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Defaulting Paymaster

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WASHIÜfÖTOJf, Sopt. 13. Tlio public was startled this af'tprnoon by tho report that Major John L. Hodge, appointea in January, 1507, Deputy l'ayr in the United Statea Anny, and stationed in this city, had beeu found to be e defaulter to tho government in a fery Large amount. The few who Imow of the serious charges againet him were loth to belitive thém, pat subsequent evento proved to hia frienda that thay are wi'll founded, and that he is a def;nili.T to at least the oxtunt of 1(10,000 or $500,007). Lt is said that a y ear ago deteotivus made the disoovery that hu fiuancial aiVairs ware in a loost; condition, his accounts being behind, etc., and that an myestigation was ordéred, but for somo reason nol known it never took placo. The acoused served aa an offioer during the late. war in the Pennsylvaniik volunu-Lis, of which State he is a native, and was breveted Licut. Col. Ho lived in an extravagant sty Ie at a salary of aboul ï'i.oo. Detectives were bota here und in New Fork to-day severally endeavoring on inquiry at banks and elsewhere to discover further information. lt is susI that other parties ure in vol ved is the defaloal ion. Major Boohester has been detailed to discharge the duties of the olllcc vaoated by the arrest of Hodge. The ö:-10 train yestórday carricd away Major Hodge. He wis in charge of CTnited Btatea offioers, who woro direoted by the General of tho Army to turn liim over to the oommander at Fort Mcllciiry with diroctions to placo him in Bolitary confinoment with a sentinel to guard hu ccll. The Star tlijs svening taya Gen. Brice ordered Hodgo to close bis accounts on Monday last. On the nest day Gen. Brice receivod a letter i'roni Major Hodge coñtaining a fall oonfession of his guilt, and stating that he had boon inaking fraudulent returns and statements since 1866, and that the meney thus obtained had boon sjient in gold and stock gamblinginNew Vork. Hementioned in his lottor tho namo ot'ono tirm who kaew that the ïnoney hc sent thom for invostuiont belonged to the gjovernment, and conclndocl by stating that he was roady to turn over all his property, both personal and real, amouuting in valuo to somothin:; Hke $50,000 to any agent of the government authorizud to rocoivo such assigntaent. Tho investigation of Hodge's accounts, now going on in the Paymaster Goneral's office, havt prooeeded far onougli tomake safo the assortion that his dufalcation will amount to bet ween s 100,000 and $500,000. Ho will bo triod by court martial, which will doubtloss impose as a penalty a certain term of imprisonment) and dismissal front the military sorvice. It can hardly be expectod that any portion of tho amount of his dofalcation will bo recovered, oxcept perhapa a É9W thousand dollars from tlio salo ot' his personal property.


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