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Nicw YoiiK, Sept. 19. (lolil rontiliuc-s slrong, Inving solil tO1 iy :is hlgli as 115. A speculiUive niovcnont luis al.'o cansed i teiliporary llrmness n the monoy markct retultlng in hlgher i'.iics for loans. There neem no good reaI )ii for any flmtnclal dlstarbance bat the lp iculatow may saoceed in creatlng a litll .: a;;it:ition. The Wholesale tr.ide con Innen active, and prlces Btenly anrt lirm. Jreadstull's have roled quite active and Hnn Ihroughout tlie week. The markct la slude better, ocjual to about lc ad vanee ju wheat. Tlier4s no.diminutior. of tlic reiirn detnand. In addltlon to tlie state )f tfce t'oreitfii market Jieretotoie noted, the )otito erop in Irelaii'l ts reported as sad!y lBtnagcd. Tlicre aw other circumstnnces 'nvoring a large Kuropean demand tliu jnsent year. M-;it is exceedingly dcar, abor in great demand, and fnll wagei are tald. Tlie scarcity of freightage, liereto ore noted, w'.II, be the great ioe to the testero farmers ddrlng the fall and winter. lopa continue buoyant, State grown hops f thls year belug quoted at40@00c. Old lops also coninand good prices. Di-.-! ■];■)]■!, s.'i.t. ;n. The stock offlonr in the city and State s comparatively llght, the dry wcather lavloji Interfered with mllllng. Tuis, coupled witli an active inqnirv, Imparta a irm ree! Ing u the m&rket. .New xork dis atchea recelvedat Board to-dty report an mprcjvod leellng there, and all leadlog {ratos uilvanceil ahout lc over yesterday a priccs. Sales of extra wliite. at $1.40@l 47 ; No. 1 wliite tt f 1 43@1.43 ; Ño. 1 'J'rea.lvvell at t.41(ál.43; Amber at #1.860187. Corn and oats were both favorablyaUVcted lv the crtsti'rn ropóft. ('urn, mixed, 58@ 09, jwllow, G()@OI. O its, mixed, :iH(WiO ; wliiti', 4t(S43. Apples In qnlto good (Iemand at $2.25@2.")() per bl)l. Butter is gtronger atSOaSl iorgood tocliolce. Clieese In goud dcDlind al lOall tor state faclory Drled apples iiuiiiinal at 6Va7c. Egs are cxtremelv RcarCG and ailvanced, and may be quoted at Ifi(il7 f'or fresli lots in oml order. Hops, new, 40a45; oíd, 610. Potatoes are strona; at $2 2öa2.50 er bbl. Tallow, pftr II). T1. y . i? AM.v AniiOR, Sept. 7. We anote tiils P. m., as folíoxv : WniíAT- Amber, ifl.aO; Xo. 1 White, si 86; Delhi, fl.40. 1 1 Ms- ;í3@:5. Coit.s - 60@68c. Ni.w Potaïoks- 00c. Onions - i)0c. Ukans- (1.79. BOTTEB - 22c. EcGS-)2áf A FPLB8 - 4r(t?.r0c. Perches- 750'flOO.


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Michigan Argus