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A Romantic Courtship

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A student who bad oomplete studifls and was oommencing his p sional Ufe ander verj ■'■ auspicos, - iv h une late in the a aturan to írnike a littlo visit. It was i:i oH wliun the only modo ut' conveyanco for lora was tbe Btage-coach. As lm fellow-paa lóng rs iu the coach ■-■ young lady of v n and mannen, i btracted his notioe by her kind considoration for an oíd woiaan, who was assisted hito tbo coach ■.-. the Way-sido iun. In the course öf the day tho gentleman became II acqnainted with the young lady, whoae name ho asoertained vraa MCary W' . He bogan to fool a strong intorest iu her, and it wpuld seem from the resuli tho intiic.-i was id soine degree r ■ iprocal. In the oourse of th" coaver ation that tlicy heldtogothor in the stage, and also waíking np certaïn long lnlls, wheresuch ot' the passengere ns were su disposed got out to relieve the horsëSj they le mutually many particulars of each other's parontage and huatory, su that as the d ly passed mi they began to íeel somewhat uke óld frieuds. Curing the afternoon a raiá-storm cama un. Tho roads beoame w ■' heavy, and the progresa was made slow. The sky wa ■. and darkness supervened at a verj' early hour, while the stage was yet several miles from the vil■. bor i', w ta to stop. As the wheola [jlowing through tlu: orad and ruts, I b ■ past) ;. u :■ oneasy, for thc uriver htd n Ixghts. Tlio young lady, howover, evinoed so much calniness ama composure ;ls greatly to norease the interest which the student feit for her. The danser was real, as soon proved t'or jast is the ooach reached tho top of the hill the wheels on one sido went off the e Ige of tne o a ditch and the ooach over-turtiedi The student oalled out to the passcn■ i ■ to lie as stil! aa posible, su as to get out quietly, one ly one, front the openings in tho sido ol' the eoach which was upponuost. H wiis hinlself Bear the door on thut sido, und w:is the ihsl to 88ofipo. Ho then assisted the others by foêling, for it was so utfc 'ly darfc that ■ could be :i. young lady eame next but one ' f i o road was so wet and mtiddy, hé said 1 1 1 : . t Bhe oould not 't, and sho must lot him uarvv hor to i!K' bank on the side. Bhe oonsented. Bo he took lier in Uis arms 1o carry lier acroas the nladay road, feeling his way in the utter 'I - tnade more intonso ly tho trees of ;i forest tliat bordered the road. 8he wielded herself so readily tp ao ! n i lin 3 her lioad so eonfldiflgly upon his Bhouldor, that he was encouraged to whisper in her ear, "-Mury, aro jou engaged to be marriedy" Bhe answered "Ho." "Are illing to bo iny wit'o ! " Bhe anBwer■ 1 " Yi s." He scaled tho promiss with rnony, and placed hisprize on a í':it stono by the roadside, the white surface of which reflectad the Bky sufliciently to make ito fora just risible, after which ho wont back to assi '-thcr passonj They rere married, and the lady afterward told her friends thatshe always had the most agreoablo aasociations with lio idea of tlio upsetting of a s1 though thcy oould not iuiagino why.


Old News
Michigan Argus