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Blue Glass

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The use of blue glass tor hortioultural purposes is not a aew Ideft; the sabjeot received considerable attention iu tho duys of Loudon, and ita use was repeatedly advocatcKl thxoogh his magazine. It is now freshly bef ore us throuh the inf{{nioug ifid weU-devised óperations of Ulihi:i: !' i of this city, in his grapcr yt umi othcr pusiions of hia ■■]■ " ' lishinont. I noti ; I resulti on liis iniloor grapea abont fi ago, bv au artiole intho Q lnth. Sinoc tlicn, till now, tlu' suliji.-ct luis had 110 attontion, though the General's grape vinos anrl crops havo been ftdmired 1 y uil who visited thom. Whether it ia tho bluo grass, the rich, high, nnd dry borders, orhis original methoa of pruning, that produces tho resul ts, [ will not niiw deoide. Hislarge grapery Ims erery seventn or eighth row of blue gUtss, Which producos a very agreeable shado all over the strong and healthfïil foliage and the rich-colorod and loscious fruit, botli of whioh ageert the superior eÉfeots of this ahade of glasa. Lael I saw in Europc thrvt somt! of the mosi -ciontific horticultural estiiblishmenta have their propagating alaaset and irames all blue glass. In Beigiuin the vory largc glas strubtures had ullá ahadiiisj; of blue ; othera used blue mualin for a shadü, and had ho dono for seTt;rl years. At home I have a house onr hnndred and twenty-flve foot long and twenty-four feot wiile, used for growing geraniums for bedding purposen. Bvery thèy lost color about tho ond of April. The glass usod is ten by twelve. This sousoii 1 gave a coating of Prussian blue paint, six inches wide, np the centor of each ro w of panes ; the reduit ra erlectric, and they asaumed tlicir beriutiful green color in a few days, nd tho trnsses of bloom camo to their full miturity. That house is now filled with gr;po vine inpots; thoy look vigorous, full of fine foliago, and thero is not a burnt spot on them - there ix no bordrr unier thin. These hints ure nicrcly throvii out before your many readers, :m- will, in part, answor tho many letters that I have received 011 the subject, even to tho shadc of glafls for several departmonta of a hospital. I omitted to observé thut I 6.1W several glass structuren with thoir interiora painted blue, and certainly it was a very agroeable and refroshing color to the oye. On this subject thero is no axe grinding with us ; every man can try it at a cost of from one dollar to any amount. -


Old News
Michigan Argus