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The Great Departure Of The Radical Party

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■ uu n. nu party, uen. lirunt the Arf iuii.-.'.:u.,i,, and the Coiigrt-ss of ,?' l nited States stand respoMible befor ! poople and baioie the bar ofposturitvf the following acte oidegpótio puwur , known heretofore n tho history of Eree American institntioBSi They havo unn ulied the Gonstitutin ot the Ëtatea of tl. e South, wbieh thwkÏÏ u riy-lit tu iorin for tliíMiisu.lvo .... ' M ichigan Lave. 111 Th.y have abrogated the local la,KJ oden t State. M They havo disbanded the Legislatur jf soveroign State, when uot. in u ? ifiebellicm. They havo stripped theennine fromtl, Judges ehosen and olocted by the mand! tf tiuj States, 'ih ■ haye displaced from offices, they held by the voice of tho Wo' (tovernors oí free, independent States They have conimitted to the hun rf military satraps uil the functions of (Ja government, whee dominion oeï ik ive.s, property and liberty of evury iJf woinan and child lias been as imlinmí and lonlly as that of any absoluto dJÜ on tho face of the globe. l Thcy inaugurated all over tho Soutl after war had OMasd and peace doelarei i reign of opi.res.sion, violence, outra' aud critue ot' every description us oevar been seen bofore amoug civiüjJ men. They destroyed evety guarantee rf civil rights, known to tho Gunstitutioa of tito United Sutes, and every BofegojjJ oí: personal ríght, as well as every tai wark of the nghtí of the people uftli" Stati.á. They mozzled the ju They sappressed the freedom of npe They invaded the aanctity of hoiucamj the housuhold, and put tho Becurttr of the person at the luercy of subulturnt. They displaced the ordinary uiuchinetY of justice known tj the Constitut on J Military Commissions and drum htii court martiiiLs. They seized American oitizens witlicm; indictment, tried American oitizeus wi out a jury, condeinned theiu without 1 btrijip.d lliem of their property witiios; oompensation - imprisone 1 t .em without the benefit of the babeas corpu anddcnU appeal to tho civil tribunal of the com. ut, ï'ur redresa of grievances. They stripped the habüimentg of ds. zenship from tens of thousands of fc most intelligent white ptpulutfon „f St.ites, and gave the ballot .omfnta white men, by iaÍMaousez pont factoki, iuto tho hands of recontly inanunjitfej slaves, without educa tioii and without in telligence. They have walkcd over the comtitational bulwarks which protect and depri ve the rights not only of the peoplct; tlie St;iti:s ot the South but of the peoplj Of the State of Michigan. They iro at this timu squanderiug tbt money l f the people and ministering io the demanda of a corrupt and somlsi horde of tinga and corporationa who u-, plundering the govornment and swiodling the masse.s of the people. And what is the pretext for all this suinption ? Let thutu answer in the kx of-the assumed object for which tho war was prosecuted and which, in the languati: of Congress, " was not waged on ourpK in any spirit f oppression, nor fur mj purpose of overthrowing or interformgii any way with the rights orinstitutionsit' the States ; but to defend and iaaintíú tho Constitution and preserve the Union with all the ïiirhts, dignity and equaüty of the States unimpared I " Here is a departure which must strü the American people when they look : it calmly, us a departure that bodes nothing but ovil, and evil continually to om tree American institutions, and to the rights und liberties of American citizens. Are not the men now in power whoiiivc dono these things und " whose duneta is thus marked By every act which may define a tjirant, unfit to be theralirsofi freü ieoplo r -


Old News
Michigan Argus