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It Sorely Puzzles Some Of Our

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oratio menas to disoorer the ineaning of tho California election. To soino the Republioan victory therc ia attributed to the now departare," b otherg to tho exposare of the Tamm'any frauds, md by atill othors to tho populmity of Gkant's ïuimc and administration. Now, bo it known to tiloso disturbed peopje fchat noither of these rcasons is at the bottom of or had iny perceptible irtflaenofi apon th Democratie defutvt. In fact to thoae who could rond the tigna of the timos tho dofent was uiotiths ago feared if not cxid. And for what oauae wo propose to enlighten onr readers. Bofore us is a letter written in Mnrch last) over six months ago, by un old resident of this county, now living in Napo City, Cul , to a personal friend in tbia city, from which we quote tlio following pertinent paragiapb. : The papers are beginning to sound the key-note for tho next caiupaign. The .■■ tnut ttw rauroaa suonay queenon ■ rh ull oíhcr huiiu-.t. There aro foui' or five hick railtoad corporatiuns in the State that wish tho Legislaturo to authori.r íi.unicipaliücs and couiitios to vote subsidies. An act of this kind was defeated one year ago this last winter by Ihc neto of the Governor. The present Govenior, a Bemoorat, will probably be nominated by th'L Democratie Conven tion tor etion. Therailroad oompaniea wiü use ull their influenoe and powor to Bec:iin; the nomiuution ot' a subsidy oandidate by tlm other oon ven tion, in wbib case things will le somewhat mixed and party issues will bo w;iivod to a great extent?' Kuch is the languago of Harvey E. OSBO&K, formerly ot' Sharon in this county, and well-known to ïuany AltGUS readers. It was written on the first day of Maroh last, and not since tho cloction of the 6th iust. lts languugo was almost pophetic. Gov. Haiuiii wus ioioniiuited and tho "rajlroad rings" defeatod liim. Loading Democratie journals openi'l tlirir batteries upon him the day at'ter the norniuiition, and leading Democratie politici&ns eithor oponly Buppoited li' 10TH, tho Bepublioan candidato, or turned the cold shoulder to Haiobt, giving him iiriflici' aid nor comfort. This opposition to IIaiout demoralized the party itnd scouxcd its defcat. Such is in short tho mcaning and the inoral of the California eleetion. " Iiailroail subsidy " ia King, and HaiüIIT the vietim. A BECTENT Washington dispateh is as follows : "Tlie Attornoy-General hns decided that tho governmrnt has no right of prioiity of piiynniit against tho private creditors of an insolvent n&tional bank for moneys which the bank holds to the credit of the United States Treasurer and Unitod States disbursing ofticers and registry courts, or eitber of them, over and abo vu the amount whioh may bo realized for tbe bonds heidas security for deposits. He has also decidid in oonseo tion with this quustion that the Comj)troller of the Currency has no authonty under the law to declaro a dividend to the private creditors of a national bank üefore the claims of the United States, of ill kinds, are satisfied." As clear ns mud, and just about as satisfactory to those " private creditors " in preterenco to whom the " government aas 110 right of priority of payment." But, then, will the private ereditors be any botter off for being jput on tho " same floor"as long as "tho " Comptroller of Currency has no authority under the law to declare a dividend " to them " before the claims of the United States, of all kinds, aro satisfied)' " A little " priority of payment," just there, we should say. These two decisions remind us of tho liuntor who wagn't cxactly certivin as to the kind of game before him, and so proposed to shoot " so as to hit it if it was a deer and miss it if it was a calf." That Radioal journal, Harper's WeeJcly, sometimos ceases its denunoiations of the Democracy and Demociats long enough to pay its complimentsto a brothor Iiadioal. Tfais is huw it. hits that model patriot, Ben. B0TUBB : " And now General Butler, who ten years ago denounced old John Brpwil is a traitor and murderer and felon, undertaUi: to win Rcpubiican votes in Massachusetts by slundering ono of the eurliest and truest and most unswerving of the old uiiin's friends ; and ho does it boeauso ho is unable to reply to the argumente which that friend urges wby the great mass of ii-husetts men, who ten yoara ago dit! not think John Brown a Booundrel, should not nowvott! into John A. Andrews' sm1 aman whodid. Gteneral Butler says that if he can have his way, and be elected Govcruor of Massaehusetts, he will put Mr. Sanborn oiï the Board of Charitios. If General Butler could have had bis way, Robert Toombs would havo called his slavi.'-roll upon Bunker Hill ; and, had he done so, the General would have been the first to answer." Is BcTLEIt's repen tance to count for nothing? Are his labors in Congress, in convention and on the platform, at Fort Fisher and New Orleans (let no cnxo suggest " spoons "), to be forgotten, and he twitted of slandering Joiin Brown and conspiiing witli JBPT D.vvis and TOOMBS ? Ungoneroua Harper's. The third act in the VANDERrooL trial-for-murdor fareo came to an end on Wedneaday. The caso was given to tho jury at 10 o'clock, A. M., and at 4 o'clock, P. M. a verdict of not 'juilty was rendered We think that the public had generally expectcd another disagrooment, md presume that the ooqoittal has oven diki'u iiis iiicnds by surprise. We have nu disposition to rcviiriv tlie circumstances of the inurdcr or the BOTeral trials, or to comment upon tle result. The verdict bas not altcred our cwn opinión o) Iiis guilt, and it wiD be well if, taken in oonnection with the meoOB brought to 1m,u' to procure it, it does not go a long way towards destroying confidenoo that courts and juries are always to be relied upon to protect tho public or punish tho guilty, especially as in impannoling juli'-s intelligent, reading men are sure to be excluded from jury duty. John "W. Nobton, superintendent oi the money departnicnt of the New York city postoffiee, is reported a defaulter in the sum of $150.000. Mr. Nokton is not a Democrat, and does not belong to tho " Tauimany Ring," and, thereforo, it is not to be presumed that tho Times and Tribune and their echoes throughout the country will makc any great amount of fuBS about it. Republioan office-holders havo an undoubted right to appropriate such little, insignificant sums. Thoy are I "liiil,1 you know, and '-loilty" oovers a multitudo of ains. "Stoi" lioi'.iunvixii" is the hoading of m articlo in a recent numbcr ol'tlio N. Y■j Pott, from whiofa vo extract the following paragraph : " Let a coinmunity understand that it must moot all its expenditures by imiuodiatc taxes, and il willcoant tho oost and oiuploy Epen of business iustead of trading politicians to manage its atfairs. - Give even honest men nnlimitecl uso of loans, ihi;1 economy will gradually be to the wind ; whilo in the limida of rogucrt borro wing will bo a safo oovering íor cvery mscality and a meansof purg legslatures anti controlling clccÜ1I11S." Truc, e.very v.'ord of it. 5. private individual will make ■: dubt to be paid the next year, for au object for which he would not think of paying cusli down; hiid communities and municipalitiea are very likc individúala. It my be nocessary for an individual to contract dobts, and the same for a municipality, but " pay as you go " sbould bo tho mie, and borrow or gut trustod the exceptioa Better pay a largor tas to-day or mako a smaller improvement, onless the neoessity is absolute, and pay forit, than to contract u dubt to bo paid in íive or ten years heneo, on tho gsound that the town or Stato is to increase in population or posterity get the benefit. ïho largor tows and posterity will find koiüu improyemonte of their own to make, and will thank us of to-day for meeting our own bilis. And so wo endorse tho 2'u! and sivy " stop borrowing." Tuis is the way the Progrèu, a Democratie journal published at Petersburg, Va., disposes of Alexaxder II. STBPHEX9, who can't soe that the icsucs of today are not just what they wero prior to 18(50, or that secos sion and the war that foüowed had any rcsults : " If the flood had occurred in the time of Mr. Alixander H. Htephens we tferflj belicve that during the thirty-nine days ;iin he would have been geen astrido tho ridgo polo of the Atlanta 8un office, holdug a t'aded umbrella over his hond, drawftg uy lus diminutiva loga to keep then out ot tlio Burrounding surges, and oalmy inditing a ten column editorial to the people of tho late Confederaey, to prove ;hat tho shower was nuil and void, anc he flood a matter to be resisted at the jallot-box ; and no doubt people woulc ïavo been found in Georgia who woulc lave stigmat:zed Noah'a ark asa"neis departure," and have bazarded both lifo md soul on the faded umbrella and ponderous editorial of poor littlo Mr. Btepb.ens."


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