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Local And Other Brevities

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- Plenty - _ Nol so plenty- pockct-money. _ rhursd?, 4' e. m - ltspriuklei ! - Improved- Huron St., wist oi#2d - Dnlmproved - the Court Uouse square, - Gt your Vis. tin:; Card.s at tlie Auaus office. - Recovered : The lost tools in tbe HhIo street bore. - Au cye to business : Merchants who ailvcrtise in tbe AHGÜ8. -Tlie Fall term of the Circuit Oourt wül open on Momliy m.'xt, September tíívb.. - The criminal calendar for the Circuit Court, w!iich opeus on Mj;iJ.iy nest, is BO t a lrge one. - The County Pair is set down for Wtcli.ix.lay, Thursdaj and Friday, October 4tll, 5ili au I (Ui. - The Itev. S. W. Dikkiki.d comincnced Jiis la' o:s as p.stor ol tlie PiVnbyH-rian Cluircli of tilla city, n Sund.iy iast. - A wy ri Manchester litrslost allttle ?Mte cat, and lie propt ses to prosecute someone therefor. Jte'juies cat, etc -Tuat fish on tlie Court House insistí pon kceping his head turne 1 nor' nor' .ast, wliicli oaasea toetb to chatler aud cloihiers ; tochuckle. - 'The war of the ravs" is wh:it the Jth warders styled a fUtic cncoutiter whloli occurrel there last SJjbath bel ween soinc wliitrs and soine tliat wern't so white. - J. R. WtBSTKK, Ion.: knovvu to our pef'plc iu the book line, has (iHetl np the itore, Xo. 8 Hurón street, and is about opening a stock ot looks aud Btatloueiy tliereln. - A horse ttttachcd to two nNlctrees and ne wheel raahed throagb Broadway, in the 5th ward, last Toeaday, baring lieconu Irlglitened at the c:irs and tlcino'.ishcd the rest of the vcliick'. - Tlie Hoek Island (UI )Corapauy which bou'lit out the Watch Cora pan y of this city, has suspended operallons, and conuiK-nccd suit for damaget agalust tinlattcr, claimin it to be a Bwindte. - Prul". Pkescott of tbe Unlverslty and Ottmak EbeiTDA.CS, ol this city, are attend log Un niiieteenth annu-tl sessiOD ol' the Amcricau Pharniaceutlca! Association at St. Louis, which conimenced on tbe 12ili. - "775 feet," is what any pasaer I)V c:m fee piinttd on the artesian wel] s-lied, which refers, we suppose, to the dopth of tlie wcll. Tt snuL;est that $3,500 be placed just over It, so that people may know how Mgh it is. - Rev. L. H. Fisk, of the li. E. Cliurch, !s at Monroe where the Detroit Conlerence Í8 in session, prj.sided over "y Bishop Simpsox. It is understcotl that a ineniber of the Conference wil) lie sent tip to flll the pulpit of Mr. Fisk on Suuday. - It lsn't HoeMary for the city or country readers of the Auous toïo to Saline, Manchester,, Dexter, v psilanti or Detroit for groceries, lor there are grocera In oir city uotwlt istaudin the adverse testlmony of the Aiuíua advertisiu r.ol vast. Qnltt' a uuniber of Knlghts Templar of this city - sevtral aecompanled by thelr ladies- leavc to-morrow to attend the graud gatherin oí the fiatfrnity at Biltimore, which takes place the ltttli inst. They wlll , '8o join the excursión which gocs troui there to Washington and Mount Vernon. It is expected tbat Michigan wlll send a large delegation. ' If it is worth while to have an ordtnsncti f;ainst fust drivlng it ouht lo be enlorced sgainst the sportlng meri who train tiieir fast horses on State street. tt te frequent dangerous fur womeD and cblldren to eroga öle street, and ladies drivlng bave to turn out aud wait by the road siile lor the troltiug gentry to pass by. llave wu a Marshal among us ? The October numbei of the Galttxy is al tand with its usual varled and readable ''Me of contenta. Ithai: A Corrcsponde"ce, by Ivan Turgeneff; Love's Cholee, by ffllllam Winter; Tbe Romanee of tbe Nen. by Etl ward A. Pollard ; IPrlendslilp, by Fd. Webber j Popnlar Pallacles, by Cari Benson ; The Out 'IVcm Pflnclplp, by Horace Greeley ; The Nether riitle ol New ïork, " Fences," by Eilward Crapeey A Reminlscence of AJezap 'ui Dunias, by li Phillips; Slinnie's Gift, by I, icj H. Höopr; three more chapters of Onght We to Visitller? by Mrs. Edwards ; Tbe Q mt ï"lr at Nljni Novfjorod, y Junius II nri Brown ; Tlie Eustace biarnonds, cl : po Vli.-xi., by Anthony Trollope; Drift-W Od illscellany, Club Koom, etc. öheldon & Oo., New York. Tho Iudiitnapolis, Cincinnati and Laiayette roads aro making u conniiction Irom BaJtiuaoro to Bf. Louis without bange of cars. Mr. L. D. BUECH, tho agent of the Toledo, Aun Arbor and Northern Railroad, was in our office 011 Monday, and reportad tho work progrcssing at Duiidce, with every prospect of success. lie found some opposition growiug out of - well, we should put it " pure oussedneas," though he didn't it ; and soiue coming trom the fricnds of the Ganada Bouthern, This last opposition ís perhaps legitímate and not to be condenincd or even con surcd, if' oarried on in a proper spirit. Nevertholees, we may v permitted to suggost to sueh Ihuidée people as prefer tho Canada Southern, that they had better investigóte theii position. We are suru they do not wish to lose the Ann Arbor road even if they got tho other, and also Ihat in aiding it they will in no way injure their favorito. And it ruay 6í that in killing tlii Aun A rbor road - and I). imlce can kill it or chango tho route by determiued opposition and röfuaing aid - the Canada Southern's frieadi, the ether people of rara] burg, may flnd themsolros without any railroad. 'i'iiis ia no groundlcss surmise or idlo thivat of our own. In fact, wc have it froiu good uiUiority that tho Canada Southern Company haa abandoncd the project of bridging tho Detroit River at Grosse Isle, and doos not oontemplate extending its road through Southorn Michigan, by tlic way of Dundee or any ether place. Tho same uuthority gives u.s to onder tet.nul that (lio work being done in Lenawee county, between Bliésfield and Morunci, is not in the Interest of tho Canada Southorn road, and that Blissfield is more likoly to bc tho oastorn terminus of suoh work or road. These are the facts as ivo get thom from a disinterestcd sourco, fiom one baving no intorost in the road from Aun Arbor to Toledo and no occasion to niisropiosont in its bolialf, as woll as from one occupying a position entitliiig his statements to credit. The Dundee people are adiscd to considcr thom for what they aro worth. They can not affird to in jure the Ann Arbor and Toledo road to aid tho Canada Southorn, even it' there yet bu lifí in that project, and aiding the Ann Arbor road vniUdly, c'tgorously und V.bcralhj will not defoat Or delay the Canada road if its oorporators havo tho slightost idea oí making an extensión through Southern Michigan. This word to the wiso ourjlit to be Bufficient. A Fh'cmen's Tonrnament was beid at LaosiDg on Tuesday. Tlie companles presentwere Protection Englue Compaoy, P.oteetiou Hose Coiniuny, aud Detiance Ilook aud l.adJer Coiupany of this city ; Tlie Star Eogiiie Company and Wblverlue Hose Coinpauy ol lonta; asteamer f rota lludson, N. Y.; and the Lansing Oompantes. In the tii.ii for .isiiuice ibree compactes competed, And tlielr several turows were : Protectlou, Aun Arljor, 179 ft. 6 luches Protection, Lanslng. I7á t., 1 inch. Btar, lonia, 175 ft , S luches. The Aun Arbor boys came out but belng enterad i the seooud class.didn't scoop the bost triunput, tUough beatlag the throws of botli first-class competltors. - The prtee for secoüd class englnea was a trumput THioed at (85.00; tliat" for ürst elass i'P.K'uii'S ad $100 truinpet. 1 ii the Ilook and Ladder race, LaDslng made the 40 rods lu 4(i secouds, and Ann .''ii.riM :m._, geconds, taklog the socoud pr ze, ii PSS trompet. Iu the coniisi for qoautlty do conipanj' ttfpeared tu compete at the liour set, tin feat of the " old mi " In the iHstaiice trial haviog convincd tlie Luasing aud Ioula co iipanie.s th:it ■' discretiou was tle li part of nliT," ur lioys claiine I the prizc, a trompet v ,lne I at $100, _ which be ing refused, induccd tiem to takc the fint train for ho ne - in disgust. They arrlved on the Wudncsday aTternoou train, were met at thu depot by the and a large aumber of cltizeas, and escort ed to tlieir hall witli flyiiig co'ors, oud u ;- lifted brooius, and tlie motto : " Wu Scoop ed Tlii'in." On their arrival they pasaed a vote of tliauks to the Michigan Central Kailroad tbr hal' l'are and free tranaportatlon of tlielr machines, and to thcir fellow-ckizens for their hearty welcome. - While we johi in congratnlating the boys on their well eirued victory, we bes leave to BUggest tinit it is not just the thiiig to take the engines away from the cily for a tournanient or Other parpose VVith both engines, the liose carr, 'iml tin: hook and ladder ready for dutv at any and every moment, we have none too much protecliou against lire. The Regents of the Uuiversity of California luwe prohtblted students in atteudnnce npon that institution vlsltlng bllllard saloons or places where intoxicatins; beverages are sold. If simpiy prohlbltlag would cure the evil we should be pleascd tu see the IJeTits of the Uuiversity of Michigan follow the exampie of the California board, Wn.r.. M Ca.hi.kton lias been engaged to take the editorial supervisión oí the weekly edition of the Detroit Tribune, and wlll contribate pereonally to lts columns each week, either iu poetry or proee.


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