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Títere is a little story of tho war, liever publisneo, may have lts meaning herc. ït is a yoiing, bcautiful woman, the wifo of tho foremost civil enginecr of liis time, who when two sonswere bom to lier, detennined to servo tbem bettei thrtn :is Bempstress or cook. She devoted heiself to hard and severo study, vrhile striving still to koop the gracqs and" accomplishinonts of hor youth. Sho became friond and companion toher husband and sons ; fittcd tho boys for tho olassea in college in the languagea and scicneo ; for many shared hor husband's labore. " The most intrioate oaloulatioos I leave to lier, as tho mathematician of tho two," he was used to say. Tho boys and thoir father won place and name ; she stood in the background, unknovn, watching, and satisñed. At last lier work w:is dono; husbaml andsons u;avi! their lives for their country, and whon tho last was gone, tho woman as though hearing a sndden cali in tho tho rnidst of hon.lth and stivngtli, dicd. Sho found the bettor use for her life, apparently to follow witli it over tho dark rivor those whoni sho had loved. Other vromen less woak and fond, with her capabilities, would doubtloss havebecome professors or candidatos for Presi-dencies. But thero havo ahvay, been two' kinds of women, and thore will bo to tho end. The character of Xantippe is now defonded on tho groaad thit tho incomo of Sócrates, her husband, was only fourtoen dulbirs a year, and he liad a httbit of bringing soinebody homo to dinner nuaily every d.iy.


Old News
Michigan Argus