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The University And President Angell

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i hu rron&cnoo Jotirnal of the 'l-d uut. says of Presidont Anoell and the University of Michigan : " The of President Angelí on his Liiauguration as President of the Univorsity of Michigan, md other exereises oouncoted with that occasion, have been published in a pamphlet. Thoy are such as Would refleot honor on any university in the country. The introductory oddresa of Professor fcfeury S. Prieze, who has for the past two years boen tita aoting President, nad presldëd on the ocoasiou, and welcomed tothe place the gentiemail of his own choico, was peculiarly happy, :ííí admirable opening to all that followcd. The new President waa evidently recoived with the most cordial welcomo by the RuKeatsand the sovoral Faculties, and alsa By the studenta of the UniverftLty, -m-i the discoursc whioh he deliveröd after he had been invested with his offinin.1 anthoiv Lty, must have fullilled tbehigheet tatpeotationa of th.-m all. Tho subject of wbieh !■■■ treated was the "Belati na f the Unirer ity to the State," and the views and sentiments which lic atteredwere marked by a broadth nnd elevation wbioh will oommend them to the friends of high education in all parta of tho oountry. It is i, tnarkable Unit severa] of the new States oï the West have made arrangement for the füundiug of State TJniversiiies on a very liberal nnd comprehensivo soale. Thia is ■ peoially true of Michigan, wheie a Univerúty of largo proporüons, antiamiiieled by Beotariao restrictíons, has ulready uttaim.'d a commanding positipn and an honorable fame. It roste on the theory that it. is wise and Bxpedient for thq State toplaoea liberal educivtion the reach ofevcryoloas whü uiay desire to roceivo it. President singel] inlicatüs thi.s polioy as conducive to the best interesta of society, and prooeedstogive asketoh ofwhat the Univeisity poght U do in order to jiwtit'y its t'ounding by the Stutc and to m iko it produofcive of tho benofitd wbioh ore to bc expeoted froin it. "There !"■ eweral problema in univcraity eduoation which .Mi-. Angelí thinks e. in lic more toadüy solved in the Michigtiu Uilivorgity than in any other seat of Learaing, and be maans that it shall ;tt loast take tho heod in fehoir Bolaticm. None wii.) r,-:ul bJsdiaooane will doubt his ability to sluip;! thftt .solution witli ili'-.T -tion and aliility. IIo ia a practica] college Lostruotor and knows the woïk that is to li" done, and lie is withal an aocoinpKsbed soholar, familiar witfa Vtxe hietory and tendeaoie of University e lucation, an 1 able to givo it the direotion which the wants of the country miy roquiro. He enters apon bis new work with auspicos the most favorable, and we anticípate forb.Mn aoaroer t' eminent usef niñean' and renown. Tlio qualitdes oi bis persona] oharactor unite with his varied fcdents mid aeqniremsnts in qraalifying him for thn high position which h has aaaninud, and in cduimtmding him to the fnlleet confidence and respect of tho ■ ;iijiong wUoüi he h s gOZte to dvveii."


Old News
Michigan Argus