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witli tho t'üculty of aajdng nothing which can bo used to pin thuin, and politica] oonventiona with puuiir resol utions to id any and ;U1 ways. Hal. for skilied foncers with language and artful dodgers oomménd us to a coaclaVa r confe.xpnco of Methodist ministers. Witnosa Lhe followinjj resolution, passed by tho Detroit Conference it íts roceut Rossion, dftcr much discussiiiu : .' glcfd, 'i'ii:it tho8e v!i' j.'iu the oonferenoo boreafter shaU be quostioiwi apon subject, so thnt it inav be clcarly kn..wii whetber thoy ose tobaooo in any of its farms b&iore thu vote is t;ik(;ii apon tbpir diuission. Tbore, doasa't tliat reinind yi'., étear reader, of the young man who fan ■ hiinself a skatist, and yres "just golng to show the gii'l liow bo oould do it." Ho V:is soon on liis back and lookinj; in, :md tho was on its back, but "lookiniX cvciy way for Sunday." The only differenco, and a sligUt one. llfsolutions urn great things, but suppose the anplicant confessus to smoking or chewing, or both, 'thent wfaat ? Tlmt's the quoetion. Tvo versión í come over tho cabio of a n.1.' h n.:nli' :;!. llughdünluii on the -iill] iiist., by Disu r.l,r. Thu Associated Press dispatrh road : "Disraeli, at abano,uot atHughderden, - 1 . toast to tho Queen, r-nd :u:couipaníod it with a speech oí fervenl eulogy of ter Majesty. dulies won; (Ivo, but iiü English subject was undersuch completa control of tbe.political traditioas of tho country as its sovereign." A-. it is inxpostible for so brief á - ptktch to püint out tho " excessivo duties" Wfeighing V&c (Jüoca down, tho reader is tvt überty fco enumeróte, thom for himself ; but confidexing that kIio i.s uud.r such COniplote subjection to tho " political traditioiis of Iho country" ind hoi Rtïnistry, it will upt lic so easy. to discover tho buiden oithor in the diteotion of labor or rcBpe&sibütëf. A Bpecial to tlic New York World givos this vorsion of tho samo spaeeh : " Disrai'li. in a speech at Ilughderden, to-duy, doclared that the Queen w phyzi■ ■ '■■ The constesnation is 80 grent tii:it goino jiiirn.ils will Buppress tiii:; part of the speech. Others vill publish it." The i'-icapacity which Dishaeli speaks of as phyaioa] and moral is probably reíarrJ á tu in thu followlng paragv.iph from a rocorrt nuniber of the Natiotuá Refonner, ;:i English publioaiou : " Tiiu tilaruimg illnoss of the Öuean, bo lik ■ ji natuiv to tuut oL a formur monar.h, and the preciso ohraotei' of vrhich is gougbt to bO oarüfuUy oonooaled f rom the n ■;t:nii, oaonot help prddueing gravo its in tho uiindot' every w li-wi:ih. i to Britain. Suppose the early death oS the Ciinen, or, whut is still moro , ble, judging from our kuowledge of the f'.uuily, mul ospeci.illy ol Goorgo Il[. aii'l Guorgc IV., a long regency- who will most likoly bc the ru;xt monarch wc r ■ geutr"' Thore is cortainly both discontent and dissatisfaction over the coudition and conduct of the Queen. ,. At tuk late Illinois State Eopublican convciition Senator Trumbci.l was present and mado a spooch, and is crödited with saying : "We must bring 'the 'currency up to pur." A thing which ho can ncver assist iu doing long as he acts with tho llopublican party, and wlii'U will not be done while the Rcpublicau party is in power if lpgislatiou can stay or prcvtnt it. The Bopublioan jurty is controlled by men who havo a direct interest in keeping tho currency bclow par, ond it.s li gislution is dic;ated by nun who tlnive and fatten becauso of two kinds " grades of currency, onc for the common poopTé and tho othor for the moncy-speculator or BO-oalled financier, li Senator 'I'im'.miiií.i. ij in favor of a unifo'in ourrenoy, in favor of bringing tho currency - that is, the paper currency - up to par, in favor of a return to specie p ivments, he will havo to break with his party. WillhedaitP The following are the officers of the State Agriotütural Society for the ensuing year : President - . G. Beckvith. Sccrd-V!-R. P. Johxstone. Treamrer - E. O. IItmi-uuky. Executüt ' 'ommittee - For two ycars - John Gilbert, Ypsilanti ; W. J. Baxter, Jonesvillo ; J. J. Bagley, Detroit j .T. M. Manniag, Paw Paw; A. C. Fisk, Coldwater ; H. 0. Hanford, Plymouth ; Ii. S. Scranton, Grand Rftpids ; J. B. Allison, Saginaw; Myron Ilarrison, Ottowa ; H. II. Iíiley, Constantino. For one year - Geo. W. PhUIipB, Komeo ; M. iShoemaker, Jackson ; A. J. Doan, Adrián ; E. W. Rising, Richfield ; A. Stout, St. John ; J. M. Sterling, Monroe ; C. "W. Green, Farmington ; A. O. Hyde, Marshall; W. B. Williams, Allegan ; Townsond North, Tuscola. TirEitE was a stormy time in the New York Kepublicau State Convcntion at Syi'acuse, ou AVi;dnesday, ajid tho polict: had to be called upon to preserve order on the platform. A temporary orgiinizatinn waa liimüy cSeated byolocting President A. 1. W'jI 1 1 E, ot'Cornell, Chairumn : a CONKLIXO tiiuinpii. ThB report of the commit'ee on credentials, made in tho cveiiing, c.üM'ilitiujtiior storm, and the withdrawal of the Gki:j:i.kv-Fkntox delegation froin N':v York City and a dolegation froui St. Lawronce county. The eonvontiou fiually adjourncd to Thursda-y morning without efïocting a permanent org;inization. Wi: v;mt. Massaonusettg to havo tho ex elusivo benfit of Iïr.x, BuXLBIi'a ability, taUnt, and stetesmanáhip, and, theroforc, regret that ho was defeatod ft Governor in the Ilepublierin Convention held ut Worcestev on Weduesday. Hice and JjdKtira withdrew and rct'uscd the uso of his name. Tho voto stood : Wnuam B. WashbüEN, 643; 11. F., 46-1. Buti.ku acoepted the i-eault, and jiroinist-d to bo good and support the tfcket. Carl Sohtjbz says that it is impossible tli it i his opposition to GltAN'ï' he is acI by tho selflsh and ambitious motives attributod hiiu. Ho has already att .iini:(l to tho highewt position open to bini. and has norufisoii toactexcept "from disinterested motives and iu accordauco with iixt';l jirinoipJiiS." Whirli SOaHtonïshea his Jv-'publiean. assocMtes vrhja aie not so governed that they loajcely know j how to take it.


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