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How London Is Governed

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The government of the eity of Hondón rcry ioueh resembles in form tho general (üVettunent of Eugland, tho Mayor, Jourt of Aldermen, aud Court of Coranon Council ropresenting respeetively ;ho Sovereign, the House of Lords and :he House of Commons. It is in all repects rosponsiblo to the froemen for tho ixpenditure of those funda, more con pletely in faet tluvn i the House of Commons tor the disposal of the national rev.'nues. Unless, therefore, we can suppose Lt possible for between two and three liundred men who are relccted from tho utost honorable of the London meTchants to conspire together to appi-opriate to themselves the public money, such a itate of thing8 as we now haYo in New York oannot exist. All expenditures aro made witli the sunction of the Council, ind they cannot be mode without it. At bhe same timo special otficers are appoint;d for thí adminigtration of tho duties of the Corporation. In euutuerating the jhief of these officers it nrnst be remera bered that the administration of justice forma a most important item in the civic work, in consequence, niainly, of the fact that the city of Loixlon i itself a county, imd therefore quite distinct from the tiouiity of Middlesex, in which it stands The principal oflioers are two sheriffs and two under shcrüfs, the recorder, town clerk, common sergeant, city chamberi in, harbor-masters and others connecteot with the port, solicitors, coroners, four auditors of accounts, the clerk of the clunnber, and chief inspector of pólice. Tbere ttre alst other minor ofKcer-i. The duties of some of these officers are signitied by their titles ; others require explanation. Concerning tho clerk, it is only neoessary here to say that, beyond the ordinary requirements of such an office, all real and personal estáte is vested in htm in the name of the Corporation. The salary of the town clork is L1,300, with feesauiounting to L000 or L700 more. He i also allo wed L1,500 a year and a residence free of rent and taxes in thft GuildhH He acts as clerk in all the courts held by the Mayor and the Aldermen ; the Mayor's Court, the Cotfrt of Hustings, which is a superior court of record, all courts of the Coiumon Council and Common Hall, and of the Sessions ; also tho courts for the conservution of the Tharaes ani way, ot wüicn at least oight, ana sometimos twelve, are held during the year. The City Chamberlain is the treasurer of tho Corporation, dispciising its funds imder the authority of the council. ïho Sheriff, who aro ohosen aunually by the livcrymen, are the chief superintendents of all city prigons. Thoy also attend the courts, conduct executions of crimináis, and act as rotoxning olHcors at parliamentary olections. They receive as coniponsation lor their services sundry fees which amount to nearly L1,000, but their expenses aro usually twico that amount. The Recorder is the advocate and adviser ot' the Corporation, convsponding in some raspeóte with our Attorney-General, but hrving within his sphere wider powers. He is chosen for life by the Court of Aldermen, and receives a salary of L3,000, besides fees, which ainount to L5(M) more. He is one of the jadges of the Court of Hustings, and acting judge at the Londun Sessions, in which he is associated with the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, four being nccessary to form a quorum. Ho prepares reporta of capital casos for the Queen and i'rivy Council, issues Vanante for the reprieva orexucution of crimináis, at tends the Lord Mayor on all legal and business occasions, and stands at the head of the legal department of the city. ïho Common Becgoaat, the ncxt law olflcer, is eleoted by the Common Council, and receivos a salary of L1,500. He proside8 in the Cou t of General Sessions, attends all meetings and courts, and is likewiso counsel for the city in logal matters, The revenuea of the city of Lo&don are derived trom varions sourees, but chieHy from rents, fines, tolla muï market dues, bequosts, brokers' Leos, freedoms, interest on jiovcinmrnt Becuritios, Bales of securities and lands, Coal, meta] and linie duos. According to reeent returns, the amount ariüing from these BOUrces, excepting rents and interest on governmont securities, was L330,199 (about (1,600,000.) Tho oxpenditure, according to the same returns for thu sanie timo, amounted to L356,180 (about $1,720,000.} Thero is no eounty rate, but for special improvements loans are made, and in some cases mado chargeable to special fonds.


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