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f púril ftottosu CÖNSUMPTIOK. lts Care and lts Preventivo. BY J. H. SCHENCK, M.D. M:inv a human bnlng passed nvray r whoso (ll'lttll Ihrrc wast uu Otfwr Vi-iW-iii Ihmi tllO ii'k'l.'i'li'i known mul indinputuhly proven inetmn of corv. TtuMO iiPnr m.i iit-ur lo i'iimily and f rienda mío sluopinff iht Qtvuiiilra nlimiiuT inio'wlucli, UudtUcy Cittinly tuktptod nu. joseph 11. sciiencil's simple TKKATMKNT, and ar n lied thomsolres of hl wondorfully offlcaolona mei i'-hi ik, thPT woiild not (i:ivi frtlliMi Dr. irhonrk has in bis otm cafw nrov5 tbirt wherfver nuffleirnt vit:ility retaatns, Chnt vthitity, by hls medicines imd hta directloua for tlielr aso, U qulckond into hciilthful rigor. In tin sfnti'iiiciit thorA Is notMng prvsmnptnotis. To kll frtith of ttio lnv:itul lx mmlu n rj -# ntoutn thut i1 not n thousund timo RUbMtanttntëil iy Iíyituí and Tisiblu works. Tho theiry of Mio cmre by Dr. Schuiick's nfiHin'ts m s simple kü H I.i imtnillntr. phtWmophy ro'iTiiriM oa artfuiuwu. la U nlf'jurTh H-:--Tce'l Tontn nnrt MrtnrPrakc PW at Au ftmt twn fTi'npotiü wHh ïThtrh the dnxttft #f iho mulndr lx ;i"si' lr-il. TiT-t thtnU of tho (ww of oon nmtHln oí iííin:ito In dyftpftpitn iti't n fimctlotiikU dh)r(terfHl llrer. VVIlh thl rmidicfon Iho broiict)io1 tube fyinpnthize" wirh th tomh. They rcp6nd to the norMflcactinn of li rer. Hera thn rwiiri.-a Hic oulniitiütiiifi resal!, :im i üi.i setting In, wlth all lts dltreéJlug $ ruiptoina, of CONCUPTION. The Mandraltft P11lmro comnowd of onoof Naturia notleöt Rirtn -the Pidphillnin Pcltntum. T1iy ( wji uit Ihi' blorid-jfiirRhfnu, ItcratlTO proptirtiemif oalonmli but, anliko calume), ihoy LEATK 5O STI5O BKnTXÏ." Tlift work of cure l now hcftlnntna. ThA vltlntotl nmi nincon dR[)O!lts In tho boffrlN nnd In tho nllnicntnry cmml are eiected. Th llrwr, llkr n rlurk. In WMtni.i tip. It íinnisi'i from Itü torpidlty. The WtOta ncti HCtB rcüiHinivetr. and tho pattunt bogins to fuut f hut ho Is Ketting, at lust, A HITPPIiY OF GOOD BI.OOD. TIip So.i-weed Tonio, !n cnJiirtPtton wlth tlm p1, fprmciifi'fl ïirvi i4i:iM]at(! with the foM. f'hyllflcnInn In D"W prnfTffmlnif without lts prOTtODff tortnrp. OlffQsMoD btrf7ní" palnlosn ind 0ip cum in Míen to lo t niind. Tbere fcno nnro fliUnlnw, noexncerbittion of the stoinsch. n nppetitc its In. Now oomn the erreotefft Bim'd Purtflpr ever yot (tirrn tív BJ1 IndnlmriE f:rhtvr t' bïi (Tering num. Hcnrnk'n I'uliimnic Sr nip enmea In lo perfora ifs fntirtloniiand to hnnton nnd G"nprtc tho cnre. It ntern ut onco upon Itttwork. Nitiirernn not be chented. Itcollpcta iind ripons tho ImiKHr and diJVOBed portions of tho luntrs. }n the forui f K.itherin, It prepHresthtni for exiicctortiioii, and tti In a Y(;rr short timo tht; mnludy in v;iii' !, the rrtin tlinme tlniL it ucupiod i rpnoTiitd nnd nnul ihmv. nnd tho pntiont. In all tho itmnirv of rejiaint'd rlgnit. tep fortb to enjuy iü ciauhood ur vrünumtiood thnt vtu iIVEN t'P AS toST. Thodftp-tnd thinsls. thn pntlonts mutstny In fi wnrra room ntinl tliey --t whi ; It I almost tmpotisihie to nrovont tiihiii í CohI whon the lunjjs are diiwjased. bnt it inut be prevente! or enro tn nt he pfíiglvtí. Fresh Mr And rldlnji out, e p ei all y In this st'cti of tho country. In the f ; aiid irlntnr Hnsnn, are all wrong. PhyAiclitn.i whu recommend that cnurse lojws thelr pritlonts. if tliir hmers uro ïmrtlr dlseaed nnd yot. bfflmran they ure In th Iimihc thoy muflt not uit down qairt ; lny mitfft walk nhont the room as mach jind :i fMt rs tho fctrertirth wlll boar to pet iip a Rood etrcalatlnn of hl. tod. Tno pmlnnt nnm' kerp in kokI spirit- -ho d"tTniiiiP1 to cK woll. This hns :i (rrrat doal t' d with t!io appxllto, nnd. Is tbc freat point to Bvti. To dospnlr of onre fter siich rvkifno of lts ponslbllity in ttio worst case, and moral certainty In all ethers, is pinful. Ir. Bchrnrk's prnonnl st:itomcnt t tho Fnoully uf bis own euro ituh in tttosu modest words : " Many yonrs aero I was In the last Ptnpoü of conciinipfl-ni ; conflnttd t' niy hnd, and at 0110 timo tny nhy deling tiiouiilit, ih;it I cvmld not live n week ; tlmn, tiko b dYownina man cjtchln at ntraws, I hPard of nnd obt:ilin'd tht; picptinitlons whtch I now offer to tho pnMf, ;ni(J thoy ni:ílp a perfret curft t'f me. It ■eemed t. mo tftat I cmld feul them ponotiiite my wholj íy■on. Tiioy soon rlponcd the Binttor In my hing.-, and I wmid. spit nr more (han a pint of uffen StTe vello w matter every mornlnff ir lunx time. " As Boon m th:it becrin to nubside, mycough. fever, pftlns. (Uid ntffht bwcrm uit beciin to lp.ive me, and my UpptlM beouna W gront thnt H wns wlth difQruItr that I cinld keep irom enting tno nmch. I soonKiin'1Diy Btrei)2th,and httvo ernwn in flesh PToraincr. "I waa welRhci nhortly aftfr my reeOTcry, artdcd the IrcttT-, " t'Tf;i lookiiiR ltke n mere skcleton; my welgbt w:iá ojily nlïicty-ii?Tcn pound; hit present weitfht, Is twn hundrod and twenty-llve (?25) pVninri, :uid fr yeHrs I b%YO rnjoTed iinlnterrtipteil ho:tlth,' lr. Schenck h.i- OisOi'ntiutird Iiis professional vUttfl to New-York nnd Bostón. lio or his on, lr. J. H. Schenck. Jr., Htill c-ntiimo to p;o patlcntü at thelr ifR:e. No. 15 North SlZtb Street, Pliilarlelphin, rrrry Sauirdny from i A.M. t 3 P.M. TIjopo wlio winti n Üiorouprh oxuiuination wiili tlm lïrsptrometer wlll bo charppr! fö. Tho Kespirometcr declares thn rxart conrlftion of the lungs, and );ni(.nu enn reudily loarn whethor thry nrr cnniMo or n-t. Thu (Itrectiona for tiking tlin meiücinrs frn nrinpted to tli'sintolllRoncpevrn of a ehild. Followthemj diritions. and kind Nature will do the rest, 'xoopttnif tfriit In some omes tlio Mandnike PMW nn t bo taken in Incranted dosc-; tlio ihreo medicino vocú no other accompanlments than tho rmplc Inftructioni that ncompany them : First créate apwtite. Of returninff henlth, huneer is the most weieome symptom. Whon it comes, as it will comir, lft tho despniHnfï Bt oneo bO of grxMÏ eheer. G"mI hlood nt one fullows, theeonph loosens, the nlirht pweat 11 rthatod. In a .-hort tlrao bothof theso rnorhid symptoms arftpnno forttror. fr. Bchencka medicines nre constan tly kopt in tens nf thotisnnds of fmntltes. As ft laxiillvo'or purgativo, tho Miindrako Pilis are :i standard preonttion ; whllo the Pulmonlc Syrup. as ;i cnre of conhs nl roids, jiy be rjrardcd nu a prophylacteric agaio.stconsumptt'tn in any of it? forms. ■ Prlce of the Piilmonlr Svrup and Pea-ween Tonlc, J!.M i N-.ttl.'. or 7.5O a half doiton. Mftndrake Pilla, 35 ccata u box. Fur sale by all drumrUts aud dealer, HURLBUT Sc LDSALIt 32 Iake Street, Chicago, HL, Wholesale Aamntm PAINTS PRINTS PAIoïTS Oils Oils Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushcs B rushes Brushes VI IN KR. AL PAJNTS, &c, LOOK TO YOUH INTEREST AND CALL ON E. W. ELLIS & CO., BÈtfÖRÈ PURCIIASING A PALSE REPORT ! TIIAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOF TRADK HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT TRICES TO KUIT TUK TIME.-. ALSO AFUI.LLINEOP GENTS' FURNISHING GOOI)! DONT rURCHSE YOÜR SPRING ANDSUMMER OUTPIT8 UNTIL YOU 15 South Maia St., Ann Aibot jamTb. revekauoh, PHOTGGRAPHER I RELUCHES ALL HIS NE.lTITES BEFOBE PRINTING, SO TH AT FRECKLES,MOTHSANDTAN Ro not show in any of his Pictures. No Extra Charges. Goto R.W. ELLIS & COV for strictly Pnre Drugs and ' Medicina ,PaintB ,Oils, &c. rpHE AEOÜS ï OB OfFl EE 18 NOW 8UPPLIE1) WITII FIRSTCLASS PRESSES NEW, AXD IN QOOD ORDER, NEW STY1ES OF TTPE, AND QOOD WORKMEN. A M-M'UI.TY JIAKi; OF BILL HEADS, BLANKS, CAEDS, CHECKS, CIRCULAOS, LETTER HEiBS, rROGRUSVES, RECORDS BttlKlS, SH.UX BILLS, ETC. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WORK WARRANTED TO PLEASE. PRICES REASONABLE. 4 W lilts. )ll III MAMS, AND 41.1. E l..SSi:S Of' III NIM.KS UIEN ahí: IMini) TO FAVOR I'S UITK 'IIIDIII KHM CORXER OF MAIN AJÍD HURÓN SfS. s $ I í g 5 B 8 S , v I : í5 . 3. si 5 a h " i ■ S ë iö S J ■11 Sal f LJj nSs 5 1 i n o i j í HtW í E i CD g . S s 5 DJ8o ? 5 ' S á Mis NO b gAM. B. REVENAL'UIl KBKrS ON IUNT) A. LARGE STOCK OS' OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AN'I) GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAF. No.30 HURÓN ST rp O FARMERS ! I flesïre now to return my henrty thanks forth Uberal pttroofge of the Farmers of Wfishttn.iw au ndjoitiiiï 1'oiniLiii.t. who havo for no many yean in the pnt extended to me thcir triulo, nnd I hope an trnet satis facto ry and profit;ihle to both partien. hope lo receive a fair ylmrc of thcir patr-Diige in th fature My efforts will bc honeatly directeü towurd the, Intcrosts of iny Custoniers, as wol 1 nsmyon, And ninln my aïm will bc, n" to keftp Hf ohoftp crorf )ii ]hhmIII, hut üf fi 'O1 nt ran he fouiid, nnd T as Lnw Kstcs as the quniity o my loods can br aft'itntrd. l will not uudertake U compete Ín prirrft with inferior fnode. I will not ira pair the quality of my implemento in order to re dticii the price. Th purctiaseof cheap yoodfi of nnj kfnd proven nn unproiltahle fnvefttmeut, nu man; have fonnri to their cO8t: i ehall keep a FlilL STOOK OF FAHIK6 TOOLS on hand.that l pronerally fonnd in mnrket. I nm tlie fuithorized agent for fllowin THRESHÍNG MACHINES Ruffnlo Pittv, Buffnlo, N. Y; 'I i liicmi Siinpsiiilns ll.ittlc Crcck. i. -hulp. a si,.-.i, -ril- Vibrator, B.Croek The i;riwr Itlnchinc, liacino. Wie. AL6O Tbc Champion Rc.ipcr & Tlnuor. Sri f Rake. The Kirliy Srlf-linkiii Rcapcr, Combincd. Th kirUy Twii-U'lu-rlril flowcr. H'ood's tlnrliinr, Combincd ith Slf-Bake. JACKSON WAGONS, Buckeye and Shortsville Orain Drills Fairbank's Scp.les, all sizes. TUK OENUINB CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, Manufactnred at Kalaraazoo. I have loeatefl mynelf at th old and well-knnwn Apple TfirkiiiR lloiive of I ïlennlng. on Detroit Streel, oppoeite BocBos Block. wliere I ehall be htip)v t'i mi'ct ,'is many of my old cutomert, and ao many new ones as may pleaac to come. I have eenreri! the permanent services of Snmue Mcdaren, one of my old hop hands, who pvrfectly underptands REPAIRIN C3All kinds of Acriruitural TooIp, nnd will b on hand early in the mctruini; and luto at niirht, when neceseary to accommodatv . M. ROCERS. A nn Arbor; April lot. 18TI. lSISmC GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO'a for ohoice Wines and Liquors for Modical Purposes . JJEAR YEI The "Bar" not being a Monkey ISNT ONE OP DARWIN'S PROGENITGBS ! UUT WIIAT OP TI1AT AS LONG A8 E. J. JOHNSON! IIAS A FUIX STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! FOR SPRING AND SÜMMER ! ! HIS STYLES A.R.E THE LA.TEST. JUS GOOOS THE BEST! AND I1IS PRICE8 THE MZ2 u.m JE3m. ■ - wBism rmrn Alio full line ol Qcntn' Rartrlshlni; Onml Cali and examine hl." CHIPA, PALMS, 8TRAWS, PAN A MAS, mul LEQHORNS, purcb.i8lng. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor. OO1ETHING KW A'r 50 Main Street ! LOUIS VfA LZ, GROCEll &CONFECTIONER ÏÏAS A LL STOCK IN HIS LINE, AND WILI, PRfiMPTLY SEItVE THE PUBLIC WITII SÜOARS, TEAS, roFPÜE8 SPICES, SYRUrS. CANDIES, ETC. Farties Supplied WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE, OF THE IIEST QUALITY, AND AT THE HOST UBEim, TBBM8. CALL -A.3STI3 SEE ÜIIvI BBFORE PURCHASING. 1330 mfi SAM. B. REVENAÜGH PHÖTGGRAPHER, MAKES ALL K5D8 OF PIGTURES FliOM -.IIE SMALLEST LOCKET TOITIIE LIFE SIZE, ANDFINISIIESTIIEM I INDIA INK! OID, OR WATER CGLCHs ! IN A 8UPPEEIOR MANKER. Ka. 30 UIROK STREET. JMH LDEKd ATTENTIOÑ7" SANFORD &CARPENTER MACHINISTS Are preparcd to do all kind of LA.THE SCREW CUTTING, PLANING, POH'EB ri Mimi;, BRIDGE AND BUILDING BOLTS Í ALSO STEAM AND GAS PITTING IN ALL AL!. ITS BK LNOHBS. AGEN'TS FOR STEAM & GAS FITTERS GOODS (JOUKS, VÁLVES, WH1STLES, &C. ALSO Model Making of every variety BaBemeiitorConrior Office, Cor. Mnin and CathertneStreetd, ANN ARBOR. 13SO-m3 SAM. II. REVENALGH Copie Old A1BR0TYP1S & DAGUERREOTVPES IN FIKST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DE3IRBD SIZB. TUMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, Has a largo and wll tfckid Lnmht'r Yard on cfTerRon Street, in the ■- tb pnrt of City, and will kcepcunstantly on hand ttn excetleut variety of LUMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C whlch willbe roM as Iow n can be nfTordod lnth!s ïiirket. Qnnlity nd prlcos nch thnt' NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KRAPF. Ann Arhnr, .T,n.iry 20th, 1871. 9S6 rTvE EKStó FEATHJÍR8 PIB6T GiTT-A.r,IT-5r , nstantlyon hnd and for ssltby RACH & ABEL Finest Assortment of Toilet Ooods in tho City, by Chancory Notice. THE CIRCUIT OOURT for. the countyof Wnsh(a naw. In Chimeery. fACOlï BIEB, Compltiiimnt, PBBDEBIGEA ZEKB, DetaataaL I IttntiafaotorUy aap .iringto thii Oourtby Uw nfïi'lnvit of tl. ainant Jacob Zeel), that the defeudMlL Frederieka Zeeb. fe a resident 01 ÉMb st:tt-, nti UmI " sutipciia htis lef-n duly issued for hor appflat nnw, but tïwit the name could not lx; aorred ly rcnson tf lü i Qonttfiucd iilw;iiw froin lier pl:i'-of ntsidence ; Tbejrefore, on motiOtt of Lawrenca tV l'razer, of counsel ft compliiinunt, it is ordcrcd that the eaid defen Iunt, Fr-(l-rick:i ..tb, oause bei appanatnoe in tli cause to bc entered within tbree monthi bom tbs i t. of this order, and m eiuw nf har appenranf1' rh Dn imnrer lo the couiplainunt'H lnll to 1m; Aled, :iml ■ copy thereot to be served on the cninplninrmt' soli.itors within twenty days after a Heivice of a eopy of aaid biil and notico of this order, nd in default thertfif that the bald bilí be taken to oonfessëd by the rtaid dcfcndant, Fredericka Zecb; and it is lurtherordered, th;it within rweuty days the said complamant OBUM a oopy Of this oniertrtbe puhlixhrd m the Michigan Arjus, a newspap r prints and piblished in tho dt y of Ann ACbÓT, in saJd roumy of WaahtWiaw, and that aid puhlicution be oontimBd In said pupur once Ín oanh ws?k for ix weeks in mcoofli ■km, orthr lio catiHe a copy of thu (mier to be perMinally stv-(1 on Huid defcnrijuit ut loiilt twenty tfiys beiure the time abovc prescribid for her appoarance. Sept. 7th, 1871. ■ R. BKAttAtf, Circuit Court CommiasMier, Wftahteluiw County Michigan. LaWUKSCK & FïlAZEB, 1338 Solicitors and of Counsel for Complninnnt. Mortgago Sale. DEFAUTT fct: innfie in th ftmdiHon nf ft mortpRjíT, cxrcji i y Gtnrgc Khiifftnnti and Adam Kosuncn to Juin. MeMnhnn, dated Api il 2'Jth, A. D lWïft, and record cd samo day íu the Register office o Wiuihtemtw (,'ounty, in book 37 of inurtKai:. , pagt lis, by which the ]nwcrof sale thorein contalned be on me operative ; whieh tnortgngO #aa on th' twoni tetl day of September, likilt, aasbjned U Lucy V. K. Mm gan, and the aasigiinwnt reoorded Jone 2Ut, 1871 aoross thr BMOfd nf said mortgHve, und the sumo Ncwnt) -tivi doUafi lx;injf now as duo tbereon and no suit or pnwíeedintf havin? been instituted to tecprer the saine, oí any part thoyoof] Nntirn is thcrefore hereDy given, that suid niertgag will be femciond by tbe Mie of thé mortgnged prém iuep, to-wit : " aX number thirttt-n. In bluck numbe four .intii, nuaje namber tw vest, in the city of Am Arbfjr rtiid state of Michigan," or Komo part tliereoi at public vnnduc, at the Couit BotfM; in uid city, on the twouly-third day of fieptemx?r lieXt, ut noem. );ted, Junu22d, [ttL LUC V W. 8. MOROAN, Mottgaw. E. "W. ICOBOAS, Att'y. Shfriff ' Sale. STATE OlflHICHIOAX, wjunty of Watditonaw, tw By virtud uf a writ of execution ïsnuod out of niu under the feal of the Circuit Court for the connty o Washtenaw, stat; of Mlnhinn, latt-d May stli, Ih7l and to me dircRtwl nnd dcllvororl, dffainst the eorxlf ■hattsJB, land and tetiementa of Öeoi-K1 í'. Hill, I di on theútáa;of July, A. I). 1871, lovy upon all th interest Qeorge I). IMll has in th; followiri}? deribe( real estáte, to-wit : The cast half of t hu northeas quarter of sootion ninetcen, oontaininf? eighty acref o land. Also the west half of the north half oí th west half of tbe north wct quarter "f BOatíon txventy two, coiitnining twenty-two hotc of land. hai4lanl bcin! itnnted in the townshlp of Ann Arbor, oooni of wathtenaw, State of Mtfthiijrtn, which land hall exposé for sale at puMlc atiction, to the highes bidder, at the Houth door of the (ourt Hotiw, in tli city of Ann Arbor, on the Wtïi day of Octobor, A. I) 1H71, at JO o'elock a. m. of aid day. Uattd, Sept. (th, 1S71. MYRON WEBn. Rlienff. By JonTTN FoitUKtf, fTfiaet Bhenft Shnriff's Salo. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wnihtennw. ia By virLue of i writ of eiñcntian iamifirt out ot" ant undev the eal of tbe Circuit Court for the county o Washtenuw, State of Miehifjan, dat cd June firt, A I. 1871, and to me dirertol and aelivëTcd, ágaimt tli goods and chattels, lands and tenemont "I Antlton Sniith and ChafÜM il. CooUtn, defndant! thrr namcil, I did, on the loth liy nf July, 1S71, lor th want tít Rooda and battela, tevj upon all thr Iniei est that Anthony $mith ha in tlie followinp describe real eatate, to-wit : The undivuk-ii no-lialf. i.., th north part of the southwept quarter of section wewn t(.";n. in township fonrsonth of rnnjï pi rast. ■■ lw k sieoe of land on the south nitli of the tniil-pond on the north prt of the :tUvo desonbed quurter ection beinff the premisos heretofore derdcd by Coineliu Hhepherd to Kvastua Le liaron, bearinu date April. 21s 1852. Alw) all the interest CharteB H. Conklin has i the foDowing deecribed real estáte, to-wit: Jxts Nn 1 and 2 in stjetion 4 in the villaje of Saline, county o Washtenaw, Ptate of Michigan, accordinp to the re corded plat thereof, bepinninff on the south line of th ( Ürisaoo road twelve feèt west fvom tbe northeast coi ner of said lot one, thonce southtrrly parallel with th rast line of said lot ?ne sixty feet, thenoe ensterly par alle] with said ChiflBgD road twenty feet, t henee north erly parallel with the dd eat lino ixty fet.-t to tb ttouth line of the (%idogo road, thenoe wenleily nlon the sfMith line of thr Chiongo road to the place ( lwsinninpr, which premises I rilBll expofo for snl at pnblic auction, to the hirhest bidder, at th Kouth door ot tl; Court House m the city of Ann Ar hor, on the 21st day uf Octobcr next, at 12 o'cloc noOD of aaid day. DatcdScpt. 6th, 1871. MYIïON WEBB, Sl.rrifT, 1338 By JoBTIK FOBBES, lTndor-Shcrif ShcriíTs Sale. CTAÏKOF MICtIIAN', County of Washtenaw, as 3 By virtue of a writ of extctitinn itsned out of ant undcr the seal of tho i'ircuit Court, for the connty o Washtenaw, State of Michigan, dated the 2:id day o June, 1S71, and to me directed and delivered, again the gomia and chut tíos, land and tenementapf Owe Croman, defi Doanf therein naraed. l did, on the 24t day of June, A. D. 1871, for the want of giKMls am chattlo, k-vy upon all Uk interest that Owen Croma bas in the foltowin dewribed rtal ertafe. to- it : a thuf pieecpr parwl of landlying and baing in th town of Norlïifield, countyof Washtèntnr and Stat of MtohigHB, 4owribefl asfbUowa, to-wit: the north east quarter of the BOUthoaBt quarter of B6CtLon num ber Hlteen in township mimbf r one south, and rang nuraher six east, aocording to the original survej eüntaining forty acres of land, which premisefl 1 sha SKpOae tot WÍS al public auction. t" thé hiirli st bic der, at the south dor of th Court Honae, in the dl of Ann Arbor, on the ÏWh dav of September, A. 1' 187 L at U' o'clnck . m. of sai'l day. Dftted, August 17th, 1H71. BlVnON WEBB, fhrriff. 1.135 By JOBTm Foubs, Umler Sheriff. u-A Eatate fat Stle. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wnehtennw, u In thn matter of ifaeeétaté f HarrMl M. Blakea 1 and Juliiift i!lak(slt minoi"s : Notice ïh herefa, given, that in pursnance of un ordrr gpranted to th uBdenLrncd, Chiardian of the aatafte ofaoM mlnon bv the H(in. Jndge Of l'robato for the county cif W"a-.h fónuw, on tlit; o vent h day of September, A. D. 1S71 tbero will bo sold at jDiiblic vendue, to the hiheMt bid der, at the rsiVncof tbc undersipned, ÓnnrdJan, in the township uf York, in the couniyof Wnwhtenaw in aid State, on Wedneáday, the tirst day of Nivtm ber, A. 1). 1871, at ton o'cloik in the forfmon of th.'i day [subject to all enomnbraneet by maiiw 'r other wim! existing ;it th time f the walt', umí ano nubiec to the rifrht of dower of rhc widow of Julius W Blaktfslot', deoeaaed, therein), the f bUowing describe real estáte, to-wit : Tbe undivírted half of the sout' eleran and a half acre of the north lm!f of tbr soati linlf of tho west half of the northwesi quarter of sec tiim t wt'iiïj -two, in township four south of ranLVsix eaffi (u laid state. Dntinl. September 7th, 1S71. ISSQ A LI iJA HLA KESTKE, Ounvdian. Estuto of Sterling Shipman. STATBOF MICHIGAN Cotint} ot Wahtenftw,ii. At a sesalon Of the Probate Cmirtfor the Cotint; of Washtonaw holden At the Trulmte Oillc-. in th City of Ann Arbor, on Prlrtay, ih ïhih í n o September, in Che ycar one ttioiiHand i-ight un dred rul sevcuty-one. Present. Ilirain.f. ïtenke8,Jndge of Probate. Ia the ni.-ater of ihe Ktat of Sterling Afrlpmar) decefieed. On readiiifríiTid ftünpthc petition,illyverift'd.o John B Stiipman, pnytng that ht; ma.v be nupoiiUec Adiuinirtrrtlor of the f-tate of nU decengeo. Thorcnpon it in ordercd, thalMoiulay, the nintl day of October next. at ten oVlock in the foro nonn, be aaalgned for the hearing ot said peti tlon . and thai the hel nt Inw of aaid de ceaM'il. and all other ucron.sintorc8ti-(l ii]inideBtAte antean (rad to appeac nt seeslon oi stiid Conrt theri tu be holden at the Probate OitU-e, in the (.'iiy oí Aun Arbnr, anrj sluiw consi' if nny thcrebe why the prayer of the petillQqer nhouhl not be limnted : And it isfnrlher ordored, thot snid potï tioner jive notice trthi! pt'riti.n LntefQBtOd. in -:iu estáte. of the pondency ofyaid petltlon, and the henrinc thtïrcof, hy a copy o!" this order to Ijopiiblthhed in the Armt pcwspaDBi prioted and cireníming in nid County, thnesuc p8Ívt wt'tíkí previoup to (airtdn Pf hearinr. (Atrnecopy.j HIKAlkl J. ltKAKKS, 1''J Judu'c of Probate Estuttj ot' Thomas J. Brooks, STAI'K ( ) F M [f ÍHXGA , County of Wahtenaw, rs sf.s.sion of the Court i'or the Dountf ot W;islitcnaw, hoKt-n at l'rubato ' thiv, in the City ot Ann Arlior, on Thunday, the tbirty-flnt day ot August, m th' yétt MR tBOSaadd eJBjht hundrud and aaventy-one. Present liiram J. Beakaa Jndge of Probate. In thf matter of (fee itatu ot ThomaN J. Brooko, doooaaod, OBVeodtaaand lïlingthe jx-tition, duly vcrifid, oi ChaiUs 11. Kumpf, afiministrator, praying tJmt he rnay ISbenaed t mU certjiiu real estáte whertof said tlticuawxl diod ized. Thereupon it is ordcred, That Uionday, the sixteenth Jfiy of i.ctober next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, fe awifimed for the hettrinp wf auid pctition, and that the hi'ii s at law ot said d.ceaP4Hl, aud all othri persons intorcsteil in wiid (ïKtite, are roquirod to appeni it a .■.'■MMii of aaid ('nurt, wen to he holden, at tlie lrobat Ottia;, iu the City of Ann ArUir, and show ïausg, if any thore hc-, why the prayer of the pet itionor thould not !■ granted : And it is furtherordered, that iaid petitioneT viva notiee i feo, the penosa intorested in aid ootfttC. "f th1 pendenoy of íiid potition, and the ïearinp thrro)f, by cansina a copy of thia order to bf ii!ililn-il in thft Michuan Arpus, a newaaapex printed nd circutHttiiK in lid county, four suuecssive weeks jrr!vims to said dity ot hearing. (A truc copy.) " HIKAM J. BKAKES, 133'J Judgeof Probate. Estato of John Imo. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wiwhtonaw, w. At a aaaaion of the Probate Court fOT the County t nahtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflicp, in the nty of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eleventh dy of September in the yeót one thousand eight huudred and ieventy-one. Preeent, Hirnm .T. Beakea, Judj?e of Probate. In the mattor of the estáte of John Lane, desaaed Patrick Donvan, administrator of said estáte, comes nto Court and representa that he in now projtared to ■onder hii Hnul account as raeh Administratnr. ThciTupon it is orderod, that Monday, tho ninth lay of Uotber next, at tn Vloek in tlie forenuon, asttigniNl lor esanunin nnd ullowing sitch aeeonnt. ind that hebra at luw ot' aaid deciasod, and all tther perrons intetoited in s;iid eatate, are required to kppt-ar at a aeMon of aaid ( Somt, tiben to holden, at ne Probiitti OtHce, in the city of Ann Arbor, in HJiid 'ounty, and show caiiüe, il auy thorc bo, % iiy tïie said count should not be allowed : And it ím further rderetl, títat said Ad ministra tor give notiee to the ttraoni Intereated in said estáte, of the Kndency of aid Aotxtuut, :iinl the thei-eof, hy eau sin a opy of this ordar to be publlahed in the Michigan ini.t. ii newspaper printed and drcolatlng in said 'ounty, thi'ci; sucffi' wt'fks prvious to said day f hearing1. (A tiue copy.) HIIÏAM J. ÜKAKKS, 1339 Judireot I'i-obate. PHYSIGIARS PKSCBIPTIOHS" VCCCRATELY AHI) CARJÜFXJLL Y PHEPAEED BT R. W.KI.L18 & CO.,DRUQOIS7S. Estáte of Matthew Kearm3 OTATE OÍ' MICHIGAN, Connty of W 1 A ashtcpaw, hoWen at the Probi5C.2 of Ann. Arbor, on Tueadny, 11," 'C t-OThor, in the yeur one thouwnd eio-S scvunty-on. "e"' ''ivlw ■ lm ii-ailihirnml fllinirtiie petitiou 'aka. Margare! Kearney prtying iim: X',, ! % „„„■ „„„„it!, th '"; laid deonuwd. ■ ""' unnJJ1 b.y ..! Dotober next, ut ten o'dwk i' and Uut the kwratees. deviaen and ïSL2 of said deeeaeed, and all othCT priïïi. V 5 aid ntoto, ure reqoired to npïo .""1 sa.d Cmirt, then to be holden ,it, Lp ?l ■ ' t '.'y "i Am, Aiter, rad )Z P""Sk flwrebe, Why the prayer ol the tx-lit!,,,,,?".; be cranted : And t ia f urthcr otileml , t...!..r u-ivR notieoto tfaeperaont inti5 ■ tote, of flwpendonoyof üd p,tm„„ ..""S thor.-ot, by OBUílng a oopy ,rthis ,„,i,.r . "RK in the .l„:„;„„ Arpa, , n,ws,,iip,:r pri„, TO lutintt in raid I ounty, three ucoeiTe iZimi t said dny af hearing. wtl ti Estato of Miehael KeT" CTATKOPMIOHIOAN.CoantyorWuhV 0 At n ession of the Probate Conrtf JJJl or Wa.htenaw, bolden M the ProtatenS1 City of Ann Arbor, on Tucwlav "7511 September, In lile tent oHe ihíítiniVj dred and sov.-titv on". "'"tas d, Present Hiram.J. Beako!". .Tnrt.e of pt , In the matter of the estáte of Micha,'. Í On and nlnK thr petltion. dnlr ,.-. Margarel Kearney, praying thnt n cert, ; nui noy ..i. lile in thls Conrt, imuui!in.. t, h ." will and DMUraent of koIci decenaeif m. J teil tn Probate nd tlwt she nu? ,,: ule Kxieiurix thereot. 'IWa Therenpon t is ordered, that Momln n day of October next, at ten u'clck i. l1! Dooubeaísljrned for ilicln-;iiii!;of-,i ",-W tiii the IcL'Rtet;. di'Viücr.8 and hc :.. ald deceflied, and II othcr pi-rjon, ,., '"i aW estáte, are reqtiircd to appear li25"l said Court, thi-n to be holden, al tlie Pilï"1' in the City ,T Amu Arbot, and „W L. therebe, why the pnm-r of Dm p.-riiTl :ll1 nol bc (ranted : And il la fnrther nlwij I pctitioner give nollce to the iiersn,, aldèituta, of the pendency of 8i,i the hearini; thercor. liv caosiu; a coiiv t.i be poUMed in thu' Mirhiqan Ami, , , "l l)rintedandcircilltili(rin sald Cnmrty'iwf1 ive weck prcvlons to ald riay f hc,'-inV IR (Atruccpy.) HHAMi.BÏtt l3f8 juJïe oi p, Estáte of Maiy E. Siliftrij STATE OF Bi [CJIICJ A.N, Countv of WL At a sossion of the Probate Conrt fwtïï1 of Wanhrcnnw, holden at the Probate oiïm. .. of Ann Arlr, on Fnd.iv, tl,. „., Ixr, in the er mie tlioOnd' rfght hiriJ1 Present lflrnm J. lieake, Judge of ProW, In the matter of the eftute oí ila,v íV deoewfed. ' ''w .( In rouding im.J lilinc tito pctifion, .!■ ■■■ Augiiitoa Bhiegly, pruying that s wrtain iSÜ liowon file in this Court, purportinit tofeSï will and testament nr said deceiued mar t.jyi thereofT81 """ ''" '"■'y ljeu't"iSS XboñnitioB tt i? ordeMd, that Hond ik, .l.iy ..i ( icti.U-r n.-xt, at t-n dVlock in the fmL? uaigned tor the hearing of snid peiiiiot odiu! legntepR, deviaeca and héira at la of miad?! uil otbei persona Interested in said ntat uTT to apr at ii -s.i.,n ni smí.1 coiirt, theïto IS at the Probate Offlce, in thecity of AitijT" i.i cana, it iiiiv tbere lie, why the utatiTl Iietiti'.ticr ahonld nrt tic 'intuí : Aml it (ïï orderiil, tliat Mid pelitffnu-r 1,'ivf Iititio, td(L inttiistcd in said ottatu, ot the min . ■ald petition, and the hearing tli,r.„' l. eopy of tbia order to Ixj pnblislied in 7211 Argvt, n newspaper printrd and ei..:. oounty. thiev BaeeaanTQ weaka i'TOimwtoiaJin hearing. (A true mpy.) BlBAMJ. i 133 In4s Estáte of Mnlioriy, et al.- minor!. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of v, O At B souiit") of the Probate Court f Wnshtenaw, holden at tliu Probate O of Ann Arlv..on Snturday, the Herolid Ja;o(Sr ber, in the yt-ar one thoutmnd eiglit huiidMR seventy-one. Present Hirnm J. ]!enkp. Hiilge il Pri( In the matter ot the estáte ot Jontisi Snlri J Mftry Mahony, minors. Onreadipg nml ttlini lhepetitio%4idtMU Luke Coyle, (inanliati, praying lli.'it 'ht njt, lieeneed to scll certain re:il eatotc W ■ minor. Thereapon t is oroVied, that Mondar, ibia day of October next, at ten o'dock intlticwn beasKined for the hearing ofmid irtitioi.atiU the next of kin of itaiil minors, and ril ffe penona interested in said estáte, tre vaóA% appear at u sosion of iid Conrt, tlientoltUfa at the Probate OIHce, in the City of AimAitw,ü ahotv causfr. if any there Iw1, why tlieprayertítit trtíooer ahoidd not be pranted: AnJ . ordei-efl, that aaid jMititioner ffivc notice to lltiatl km of ü:iii1 minors, and all otlier pene f.stil in aaid estáte, of the pendeneT of a tion. and the hearing thereof, by caasing order to be pabliabea in the Michigoit .; paper prtntcd and circulating in saitl ' Bnoooamre wetks previona lo sni'l Am nf )rm. (A trne copy.l SIËAM 1. ÍIFMÍf, ISSS JudijeoilWilf. Estáte of Buck - minor. STATE OF MÍCHIGAN, ( 'mnty otïïxütmw. t At ;i xettn I !!;■ Probate C'oml : of Waahtenaw,'lt-n :it the i'ji1 ■ city of Ann Arbor, on FnViay, t l 4ij i h pNnuber, in the y-vir on1 tlniii dred unrl sovenly-ulie. s.'nt, Ilirani .T. tilicos, Jndge of 1 In the mutter of tóe eatate of IieRrêtti ürt minor. On ri":rliiLï and fllinfr the petiüon, ilnly tctoü Bdward K'inti, (iu.inüiin, prnyinp tliat he km h lioenaed to ell eeitain real estule tlongiii;4 minor. Therouiton it isonlt-rctl, tlmt Moiulny, the ná vi;, of ii-'oli noxf, at tn oVloek in the fonwh nutMlui lor the hearing of iM pL-ritwin, aodthcit next of kin of said minora, aud all utlior pridW ested in pai'l (state, arerfyjiiireil to appeflr atiswl i'l said Coiirt, tbes to tw huiden il t be ProhJh; Ofc. irf the City of Ann Arbor. and show Me,ili tliere t)e, why the prayer of the pctition'.r Ai befininted: And it is further ordered, titioner t;tve notiee to the next nf kin I and all other peraons intoreste-d in snid estott. W# jjcndenoy of said petition, and the htari r.msin;,' a ooi-y of fhii order to be pnhlbWna Micfiifjnyt Arjws, a newspaper, printed and rcuaía in snid countv. three anoocsslte ireekfl] day of heaiinL'. (A true copy.l HIKAM J. TÏKAKR UH Judsc of Piotft Estáte (f Jo' C. Burkharit, 8a STATE OF MICHIOAN, Oountyof At .i -r-.-iunoi the l'robiite Court for ft"f of SVashtenaw, holden at the 1 rol il City of Ann Arlw, on Wednesday, ot tieptembcTi in the year one thousand gw dretl and wventy-onf. Prosent, Hiinrn.I. lïeakes, Juripenf Trj-t I n i hu matter of the estáte of John C. BmisKS4M1.. flonoHaofl. uu readinfeand Hlinijthe pi-lition, dnlyw4' Bmnnncl Manu, Adininistrator, prayinr üi1 ti' Ikmued to sell the renl eiit.ite wliercof1" diedaeized for the pnrposc of rlistribnting uP reeds of raen ale MDOtig his ïicirs kt tew. -. Then-iipon it is urdered, Uat Jlmulsr.tK day of Octolier next. ai ten o'dóck fcOl noon, he nssifmed fot the Maring of): and that the heirs at law of said dete:is er peroní interesteil in said estáte, re rfl'"j'v' , )iear at ai Kavian of said Cnuvt, thtn tobiO1 fhe Probate Ofliee, in tho city ofAnninJ show eause. if any there be, irhy tP"!"! pctitioner should not be grunted: -n"ltlsl orderwl. that said fK'titionrr Rive nolice to tot If" lnterest'il iji Baid estáte, joí the -nidvncy oí í tion. rin.i the hoarinc thereof, by cvisW "" this order to ! pabnahed in the ■yifl'!?,Ji newspaper printed ;:!"' ciicqlatins in ,11. fonr succi aaive weelts nrevioua to sM ■'-:■ ' ■.'' ' (A trne eopy.) H1RAMJ.B1 1338 .lu.h-"!-Éstate ut' ('athnrine McCaffi STATK OF MICHIGÁX, eounty of ff At u sessiou of the pMMte Coorl (■ ' uf Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate !, ottjroï Ann Arhor. on Monday, the wu ?J Autjitüt, in the year one thousand eiyht hu1" HeVcntf-one. 1'ivM-nt llimm .1. Beake. .ludpe of P""1. In the matter of eatate of i'nthariw1" ■a aUeged incompetent ix'tson. , On readtng and BUbk the jwütion, dnlj 1"rJt Channcey Joslin, praying thal Pnnce '"m ' rn city of Yjisilanti, in !-aid rounty. may te W Guardian for said Ciithannc Mc :iti' rty, . J Theivnpon it is oiÜüred, tlmt Jlouday"" t day of OotolHT n.xt, at ten o'eloek in theWJjil asai&nëd for the hearint? nf said in-titiun, J - next of kin of snid alle'ed incnmiKtcnt, M"'f ... persons interested in said estale, .irt' ' pear at a session of sid Court, thnn to w" flj, the Probate Ufe, in the eit j "f Ann -' eauw, if any there he. why the prayer of "E er should not be prantcd : And it is furlw' that said petitioocr give to the estcd in said est ato. of the pendt-ncy of mrJ &b and the hearinjK thereof, by caiiailií: o .iP irder puMish.-.l in the Michigan MS" ',„ ItjijKT printed and eirculatinfr in snid coiinT' , íessive weeks previous to said day of "ifjjrrff r:uiinp to be erved on said üntharine personally, a eopy of this order at Iwuh Ior-, Sefcire said day M hearing, and !y eaumPj"y 1 eopy of thw order to e.;ch of tlie f"0.rT , piTMiiw. vi? : to John Mei 'ufferty, of Yp11 non of said allefced ircomix-tent : t" An"""!TttJ .f U.xkford, in the Stille Of Illinoi : fa"á 'ollins, of Cai-nuir, Iowa, M-ho are "rPj"Jï alleged incompetent, at lenst six week bcW(A true eopy.) HIKAM J. BKAM-:.. 18Mw6 Judge ofJ, Estato of Williuni Bnwlsli;i' OTATE OF MICHKiA.N, Countv of ' l At n session of the l'robatc Pourt for tn . Waahtenaw, bolden at the l'robal ,f Ann Arbor, on Tuosday, the tt'.'öii'l iu-ust, in the year one thousand dg"' '"" event} -one; , -, uf# I Present, Hiram ,T. Beakes, Judfrcof Jr0tn In the matter of the estáte ot WUU w Ê ln-;iril. H-Tflil On reoding and rllinjr the rotition. .;: Elinbeth Bradabav, praying that FreUi haw may be appointed admintatrator oí v aid (lfeased. , . f ttf Thercupon it is ordered, that """"'''.ijil' flfth day of September next, at '. "S orenoon. be asdi(tned for the hearmROt m,nd that the hcirs at law of said dewiR '; r persons inteicsted in snid estille, mr '■ vit at a Bession of snid Conrt, tlirn to he Probate Office, in the city of A'-; how ciiu.-o. if any Uier be, why tl"' Tgl rf letitionerihould npt be pranted: -V1"1,' .nK rderetl, that said petilioncr (rive riitiw nterested in aaid estáte, ca the pendencj on, and the hearinff thereof, by eanohij " "'ij rdei tobepnbliabedin the MitUta ■'' p.xi printed and cireulatinB '] , Zviiticeessivc weeks prerious to mM day ni gj nEOPLE'8 DRUG STOiiï' R, W. ELLIS & CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus