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Officious People

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Officieus people can nevur leave tliings alono. No une can possoss his soul in peace, ór. go his o wn way unbindered of them. They stand at the crosa-roads öf all men'g lives, pointing out to thom tho path they oughí to take, and, raetherin religious faitB or in housc-furnishing, tho dioico of a wife or the pattohi of' a boot, have theiï werd t" f,xy, ibvir adyioe to givo, and thoir fingors to dit, Whatever may be the pie that is makingr. Qlness is one Of their strong pointe and it' tiuy hear that you are indisposed, whether alightly or gravely, they rush off to proffer advice, wkioh yon do not want and will not acci pt, and which probably would turn out 1 niistake if you did ao■]!. Your dUinfeotant is not oqual io tlirirs, :ind tluy have brOBght you the namo and addross of tho chemist where vqu oan got theirs. Tour nnrae doea not kurnv het business ; let tiiriu senil for one ol' tlu'ir own onoosing to-night. Your medina] man says you are Buffering from :i Oertain form ofillness. AVell, ot'coutae, he oviglit to know ; but to tho olKcions it scoms v; ry muon liko somotuing elso ; or, if they do aot go quite bo far, thcy inqniro, with the lir of knowing uil about it. whether he bad nt ovl. red Buoh and sucb thinge to bo dono; and, if you say no, thov urge yon to have théir mvn medical man without delay, m thoy ave so suri' vourg is making a mistake. And o on, till thoj havo worried you into a fover, when they take their loave, and your obstinacy to the next corner. Old m&ids, they are great in tho management of children, and you muy mako lip yourmind to much advioo on the besi niothods of feeding, instructing, and diseiplining your rising family, if you umnber m onHcious Bpinstor nnong your friends. They do nol often err on tho sido of tenderness, boing go-norally of a dly Bpartan wayoi thinking; but times they start off on a crusado of spoiling, and interfere with you becauso ir harghnesa, though, on the other band, they will rebuko, and even punish, your little ones if they foeloalled upon to ti-stify in thüt form; ui id thoy will teil wh&t they have dono quite complacen (ly, and think they havo deserved your gnititudo. Being for the most part pcoplc of au overflowing energyj without sufficio.nt ocenpation, and affeoted with untiring strengtli and activity, they are Up and aboutjeverywhere, prying into all you wish conoealed, and doing everything you want left :tlone. On their own ac.nount, and iinaskod by you, they undertako to do your business, and ninu timos out pf ti'ii they do it wrong. . If even thcy have your permission. and you are about to give accurate directions, they do not watt to hear nll you have to sy, hut go otf half charged, and have fired their shot hefore they kuow what they had to hit. If intimatelv ogsociated witli thom, they reduce yon to tho state of an imbecile, with no will of your own, 110 individuality, no independent action - just a manikin, to bc moved according to the will of your officious friend, the wire paller. If you iked a qnestion they answer for you, :md they niake arrangement in which you are the principa) persen vo you the trouble t' deciding for yourself guard against yóur dooi', and dufend 3 ou ï'roui the présenos of youï dearest Frionds whoin you speoially wish feo Boe : tbey buy you whitt you do nut want, bocause tliey thought suoh and such thinge "looked . ■ u ; " they coimnit you to engageluents you never dreamed of üildortaking ; and send youï teacher, tradespeople, workers of all kinds, with an assui that you aro oortain to omploy them. Ifthey know I tre invited by a oommbn friend, 1 . tle over to his hoose, and take it on Jhemsolvts to in ■ for ia him of your peculiar hábil . and yon, who aro shy and tive, and hate to appear in a oharad ;i!l othora most distressing ló you, beyour offieioua friend ohoose to betray your little weaknesses and parade your predilecta' oessitios. On a journey or a dri ve th ■■ you with Bupernumerary wraps, and go Bhivi for their own share. Is' you !;i ranged to accompany thern on an expndiI '".■.' judge uüasked as to the fi oftheweather for you; dnd eithet ; without you, becauso it is not the right kind of a day for you, or break u the party on your a int, and in the character of watch dog guarding your interests. Lfyoudeoide on goiag, BnpposJng the poeñbility of deciston ia atill loft yon, tii' y duliige you with their advice, and hamper you with thoir help b you start; giving your coaohman private mstruetions as to which way hu is to go, so tuut yon shiiU have this view, or avoid th;it Uil', as they Uiink best for yaur pleasure mul well-being. Indeed, as a general onaracteristio, thoy interferé not a litÜe with yojir servante :ill round; ií they aro women, rebuking the maids for their feminine vanities in dress, and the men for their fondness of !.!■■.■ ; il' of the domestio gort, oppressing them with ipes for fornitura polish and plate powder, and rulos fordoing their work differently from theirpreseni methods, which serve only to afiiiet their souls and bewilder their minds, and to make them uncertain in all they do. They understand all about everything. If they go into tho garden, they nip off your first bud to strengthc# the plant, and in theiv zeal for ridding you of dead loaves and 8 1ing flowers, tear off your best blossoming branches with theni. Women who are persecutüd by offi friends in eooiety find "oompany manners" and the seronity demandedby their caste difficnlt to compase. The omoioua male friends jump np on the smallesi provooation and hoven aboutj insisting on doing everything for lus victirn does not want done it uil, or thát shc wants souio one else to de, and s in making her fife a burden toher for the time being. He spilla the wine or ooffee in his Btruggle to hold her glass or cup ; runs against hor in hú endeavors to Erom her the light ohair she is after her, with a pretty affectati oarrying burdona that she knonCs bec her; insisis on giving her a footstool ir seat uncomfortable, and over which nrhon s!u' gets up ; and takes her down to stipp ir n her : aiiy one oan offer, wlien : i her beart for soino other the room owards her now, t" porform that ■ ghe ha word to say( and from to hear one 'vet more In a word, hi: makes himsolf a nuisanoo, i .ure's whole pi asure by his offlc ivhen ho meant only to do her a Bervioa. Uut this is jnst the way with your offi people; tíiej ■■'.■v..y mean to dó well, only they never manage to suooe id, -Pull The Connocticut tobaoco erop ' .il. It is s;ii.l to be . The ■ I it in woight and leaf, and i ranees ... indícate 1 ha I bco erop of Is71, wil! rior. Southern Ulinois i from dronth. 'i ts are {ast drying up.


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Michigan Argus