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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. E!VI F. VIH ProDCcntluK Attornejf. At i Ano Arlu.r TmiuJiiy and Frlduyof ech weck. offlo; in Cuurt Bobo. 1K"M"ÁCK ít SCMflttD, Dealers th lry Ooods. .Vroccm, :r.nk,.-ry.Ac No. 64 Soth Main Str-et. ______ MOKItlS íl. l.. Resldence and Office N„ is corner WHltalUs and Thorapaon Streets. ttagalu oflioe honre i to 3.Jt. SíHAi:i, ,111 HltAV, Roofer. Flre and WMer l'rooí. Feit and Cuinixuitlon Gravel Roofe pul n i" order and arfaiUed. Besidehce uu Jefleroii 8ret, Aun Albor. RW. K1.I.1N A l'O., DriiRglstn and dealers itt paute, Oils, ote n.i tiuuth Mnln Street. AnArhr. JO, A. SKSsmSiS, Aitorney and Counsellor at I.hw, Kcl Kflate lid Insurance Agent Convevanciii!; aml Colteetloo of rlnini promptly at tended u on liberal utiti. oniw in Donnellye' nputairs, Boron ftn-et, aiui rlxir, Mloh. Wll . JACKSO3V, DcntlKt. nccraisor to C. B. Portar Office coriier Main and Huroo street, ater thc etore of R. W. Klli Cu , Ann Arbor, tnesth!(lc adiuintaU-rcd lf rtfjulifd. íir V. BBKAKEYi M. !.. Phjrtdan and Surzcou. yittc . at rcalilcbca corner of Huron ud División Slïrets ttrst door cast of Prenbyteri:tn Ctnitrh . Aüq Arbor, Mich. 11 J. JO1ÏNS!X, Dosier l Hut and Caps, f Cars. Straw (iood Gents' Knrhlsntn; tínods, te. Ñ" 7 Sniitli Main i-tret. Ann Arbor, nich. WIIKDOJÍ. Ufe and 0 Pirf-Intrtnof At'eiit. and dcalikriin Kual Rétate. 5ür-on Baron Streeft . LI3WIN C'. HISDOSr', Dealer In Hiirthvare, StoTM, Hniwe Furnl tiiug Oood, Un Ware,&c. Ko.3l Snuili Main truel. BAC'II A Allí I. Dealers In Pry Goods Oroctriue, C ic.Nu -'C South Main -treet. Asa Arlior. SLAWSOX Sc Sfll, Groc!f, froriston and Cuiamlaslon Maltbaut. and dealers in Wnter Limc.I.snd l'laster.aud Plasler Paria. No. lü Knst llurun strect SsiiMllll'IM, uholcsale and Rctall Dealer la H ady M:ili' (Iht6gi UlothB, Caiwmcrcs, t'estlnfa.anddeat't F-iirnUhinv Qoodi. No. South Mhúj Street. Wn, VAHNEB, n-olcr in Rcady Madvi'lothiu-.ilutbB Cawimerea. Vestlns, Hats, Caps, rmk, rpct Bag, &c. íl South Main street. 'U.lDltr. 4: FÍSKE, nookfíllef nna StaJeb'iol :ird .Mi"vil ineoM Deota. No. North -Main iireet. Qfegory lilick, Aun Arbor. FIM.lvV l.i: WIS, Dealers In Boots, Shoep, SMims, 8 Ippon, Jtc No. 't Biut HHron ttroet, nn irlmr. jVTOAH W.CUKEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Oftlce with E. W. Mortrín, Rol sldr ofConrt House Klire. 1331 1 y B. DAVKNPÖRT & CU., BANKERS, SALINE - - - MICHIGANm:T ano sull Government Securities, Gold Coin, Drafts nn Detroit, VW York, Boston, nnd otlier Cities Aii nv.eive mone) '-n make Coliectione, aad tiend promptljr to ni] btutnefl ieriaining to Kinklni: Monej l'ianed on approvcd Seruritiec. l:i-Sni3 J. F. SCHAEBEKLE, Tevrlier "f MflÉtt. G''wcn intruetion on the PIANO, VIOLIN AND GUITAR, Athls offlco4 No. 57 SontTl Main otrtMït, Oloore bofhHng), or at tho reeideare of the pupil. PIANO TUNING, made a ?pecialiy and satisfaction uarantced. 13-.4yl jiltOCKEKY. GLASSWARE & GEÜCEEIE8, J". & 1P Donnelly ITuTein store alarbe itockofCrockerv.GlaMwar, Plíted Wre, Cutlery Groce.nes, itc, ., all tobe soMatiinnsunlly luw price. N. l Kast Hurón Street. Ann Arlior. U28tr J. & I'. 1N MI. II . TOHN (i. (JALL, rEA.LEH IN FRESHANDSALTMEATS, r.AítíJ, SAI MiKS, F.-., Orders solfclted and promptly fllled with thebest mcat in the market. 31 Kast Washington street. Aun Arbor, Sopt. 16th, IS69. l8Kf "M" ARKSEY, Q&g-M: Manotactarer o f Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AXD SI.EICIHSof every stylw, made ofthe besi material, and warramed. Hofse shoclng and Hepairingdone promtly and trices reasonable. Detroit Street, near R. R. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich 1322yl 'j)R. C. B. PORTEE, DENTIST. Olfloe n the SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, Ann Arbor All Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFOkMED WITH CARE. ÜNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTIFICIAL TEETB, TO OIVK KAf'H INDIVIDUAL, Vtnturee of the proper jím, nhape , color % JirmnegëanU na al cxpreuion. 1B44 p C. JENKINS & H. RANDOLPH WHITE, M. D. 3DEISTTIST8. CRNER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON Srs. All Operations peiformed in the Most Thorough and Scientiüc marnier. "íitrouR Oxide Gas coimtantly on hand, ,id ailraiiilsterud wlth perfect safety. 1SJO vt. JID GLüVES. I h!iv(; 20dozen of the CKLKBPtATKD EMPRES8 KID GLOVES I I lu the most exquisita shade, for one dollar a pair. 1322-tf J. H. MAYNAHD.


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Michigan Argus