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Radicalism And A Ruined South

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OCR Text ".: : Oom '-i Ciacionati Casa ■ Alabama ts lost to Grant, evon this t'.ii-iy i;i the nction. I recently bad a long con vorsation with ono of the mosl ainiucni of Alabiuna Llepublioans, and ho tulil m.' tii it tho prospecta wero ind gloomy. " : quarrel so aiu mg ourselvi , ' I. - ;i 1, .ml thun, ufter . momcul's rcflöctiou, cleclarod that thero was " ouo t'.iint glinmior of hopo." I asked hiin w!i i! thit gliuiiner líe replied that if the Demo rata blundered in their noininations, as they did in 1868, which vrould tliiow the quarrelling Republicans togetlier, thero wns hope, a vury little, a fuint glimmer, i'i '.'"■' ", Mr.o i o tli'-y sliould noiainato Chase : " I aid. " Tljon," roplied ho, "wo aro gono np, ' horsc, toot and iragoon,' and it would bo folly to ■ aven ;i show ;' ftght ot spend cv, -n Iht. (si i.nts in tho CMvmpaign. Our party is demoralizod," v, oontmued, "andif the Demof racy dou't savu us by their blunders we we lost." It se : 9 tb me tii bo bad policy to pin our hopeé of victory to tho blundors of the enemy. It is a dangorous rulo in war, in peace, ,v in jKilitics. IIj is an unsafc genoral who would bury his troops in a fortrcs8, and wait for tho opposite ■h other üp, even in tho fuco of a historioál faot that thoy had lipona Ihu ainused thecnselves in way. Tho true policy ia to go in HU.' a píaintift' in ejectmout, and reoovor upon t.ho stnsngth ot' our own titlc, and not upon the weaknesa of the advorsary's. Now it ia a i'aet, lamentable but true, that in all tho Southorn States bhe ltonublicaii party is torn and distraoted by mternal ilissi-nsions and feuds. That i; is not so in this Stato is not on account of an indispo8Ïtion t. qAorrel over (Ivant's appomtments, but because the party in Teanossee has mt. life enough evon to ï.iisn a respootable röw ainong themselves. It is in tho States south of hero, where the partiea aTe more eyenly balanoed, that tho misohiof is boing dono. ;: - Qreeley'a honosty, his undisputed honosty, would give him stronglh in tho South. I mean the horiesty that would shi'ink from oven taking a gift in coasidoratiori "' bestowing an office. The l'i ople loathe a ntan who uses a public of!!,:.■ t ■■ enrich himself. Whatjover may bo their fuults, thoy aro honest. Tliey do not worship the almighty dollar to the Dxteni of bartering away their honor for it. .'..i Southern fire eating Deiuoui'ats we. are taught woro wioked uien, and wicked they w ■ tme liiiui, hut they did not uso their offices to iill their pockete. They did not fonn rings to make money, or establish git'1 enter This oid-fashioned honesty, this abhorrenoo of anything that looks like prostituting public offices to private gain, ia as abltorrent to the Southnrn people now as it ever was, and probably more, for thoy have b .i oalled apon siace the war to have considoi rieacewith that sort'of tliing, and to know it is not to lovi whon ii. ia at. their exponso. !''!■ the past '; yeara the Southern Statos have been convorted. into an arena of robbeiy, presinthig a spectacle of fraud nd cortuptiou perhaps luiplod in tlu! history of the worlq : vrt. Southern bom men have had little to do with it. Your true Southi mor, if ho ase enough tq güt an oSico, lias too muoh hpaoc to teal, In all my oxperienco as correspondeat of tho Comm in the different Southern States, I havo faund the worst thioves, most insati;it..- robbers, to bo 1 ■ a. Xhere on more atolón in North Carolina! or in Louisiana, since the war, tban in all the Southern States put togetiier iro:u the Bevolution t" t! "'


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