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The Whitehouse-cheney Imbroglio

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Chicago, Sopt. 10. 'i'lii' announcement, whioh has bcci well advortised throughout the country that Bishop Whitehouse would moka hi annual episcopal visit ilion to the recusan Christ Cliuroh this nioming, drow to gether an immense audience, whioh flLlleí every seat and every inch of standinj room in that largo edifico. The hour fo the commencement of tho services is ha! past ten. At ton o'clock, tho Bishop, il company with one of his sons, in hi carnage, reached tho church. II : 800) prese&ted himself at the door of the veatr room, whon ho was mot by 5Ir. Chcnc; and the waidens of the ohuroh. Exactl; whai occuired at this meeting his no boon mado public. Rumor says that Mr. Cheney oordially extended his hand wit] words of welcomo to tho Bishop, who doclined to tako the hand or rcspond to th grooting. Tho interview lasted but a t minutes, when the Bishop rotirod. It is understood that the candidatos for confírmation havo unanimously declinad to be preseated to the Bishop by uny other person thcn II r. Cheaoy, their rector. At the hour for opening the services öoorge W. Thompson, Esq., a well-kno wn la wyer of this city, a member of Mr. Chene5''s church, and his finn friend,caiue into tlio chancel. The former gentleman read the moraing Bervioo, excopt such parta as are required t bc read by a priest, and Mr. Cheney preached an earnost and eloquent sermón from a test taki-u froni the ninth ohapter ot' Si . John, fourth verse, " I must wolk the work of Ilim that sent ine whilo it is yet day, for tho night oometh in whiiJi no man can work." In his serï.iim ho madfl no reforenco whatever to the difficultios bctwoon himself and liis Bishop. Bishop Tmq, of Iowa, although a finn friend oí Rev. Mr. Chcnoy, of Chicago, doos not upprovc of the courso taken by thal gentleman in regard to the baptisma service, and sinoo his trial and sen' he has been of tho opinión that M i Cheney should have Bubmitted, howevor uTijust ho niight deem them to be, an not set up liis individual judgment against that of tho oomstituted anthoritios. Bath liislioi) Whipplo and Bishop Leo entreated Bishop Wnitehouse not to degrado Mr. Cheney froin the ministrj until al'tor the next general oonvention ot' the church, but without avail. Chicaoo, Sopt. 13. The Illinois Episcopal Convention, at the session yesterday evening, passed the following additional seotion to tlio con stitution by a vote of 46 to 11 : " No clorgyman shall resort to a civi court or tribunal for tho purpose of ar resting, ot avoiding anj ecolesiastioal pro ceeding againsi hun. The penalty fo any violation of this artdcle shall bo sus pension vpx facto fxom thu fuuctions o tho ministry." It was contended by a nuinber of cler gyiiiüii that tin? artiole wis lcgis laf DU, and was inlroduecd when tho con vention was very liostilo to a oertain per son, that it lookod like the dogmas ot' tli Roman Church, and that it was cruel, un rhi-istian, and unbrotherly. Bishoj Whitehouse defended tho artielo at con siderable length. He stiid there was a struggle coming between the state am personai religión, muoh more severo thai had yet been witnessed in the church There were offenses whioh required im mediste action. A trial took man; month.i. A elcrgyman might bo present ed for sonie flagrant immorality, and ap peal to the civil courts during the pen dency of whioh proeeeding the ohure) would bo powcrless to arrest any furth(.' flagrant degradation of tho ohuroh in th m ai tli. ofiending minister. The appeal to the civil court was an offeiisc


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