezchmve s:ile of tbc Ine irools of E C. Bun, of New ïoïk, and Reynolds Bros., oi Utlca. We guatfantee ;nt!re satUfactlon on this work. 1334 COMETH1NU JN'tSYV AT 50 Main Street! LOUIS WA I.Z, GROCER &CONFEC TIOKER II vs A LL STOCK IN IIIS LINE, AND WILL PROMPTLY SKI'.Vr. THE PL'J1.LICWITII BUQABS, TEAS. COFPEB8 SPICES, BYRUP3, CANDIE3, ETC. Partics Suppïied wiTn CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE, OF THE feEST QUAUTY, ND AT THE MOST I.1EEIML TERMS. EBfORB PTJPCHA9ING. 1880 mO. T FARMERS ! I deslre now to retTtf n löy hearty tb ar ka forthe ■ itronagc of the Pannen of Washtenaw ami ;i't'iMinír Counties. who have f'r so many jrean ín the ji:íHt extended to me their trtde, and ï ïitie and truel B&tisfftCtory and protltmnc to hoth partirs. I hope lo r celvo a fali -n tbe tatare. My efforts WÚI be Uoues;ly dfrected towarda the Interests of my Customei's, fts well as my own. And ;iiHin my aim will be, m-t p goods as posslblu bat ns giod as can be tbdod, Ai ■■ Rttoe as thequaüty of my D i(s can be affordtfd I wlll not aodertake to competa ín pricea wil ft Inferior goods. I will noi lmpair the qnallty of my lmptomenia Ln order to re duee the prlce. The parchftse ofchcap goode of nny kind provea an uuprofltable invoBtmeDt, as mauy have found to tfitilr cost. I símil kc en i FL'LL STOCK OF FAHHIXG TO0LS on ïs rincrally fon mi ín inarket. I ano for the fullowlng THRESHíNO MACHINES ftriiuine Ruffnlo Pltto, BufTulo, N. Y; Ui Iii4í:m SvcrjMt:ik-s, üntlle Creek. Mc'liols A SIk'ii!it1s Vibrator, U.Cruck. Tii Gélaer lucliiuc, RadUre, wie. ALSO Tl'.cCIinmpInn Rrayfr & Rover, Self Rake. Thr Klrby Belf-RaklDg Rrajirr, Con-.bincd. TIic Rlrby Two-Whcclcd Bwer. U'cod's .1lachine,Con3binc(l uilii Self-ltake. JACKSON WAGONS, Buckeye and Shnrtsville Grain DrillsPairbank's Sc?.les, all sizes. Tin: GENUINE CURTÍS AND DODGH FLOWS, UaoDfactnred at Kalamazuo. I have locstert myseif at the oíd and well-knnvii Apple Packtng Honse of ! ílennlDg, on Detroit Rtreet.opp ite Bachos Bloclc. vhere I Bfaflll be ti.-ppy t'i n)ee( ;is naaoy of my oíd cuatomorrij a uiíMiy in-w adee ta msy ploaee te cota i. I havp üecurcrt thr pcrmnnont fitvícos of Snmui-1 'K un1 uf uiy uld bhop hauds, u-ho perfeetty unilcr.-tnnda K.EI'JIIillST OAU ktudsof A.gricnltnral Tools, nnd will be on hand early ln tbem ■ lato nt oiyht, whea aecegsary to accommudate . M. ROCERS. AnnArbor Aprü lst t8tl. 1015;n0 DIRECTORY - OF- A. IV TV ARBO li, FOR 1871, VVith a Complete Portrait ot the City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &c. &.c. THS tTNDBRSIQNED havliwhdd a:i extensivo rxpt'ri'-noc in the compllatloil anl publtcatlOD ofClly :uiil Connlv Uiroctorles in thleandother StftteSi aud havlDg I I by a munber f the pron ■ Ibctk :i ork ot lluss klnrt, léela safe in protalsing complete eatlefai tion 'i iwork wií! contalD ji ; mplcto portrait o! the city, Bettlng forth lts advantagei aa a commercial and mitnani Eai Inu town : ■ Aamberof arme engaged ln overy depart. 1 in.uinfíicture and tvado ; ttio agg'regatt annual fslee ol the same; ti ■ i mber ofdw lllng [aess hoases hk the city, and In fti i kini orcharaotor of Information that the citlsen nr itrftntr mav deslr ; shvtohea of the sohools, ee, beoeyolenl The city ij many advantagea which, it they werc gvnerally . i eettlere (rom all parte of the country. It is our design to publlsta a work for 2epefo1 dUtVlbntion thronjrbonl the ruit rei States. it woiiiii be Buperfluous to here nrge the Oi of adrerilslng acity.or totnenti n ti Ivai thal real est men derive from tltia - ethod of advertislng s city. Ttu'wiirk wlllbedellven tfben n the inonth of Jnly Ii is to De hope I thal aosinesa men will rluly conaidor and appn-clato the adranf agee of alvertlüin their boslnosd In thisbok. It wlll be fonnd In stores, offices, hotel and all public place where tl :irds most meet the eye of tcores ol pnrebasen every day, Te'ms of Advertising ■ - $ss on Half Poorth" OapttalNamei so Price of books to subcribvrs. $ ' (0; to non-snb' ere, s 50. 1322tf JAMF.S M. TfiOÍÍAS. GotoR.W.1SLLIS& CO's I for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicine? .Painte ,Oile,&c. i _ _ _ ___ ir A NN AliJiül! SAVíJStiS BAHK. AUN ABBOR, MICII. ITEREST ALI.OWC 0 DEP0S1TS ! ! COLLECTION3 IKDi: AT ALL ACCE3SIBLE POINTSUNITED STATES E0ND3, GOLD, S1LVER, CASADA MONBT, AND I PONS BOUGIIT AND SOLD. ' Dr&fts'fosnedOD Hev 1 rroit, aud Bills of Bxg] - lu os sil thc principal nopc. 3vr o isr e "sr x, o a r :E id i ON FIEST-CLAS SBCU TIE3. All kinds f legitímate BanKtbg nasiness transncted ÁCCOUN' 8 8OU D ! R2tf. S y Babdcrlbi rfl to 1'cuts I ■ í Musical Miu.thh ai v- . ir.if; their waalc forless han lwo cantu a piece. ff 1 1 Pfaose ■[u havi' nit peen B thia Musical Mngaslne I Btaonld leDd an cents! ra fl I Ilssmplecopy. ThemoBlcii _- - I k v Baya. Thoraan, Klnk; I kc), Peraley, au: JLJ ' . ü v po: ular wiii-rs. two );ak Dumbers loi A NewSohool fiook.hi I Poar buik nnmir a Ph.k.m IV,-' '"■'■' tol 'f Sub" u. t-. 1KRKE.N-,. rnce, Ucriberiiget on1aiDH__v r?flfif) ovcr two hundred ncw and! I I L' I ■ bcautiful songfti ducts, etc, ij 11' 1 1 lv Will s. HijH, H Bti!r, Thomüs, etc. Bvery B v L Is new, fro.-li, and J. í V Kparklinír. Content? and twi w ■ fr% % speelineii pagel ent freo i ! 1 I 1 b Sample coplea mailcd free Illsi igeto teachevsrpr íUIiiJil A, IK 65 cents. Libera) te furlutroduction. Woith ofMrOilcfor S3. Addresa, .1. L. PETERS. 599 Urondwav, S. Y. Tencher? semïinir OH thcir oriloi;? for can claim a years rabKiiption to PetevJ Musical MüiHhly. ipRESH OYSTKRS. J. HANGSTEKFEK & SON HAVE JUST EECE1 A. 3Lj.IIC3-E: Sí"CJXJJt-Xj-V OF FRESH OYSTERS, ÁXD A GOOD ASSORXHEXT OF Copeland's C-ackers' Aud for Bule nt Reasonablo Pnces. ! ANTED AP OUR ÑKW PROWJCK HOÜ3B, opposlte.lho M. C. K R. D 5,000 Bu. of Oats for whtcuwe wlll pay caah. woilll & PÍ5KRIJÍ. Aun Aflior Aus.S'd, 1871. 1 8ÍWÍ Go toR.W.'Etlie & CO'e I torcho!. osand tiiquoví i Cor íiíodical Parpases . COMETHllfti NEW AT LAST! AT 24 Main Street, The undersigned, having located at this'placei bas just opened aa FINE and bELEOT an assortD' Of (Ml, CASS11BES & urn mm, ás can lie fonnd vrcst of New York City, whlokhe is prci ared ta make np into the most STYL SH GAREKTS, AT THÉ SHORTEST NOTICE, SB LOABST POSIBLE PÍ1ICE, ALSO A LINE OFJ GENTS' FURNISHING GOOBS. Call on JAS. BOYD aad hc wïli GITE YOtJ FITS JAlVfES BOYD, lSISlf 24 Xain Street. LOR RENT ♦ A DESIUABLE STORE-! Au i! CELLAR. Aln oiif Kinc KroDt Itoorfi over ü.( ■:- New Store. No. is M .iu st.. fro August lst, 1871. Ivnquireof 1880-tl ?. W. riAYS, Supt. IfKATELI Ni' CAI1;"UL3-U PHEPAEED I' BY R. W.HLL1S &C0.,EBGG6I828.


Old News
Michigan Argus