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- Not a word have we to say in dótense t' the offioe-holders of New York who ïave been stealing the peoplos' m V ring of Democratie and Eepublioan oliticians, it is they, individually, and ïot thu Democratie party, who are roponsiblc. Lot thei'.i be proved guilty, ii' uilty, and then punished. Meantime, emeuiber that so far ia the Radical oumnlists and politiuians ;ur. concemed liis cry of corruption is only the old 'stop-thief " ory, and designad to draw ittention from t!io legislation of a oor ■u]t Cnngress, and the peculations and rauda of a hordo of corrupt Federal iSce holden. - The ifation in substance proposos a substituto for tko old-timc watchword : No taxation without represen tation." It s : " No repreeentation without taxation." Juoh is the kernel of its recent artielo on New York City, in which it likens the ;he property-holders to the stockholdcrs ii a railroad or otlier Corporation, and the city government to a railroad board ülcctcd by passengors iustead of shure IWIIITS. - The Conunissionor of Internal Eevenue has rojectod tbo claims made by tho professors of tho Univorsity of Michigan to havo the incomo tax paid on their aries refunded, and BOBpe&ded aotion on the olaims presentedbyjud'ges of the severa] State courts. ïhis last action is singuiftr, to say the least, in view of the deoi.-uon of the Supremo Court in the Massfichvuetta caso, - Tho Wiseonssn Democratie Convontion resolved : "That wc recognize as binding the Constitution as it now cxists." And yot the Badicals WÜl swear thftt tho Democraoy of Wisconsin are in favor ot' restoring slavory, &c. : on tho principio, you ltnow, that sticking to a lio will malte it as good as tho truth. - White men ure not allowed to do Ijusincss in the Clierokee nation without being lieensed by the National Council, and laborers not citizens aro not to be einployed or to enter tho nation without permita. Horaoo Greeley is evidently tho God of the Cherokees : at least they are carrying his proteotion theorie to legitímate ends. - Bonner " gfits up on hts car," denies that Goldsmith Maid has boaten Dextor' tinis, whieh ho claims is 2:1(1, madi in a match against a running oqtsg, anc offlers $100,000 for any horse which will b;at Dexter's time made to a wagon - weighing with drivor 319 lbs. - '2 '21%, oi if the horse is not for salo f 10,000 to soe tho thing done. - " Was Ben Butlor's Fathor Ilangod ? ia tho inquisitivo and imperlment head ing to a newspapor artielo going the rounds. Who eares how it is answorod as saying yos or no will mako Ben. Butler, himself, noithor botter nor worse. - The practical question, the ono the country is really interested in, is, " Whon icill Ben. Butler Ie Hanged ? " - Goldsmith Muid having beat Doxtor's best time, Bonnor is among the mournèrs. Tho Maid made, on the Cold Spvings course, Milwaukep, on tho 6th, her mik; in 2 : 17, or as one time-keeper made it 'Í : llij'.i and auothcr in '1 : 1U,!. A. f ast Maid. - The opening excursión of tho Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan Bailroad to Detroit, on Tuesday, was a success. About 500 visitors, prominent and wcll-knowu citizana of tho several towns along the line, partook of the hospitalities of Detroit and wero shown ber liona - Tho Jackson Citizen, itself Radioal, maken this unfeeling thrust at that model liadical statesman, Ben. Butler : " Butler wept at tho memory of his father during his -paeeh at Worcoster, Mass. We presume soine anti-Butler sheet will say Judas wept, and Uien hanged himself! - Kilpatliok was " the undor dog in the fight" in the recent New Jersey Republican prize-flght : that is, ha had I'1 votes than uny othor gubernatorial candidato. Unappreoiating and unpatriotio Ti reoy Republicana. - Mis. F;iir, the convictod murdoress, now waiting exeoution, a new trial or a pardou, claims that tho California olectiou is a tiiumph of causo. Haight wouldn't pardon hor and so Booth is eleoted. - The receipts for tho first two days of the Union Fair of the Northern Miojjigan Agricultnral and tho Stato Pomological Socioties, which oommenoed at Grand Elapids ou Tuosday, woro about $7,000. - Masonry has got into tho M. E. Conference now in gesaion at Monroe, tho Kev. John Levington being eharged with stirriug up dissension in his oampaigi against tho Masonio and othor secret ordei's. - Judging by Itepublican crowing over the rucent ictory in Maine, ono wou! think that a Democratie roostor had ta ken a " new deportare " and luid a Re publican cgg. Xhe government barge ofüco at th battery, New York, fired one hundre guns on Saturday, in eclebration of th Republican vietory in California. " By order of the President," we supposo. Xhere is a split in the Republioai party of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and th dissenters have strook hands with the Dom ocracy, giving the latter two legislativ oandidstea. Öen. Butler is in favor of tho renomination of President Orant.for a secoud term, aüd says so in all his speeches. Does Grant favor Butler for Govornor OÍ -[.ss!l.llus(' p - The Jackson Patriot is proprietor of another libel suit. Burt, thinks that it has damaged hiareputatiou in tlio sum i $10,000. An ineredible feat one woull thiuk: that is, if he had ever heard of Buvt. - At Ilillsdalo tho woman question has assuiued a practical fono, Mrs J. II. Pratt having been elected one of the trustees cf the school district. Thomanaging Eadical politicians of Arkansas want tho President to declaro ïnarüal law: to sonnro a Radical vietory in the coming election. - John Wentworth, of Chicago, "Long John," is creditod with saying Uta "Grant has íiot tho shadow of a chance for a re-nomination." Greeley called upon Chief-Justico CIkisc, at his summer rosort in Wisc'onsin : for which he is d -d by certain Radical journals. Ex-Secrotary of tho Navy, Welles - the anoient GKdeon - favors the nomiuation of Gov. Brown, of Missouri, for President. Paymastov Hodges, who bas defaultod in the sum of $500,000 or thcreabouts, wa8n'tamemberófthe"TammanyEing." Qreeley is now oalled tlic ' subsoil " candidato for President. - Tho " üroat American gobbler : " ïat'ts what the New York Tribune sty!e ten. Butler. - Prof. Peters has bagged ttill mtlier plimct of tlio asteroid series - the I6th. Cuibono? - Georgia has just 50 more inhab J anta than Michigan : or bad acoording o the census of lisTO. - Cohmlius Walsh is the Republioan mididate for Govemor of New Jersey. The Ilon. Wm. S. Qbossbeck, of Oluo, niade a very ablo speech to a Democratie 'athering at Stenbenville, on the 13th nst. He discuaeed at length thoissues of lio day, nul in liis usual olear language sharply niarked the linea of differenoe between the two parties. Ho aecepteil the amendments, but demandod an interpretation of th.ein whioh will not blot out tho States. IIu said : " Hlavery is Kono and " we are glad it is gone. Tho fourteenth 11 and fteenth ameudmente have passed " into tlie Coiistitutiou. Tho contest up" on tliem is over, and tho onemy lias "moved to a inore advaneed positiun." And then he proeeedod : ' Our work is to fight tho cnemy just where wc now flnd hun, oentraliüng all power in tho federal government, and changing our Ilepublic into a despotism ; destroying local self government ; laying violent handt ttpon tho sacred writ of Ereemen ; demoralizing onr elections ; legislating for tho few at tho expenso of the many squandoring the landt of the pc-oplo upon private oorporations ; cstablishing monopolies ; exempting froni taxation and oppreaeing.aU othets with it. I rnight go on, but these tro cnough, and theso aro the living issues now pending and to be Mtttled in tho Oonteeta noar Vjeforo us. In wliat I have said, and in what I may say, I wish to bo understooc that I make no criticisin upon our recent war. Thanltful for ita groat viotory, ] deulinc to condemu its conduct. War is alwaya despotio. You cannot bind i with informalities, nor doos it care inucl for constitutions. War is violenoe, an its work is slaughter and destruetion o lifo, property, or whatever may oppose it Constitutions furnish 110 Bnmcient pro gramme for such work, nor should they Ñor do I alludo to tho extravaganco o tho war, for war is always prodigal anc vrastcful, nor to the corruptions of the war, for war will engonder them. I refe only to the manner in whicta the govern ment is nnw .'uhninistered and the reeen practioes of the ltepublican party." We shall make otter quotatioos in the futuro, or, perhapB, publish the speech in full.


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Michigan Argus