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Carl Schurz--significant Letters

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. ■ SHVILLE, Tenn , Sept. '.''■'.. The speech deliverod by the Bíon. Cari Bohurz, of Missouri, on Wednesday, has I a profound impression in politioal cheles. The ni'st signifioant mcident oonueoted wituii is the following Letter, forinaUy aadxessed to Senator Scburz, mul signed by several hundred ex-Cong fa lerate soldiere, émbraoing every gmde and rank of the late rebel service, trom privates aud non-cotnmiBsioned oíficers uj) to Major-General. The signen generally are representative mun, ot' infl 111 tli(! comnrunity : " Xasiiville, Sept. 21, 1871. " 'l'ii :!a Hem. ( ;.rl Sch'jrz: "Djoau 8ie- "We, the undbrsigned, f.irinurly Confedérate soldicrs, wish to oipross to you our high regard for youraelf, and our prafoand regard and admiration of the late unselHsh, non-partisarl, cultured and patriotio address dolirered by you in this city. We admiré the manly, independent spirit which refnsea obcdience to party whön in conflict ivith oifè's conviction of doty arri! rijjht, We plodg9 you that we are by no moahs part th;ii we have a faiíth thut no wonl-; can expresa in the sublime sigtüflcance, rais■ion :ind dostiiy of tho American Etepub,lic; that we honor ánd reveré the ïiationaJ Haga the asmtted heiald of that divy wluii al] races of men, of uil ranks and ondiiions, will bc redeomed and,delivcrad froth all sjici-ies of politica! and mental thraldom. We wish to turn our backs upon all spctional partios, and all portaos gïoping about in tlio naoonligiit of tin; past, iiml ally ontselvea with any party that will be animatod wit the spirit of civil and religióus toleration, hroail and eleyated patriotism, not hounded by Stnto Hn'es, and inspired with an sbidins faith in tho yenius f 'rcy tnstitutions." Sc-imtor SchurzM reply ís as fbllows : " M.w ..::i.i, EToi'Sgc, i " JÍAüHVii.i.r, 'IVnti., Nept. 13, 1871. Gbntíemev : I h'aye réceived your letter, abd without affectatiou 1 m.-iy sáy that I cannot find w Vds Bjtrong onongh tD describe tfiejoy ií has givon me. TIn: spontancnuÑ expr E siich sentinionts ;is your letter óóuteuns, porning i'roin you as lato soMiors of tho Confedérate aroïy, may well be called au ovent of grcat signfifioance in tlie his1 ry of our days. Wfaen yui.r forntor , as yon do nov, rally once more róuiid the flag oí the Ameriottn Bepublio as tbe symBol'of universal freedom, equal rights, and conBtitiitiou il governirientj wa n they deolate ilrit !.h'-y wili ir: thcir backs upon uil partios ítóping in tho n onli tli" past alia discountenanco thut pi spin; which ;■ so iépi ( obscure human re ; ion and bluat the bost moral impulsos of the hui?i:n heart; whon they once mort reeógime the identity oí' thcir truc intcrests wilh thoee of our graat '■"liiim;: country, then every patrintic citizon wil] foei that tho regenoration of tho Souüi is cartaiii do I nplishod by her oxra people. Il' there ia stil) lurlung here and thore a spirit which keops alive foelings of animosity su i distrust, and which by l of social proscription, or intiraidation, or riolenoe, strivca to impedc the dovelopinont of a freo public opinión, you can render il harmles by your influeac ■ and example. If thore are still disturb anees of thó peatxi and order of society occurring, calculatod to pro luco the imion that tho socu'.-ity and Öie righta of oitizens can bo suffioiently prul only by the interforenco of the general government in your local concerns, you can dispel that improssiou by directing your ensrgies to the oniorcüiuout of the laws, thua proving tho capacity of Local aelf-government to aeaomplish its logitimato cuds horo as wt-11 as olsewhere. If there is still au apprehenskm as to -i s ■- cret design to aubvert the logica] legitinuxte reeult of the w;ir by reaotionary movements, you will remove tint apprehenaion by deruonstmting that theyouug South has risen above oíd projudioea and obsolete aspirations, and is determinod to build up again tho prospority and it' 1 li-jsi ? Statea on ;v basis in hanuony with tho progrossivo spirit of tho age! Men of courage and coaviotions liko you will do nothing by halves. They will not look back win n they put their hands to th! plow, and 1 assure you your efforts will havo the sincerest apprecition, heartiest applause and energetic support of every truo friend of liborty and iroj institutions. Your rifrhts will be safe in tho security of tho rights of all. Your power will bo strong in the r stored brothorhood of all Amèricaiia, and lii i llepublic will be proud of all her sons. "I uu, gentleman, with Eratecna] grooting, your friond and fellow i-itizen,


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Michigan Argus