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Clay Meetings

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The Osklnnd Gazctte contnins the proccedings of a meeting to expresa the feelings of thecitizena of that county, without dis tinctiun of party, in reference to the outrnge6 of the Lexington mob, in moking war upon the frecdom of the Press, nnd the laws of their country. We intended to have noticed the reeolutions, in detail, but have mislaid the pnper confaining them. A similar meeting was held in Jackson on the ISth instant. The resolutions aftord gratifying evidence of the growtb of anti-slavery fceling m the community. The meeting was addressed by J. M. Tread well, H. H. Ilealh, Austm Blair, T. S. Myrick, nnd other gentlemen. A comitiittee, of which Ilon. IJ. Acker was chairman, was appointed to transmit a cnpy of the proceedings lo Mr. Clay, wilh a letter of encourogement and syinpathy.QTGeorge Brrwstcr, fonuerly editor of a Whig paper in Adrián, has loken charge óf the Oakland Gnzette. His a handsoinely written. Bnt ns to hits "twelvc cardinal Whig doctrines," we doubt whethcr they wil] all be acknowleciged by the party.- Here is one entirely new: "12th. Tho e'ection by the people of u!) postniosters, collectors, cnt-anm house orïicors, secretarios, and otbor govenmuMH officerfi." And here isanotlier wliich the edi'or mast expluin btfoie his rcuders ( nn compreliend il : 9th. Opposilion to tho rplinqnislimPitt to theslaeocracy of the ountry uf no bnlance of power." Ikre is nnnlher wliich Bounds ve y Btrarj{,'e as a 'tJfliig'' principie. "21. De:ermined oppoFition and h6tility to all legislativeenactoiPiitsfor iri'ernal improve mente, wluch, in fncl, mortgoge the fnrminp interese o'the wholft country, and which mn?l or lüter refult in ditret tnxotion o the piQst onerous ai.d iustipportabió ciunictfr.'1 Scven or eipht yenrs ap, tlm Whiirs wouM hnve disovvnod nny of their immber us a lura!ic, v!io would hve bronulit forwanl eucli a proposiiion for their .sanction. But politieel parlies chnnge wilh the tirreH. We are 6orry to seo. scvrml hetf erfi'.orinl'y proposed iutllia nnmbvr of ihc pnper. Il is a bad om of i is characler for the future.Oy A journnl of' the Debates and vo'cs in Cotioress is verv desirable lo ihoge mierrs'.ed in politicsl affiir. The ptïcu hcretr.forc been a dollar n sesion: hut it wlll he seen ly the advertisemont of Dv rnd Fikthat thry oíFer tljeir journul for the nession for fifty cents. This is certainly cheap cnough.


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