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A Good Platform

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Ex-Senator Clingman covers thcwkok ground when ho sayg the Dcmocracy src in favor of a constitutioual govcrnmeal equal tiXMtion, economy and amnesty. They deniand conatitntional goveraoMl becaiwe the Constitutioa is tbc sggrejÉ of poweru conforrod apon the government. Constitutiona] goversnat i! ho Constitution protects fe States froMi cmcroachments of the geaeol . ' ' n.titutiou&l govi'riiii: :' becajgse the Constitntton recognizes út sovereignty of the States in 'hoir localapacitics. They demand equa] boc.iuso it is tli( riglit of the pcople. Thoy demand equal tiutabon, be ausetlu govemment was not instituted for tb purpose of protecting thepeonaiur terests of the few by increasiug the bardensuf the many. They demand cq! ui, beoause any other systemvi violation not only of tlie spirit but ti' letter of the Oonstitütion. They : economy Ui tln expesditures of the perament, in order tliat the burdensoftü peoplfi may be as light as possible. liw demaad ecoaomy in the expeaditu the governmgnt beoause an adverse polioy is corruptiug in its influentes, dastni tiv. ■ ut' the interests of tho peopl "! dangi'i'ou.s to thu liborties of the countryThey demand it as a duty, at the taoi" of those whoin they hiivu si-leot.;ilfort& adminLitration of t.'ieir afi'airs, and & they will hold them to a strict oouutability at tho bar of public opin They demand annlosty tbr past politW -. beoause it '■ .wise in policyui jaa n prno'jilo. No freo govtrumat oan live and prosper upon a spirit . vengo. No gocxl govornment wüli ] tolérate it. No govemruent, wiiorc-' iifFcctiuns of thu pöople are tl l. national Bocurity, can oither wisely continuo to perseente uiy pw3 of thein. There is a timo when to tyrimny becomos not only a duty ■■' man, bui an aoi of obedienoeto Goi' Buohaperiod alwaya followa longc tinui'd oppression and perseoutioii. " Democratie party is willing toacttp the theory, in politics aa well thing else, that " to err is human, to give divine." Tho truc end of g" ment is the protection of the weal tho cncroaolinu-nt of th: strong. P can be accomplished by longf secution or continua] prosoription "j weak for the gratification of i feeliM; revengo on the part of the ' a icrvrsi(n of the most saered prinf'r which anderlies our f jbric of -vThe Domocrnoy of the country, are, tb# foro, opposed to it. ind dcmai Doliov so annatural and so vindif"0 shall at once be abandonad.-


Old News
Michigan Argus