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New Census And Patent Laws

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We indebted to Slunn & Co , publlshers of )"ienUfic American, New York, for a tlittlc bouud volume of 120 pages, en' as sbove. It contains tlie complete '"Wof 1870, ihowlng the Population by "mte, of all the States and Temteries, '."' ac't A reas, and the population of the roefpn Cltles Aso the uew prtte)lt 4"Wlnfttll, wlth forms, Oftioial Hules, Í flT''0"6 hoW to obtaln Ptents, C'opy w, Ri'gulatious for trade-Marks, As, Ilow to Setl Patenta, etc. Alto, 1 Hr?e variety of valuable informatiou re '"'? to Water Wliccls, Steam EiiKincs, JtW meclianism, witli nmny usefu "'es and reeipes, 175 dtagrjJDM of Me 'Wical MovemeutB, etc. We advlse ever 'Jtoseud for it as aiove. Price, 2 A more valuable comfendium, fo Jmali a prico, lias rarely been publlslied c2hc.Cnited States and British mixo C ïlS8l?n ndw the treaty of Washir.g t] ' or 'X:iiuiiiation Hiid d'-t;isioii i , Wsofboth (tountries other than thos .wn as tUe Alabiuaa claims, ho'.dg i "Metíug at Wiushiiifc-ton or, Monda The Fail term of tfïe CifcúlV Court was opeiicd on Jloudav, Judgé IIiobï presid iDg. The printed calendar dtëcloscd 84 cases, class:Heil M ndloWSi IssiKS of Fact, - - - - 50 Issues of Law, ----- I Iinparlunce, ------ C Oiminal, r Chaucery, lst clasa, - - - - 12 .. 2.1 ' - - - - 13 4r.h " I Of the chaucery cases, 12 are illvorcu cases. The 11 rat cali occupied all of Moiulay, and clearei the caleuilar oí a larg? intmjf cases, settled, discontinued, notices ountermanded, etfl. Several arralgmnenta Vuie in:ide, as folows : Vm. Slurphy, MMIIftëf Jtoraiti and James Johnson; iHfi'rnt itlon tot InirijlarV at Ypsilantt. Mofan nd Jolinsuii plead ftuillyi iVlurpliy not guilty. C!iarles E Helle?, Information for larecny, at Ciivgoiy Ho'iiso. l'.ead nol guiliy. Juditirtciiis eBtbfed on dcfanlt. as fol).vs : Kussell and Ëi-Win St innWMilrln? ÜopipaUv rt. Walter H. and Kivd. W. II:iwkns. Damagu arówsed at $583.84 has. E. OleiiiLMits t Wni. M and Geori?e W. Brewn. Damagea aasesséd at$ál2.7y. Jury trhils w) fari Catharino fan-el! rs Joseph Poriner. Assiuitaiiil batten-. VertTict t. ülias I.ouks M. Samuel W.aml Henry Dorr, and Lutfrer Bonedict (or d agalust hog, the don iujuriiifi aml cusmg the deatb of a hovf trespsftslng on defbndantá' prciniRos) Vwilic;t agalijst Henry Dorr and ftéwdict, in Uie sum of iflO. fow on Xiijp, Aües and Price e Barnes Brds. At the sessloo ot the Detr lt Qmference f the M Ê Churcti, which CToscd its ibors at Mouruu uu Monday last, the folowinjj appointiuuiits were m ule for tlic Ann Arbor district, for the ensuing year : Prealdlng Elder-S. Gi.bmkkts. An Arbor-L ti. Pisk. Dixooro- J. li Conlon. Y silanti - Tnos. tftalfcer. Hriirietta - J II Ourunlla Unadilla-S. i. Hrown. Pii.c-a;y- L J Wliit omb. Aiifiii-ia - A. W. Wilson. O.íKvillc- T R. 8liter, Saline - .hieob Horton. Milau- E. EObblus. Oi'xier- R 11. Crajie. Chelsea- Divld ÜBir. Fraiiciscoviüi.1 AiKt LeODi - tV Ö. JÏ;iH Uross Litke - H S. PtfdingtoDi Lima and North I..ii.-V. M.'lYiggs. llainhnrK- J. H. CaíiUir. Brlghton - .luim Levlnglon. Soutii LiJ'on - 15 P. Pritciiard. Millonl -C. C. ,vc K l. ilavin, l'rt.KiiUiit of tlio Kortli ■esiern Dnlverilty, nieinbcr of tlie Ann .rbor Qu irtiriy Conference. B F. Uocker, inember of the Riinie. In the Adrián dlstrtrt the foHowfog ap )olntineiits ure made to stattons in or iifl1oti i ii this ooimty : M nuchcstrr- W. W. WashbUrn. Hlutron- D. C. Way. Dundée- W .1 Cilirk. Clinton and Macón- C. T. Allen. The Litcrary Di'paVtment of the Ünivefty openeil on Weitnes )ay iflorniii!;. Pteaiinl Ano Kr. i. welnotned the stmli.Mits Vith few appropriute wonls, nii'.l v.ts hlmself leartlly greeted, ifter which tbc varlo; 'rofessors mide tlieir aiiqounccmeut. Up nooil ycstonl ijf 210 Applications lor adIsslon had been Metí, bot as tlio exainloaons hart not íleon coucl(u1i:J tlie iiiuii'kt ', ndms-iom coU'.rt not He rteUTinineil. We earued, höweveü, that che " p&SMÜ t'reslr nmi imnibcMod üboiu 150. A niimber have itccrl the liliclu'i classes, und not a sniall umbcr have been conflitioncil or plucknl. .notlier weck we s'kiII ij ab!e to report ctlitile!?. - T!io DU m bét oí ludios apptyíftg Is not s lariri' :is ii ui been anticipóte t, b:it six :iv-ni; regtotorcd ywtefd y. Mr P.B Wa, ofLodi (i-m a livor ciin v!'ich has Ven in po3siou ot' liis faniily or sonlo imn.lrcl j'c.u'í ol1 more; liamt I ■wn from gendratloii to fWheVrttlon, nlays to tlie oldext soft, aiíd use 1 (ór tlie ïllclren to cui tiielr teetii on. Il i-:i ürti'ter o(" uil iiioli thick - on one si'U; n lit'id wit h Iveo bnlnclies of the Olive to ie rlirht anl left of it, wlth Uie Titin i criptions and'is : Z.V SO0 GXO PINCXSi ; mul revir o s'de of iel tl, tor il teems rether i medal th'an o in: JETkr I. 1). O. ÓÓÑ3Í IPÉ. '7. PFRP. BRAS DfiF.tVm.JC Tlie 38 RiBhlIer in size of flst'jres than '!ie let erin;. In tlie (ientef oCtliis skle are the :nre OüO roñad, ir'thln the lettering, rele of ioincd st:irs vitli oiher stars ?attcred about. M. II. C. At tlie recont nnnual Ueetlag of the Heef Park Assooiatlou, the folio wing ollV ers were electcd : PrssuLent -3 . G. üuos.manñ. 'Tire f'reaiilent - T. i. Miller. ïvrretitry -O. F. Mauser Trratnrer - Freii. Schni'd. trustee - Fi-ud. Wuster, John Broos, i"rei). G ■inner. We hive vePDlvcrl three tracts by Tnno jomk Tnios, and, we presume, from Thko xiub ï : One on woman snffrajre is rroumled on the XIV. irtid XV. nmentl ncuts : one on " The Sin of Sins ;" and the thcr 11 hiosrapliy of Victoiíia C. WooDn.i.i. The flrst is a Hlogictfl an argument is oulrt ivcll bc proel uccd ; the secoixl an ipolojiy for adnlury, wlllch the writer eon-Iders almost universal and not mucli of a lln anyhow ; and the otlier wortliy the lensattpn column of the Datf Jinin-ntox tile Pólice. Uazelte, ami lo lx: hnmilcfl willi a very Ion pair ol tOlitfS. The ouce warni et admi-trs of the bflfllftnt Tnrox begin to concede tliat lm " went up a rocket and carne down a stick," ami a poor stick at that. Froni Dick & Fitzgeuai-d, puWislier 18 Ann Strtet New ork, we have tne folFkk.vcii Sil.r Taloht: A new sys"cni on (iie most sim ie princi)le.o, lor nniveisal self tuinen, wth ronipk-te Eogltsh proniinciaüon ol eveiy word, table of coius etc. liy FkaMZ 'iiiiM. S4 pp., 26 cents. BooK-Kicr.i'ixo Without a Mastku: Jkin Ijessons for Beginnen), and torm.s o!' referenc" in opening book accounts. 56 pp. Two valuable books for tUosc who must help theinselvcs. 8BIPSNAÍ3 and S.srcT;r.iuM;s ok Simon BüODGUABü : A collection _! Orull Stories II lust r;i ; i u vr the Qatpn, (uiddities int Pecnii uities ol'peoplc u.spected oí Wit aud Humor. The stories are all old, but many of them as good as new. Peter' Musical Moidhly tor Ootober is t lianil, coiitainiiiM: Biteen buuutiful pleOM "i mnsio, prlnted froin full si ze muaic plates. It can be hul tor tliirty cents. The iul1; sli.T also offers to send, post-pald, for one dollar, six back nmnbers. coutalntog from ninety to one hundicil plecafl ofciioiro ncw iiinsic, wortb at least $30. J. L. Pktkks ö!)!) BroadwH.v, Nvw York. Tlic August uuinbur of the Printer, " a nionthly oewipaper, devotcd to tliu interes of the ' art preservativo of all arts,' " is a hanfl with a Uble of couteuts interestiiif, to i.Iiixi' intercs'ctl, wliich includes the en tire crafi. $i per anuum. Published ly Johu (iiu.As.jx !c J. H ömiiu, 7fi CioUi St Now YorU. The magazines for October are Rniflnaiiy makin?; tlieir nppearance. The following have found thclr way to otir tablc : The current number of LippincoWs Migazine coiitaina : the second nstallment of Mr. Whymper's agreeably writtcn and proftHdy lllustrared dcscriptlon of hls ad ventures amongthe. Alps; Wild Ireland, by B. Dmtbavand, bïought to a close; A Week on the Bcïgstrasse, a narratlve ol a lady's fambles in the mountaiiioils re gions of Germauy ; theoneluHng part ot Dr. J. W. Palmer's City of Mdrtrtrrieiits Keen Faun ; HöV MotUer Dld lt; Off Duty, a poem : Mutiiili nú Onlelctte ; The Hi-anrlon öhost ; Marriage ; and nntnerous Other rticles, beskles the serial supplement, Kookstoue, wliich is (Iimw uk lo a i:o.c I. 15. LiiM-txcoTT & Co., Pulilisliers,7lr) rtld tl7 Market St., l'hila.leipliH. - The Kdectir for O.itobcr is t lian 1, and lts contenta ;irr r inoro than usual iu tcrest. The article froiu the Qtutrterly Jiê view on DirvvJn''' Dccent of .Mail, is nu tack Opon that remurkable book. Aiiioiir llic othcr aiticlcs are : Öir V ilter pcott ; flie Hcrseliels and the Star-Üepïïïs AVar. .1 poem, by llon. Roden Noel ; A Fest t in Ventee ; J'atly - cbap, xi.i. to; In Kaintchntki and the Country of KorakS ; The State Papers of Frunce ; Tlie Llterary f,lfe--it. j Marie of Villefranclic ; Pike Coilllty iVilluds : M-'di:ov:il (Inldsmiths ; ContlnuHtlou of the Deep ÜeaËnplonuions; M:irisn Mny ; Sir John llei'scliel ; .Ve. A Une íportrait of tin' givat astronomjr, Sir John Ilersehul, embellishcs the nutnber. E. K.Piu.ton, Ptib!i3lier. 108 Fultoo St. - Tlic'Octdfoer niunWr 01 the Alhmlie MinOily h;is! The Iiitennliiijling ot' lons, ly L. M.uia Chifd ; Tvo, pocm, by T. B. Aldricli ; Kiweak's Run : Jnne hays n Yenlce, by II. II ; Pu-t ui. of Watch and Ward, by H.'Jaines. J.r. An Bvenlng witli Mrs. li iwthorne, bv T. W. Hisrijlnsoo üa au Oíd Latín TextBok, same anthor; Thelr Wedding Journey, IV., by W. D. Howells : Fiee-Tf&de - Revenue Reform, by Eilward Atkinson ; Kte Beamnont, x., by J. W. OeForest; My BlithdiV, by John O. Wiilttier; Our Whisperlng tínlícry, by JT. Ficlds, more of Dickens ; A Newport Romance, by Bret Harte, reviews, etc. .Ia i Osoood fe Co., Boston. Froin the sume Umi we have Our Young Folk, tl(e rwl()t of whicli is alwnys hailed uithd?li{;(lt IV the class wliich its tltle sn;rïc"l The October number has (hree more Chapters of Jack Haxard and liis Fortunes; Work.'poem ; Hermy at the Show ; Only h Needie; Sometliing Abollt Monkeys ; Pussy-Clover, poem : The ICin of Binls; Molasscs, doft-Soaj) and Ckier ; besides several otlier rticles. Lf.CTCIÍRS OX TltK SílIDÍ AS-D pRACltÓF. Ot TirE Law, dellvered in the Law School of Harvard University. By EstoHY VVashliiius, Lfi D., Bussey Professor of Lw- Boston : Litti.k, JJkown and CoIpany. 1871. In the ten lectrtres constitutins thls handsomciy irottcn up volume, the artthor or lecturer has aimed to teil the iftudent wliom hr has beert privUged to appear before from day to day, " wliat an1 how to studv, and what wcre tobe tlie düties aiiii prlvilèjiCS tot Vhich they were lo prepare thcinelvjs, wlien they fliould hive pisod neyond the conditioil of pupilaje to that oi' cou:isellor and a'lvoenteS.'' T'lc (Ifft throo k-ctures are up )ii tiie " Stndy Of tUe L:iV " ftlH (liscuss the tlU'thod and iii:inniT mi p!ace of study, is well as the course of Veidins, subjects, boo!;s, etc. Tlie other seven Iccuires cover the wliole field of Pmctice. Tlw lecturer is concise and clear In langnage aua st.iteinent, and his leetures uot be read without profit. For si!e by Gu,wokk i FlSKE.


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