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Senator Schurz's Speech

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The speech of Senator Schura at Nashville deservee reftding for its ability and Eairn es. And i!, derivos an intrinaio tifie to alt intion from the posifcion of its author and tho oharaeter of its audience. I; is addrossed to Southern men to wboin Mr. Sehurz bas heretofore been bitterly oppoaed in politics. And it is an argumont to show that iheir special ini as Southerners, as well as theii general inti rests aa American, iinpel thora to rnake coinmon cause with liim now. Xobody who roads'tha speech oandidly wül deny that h-. makoa mt bis oase. The advocates of an oqual distribntion of' the public burdons, the frionds of oftiui:il capneity, of official honesty, and of free govornment tts'elf, are bound to oppose Iministnition of Ghrant. Thoquejtions upan which thoy diffcr aniona; theinselves aro trivial compared to tho imp irt anco oí the questione upon which they aro united. This is tho thesis of Mr. Sohurz, and as wo say ho maintains it. But li'.' does not explicitly follow it out to its Locical consc [nences. Ho rather exhorta bis litareis to anite with hitö in dood rizing and using for the pnrposes he enuineiatea tho Repablican party or ola to assüt him in formmg a now party to promoto these purposes. Ho forgets oi ignores that a party nlready oxists pledged history and by its express pt unisoB to oarry out the reform ho considera dosirablo So wishes freo trade. Thero is no donbl that tho Democratie party is a ido party; therè is no doubt that tho Kepubüoan party is no e a f ree trade party, nor is there any reason to Blippose that it ever ra.ii bo made snch. Ho wishos civil Bervic ' reform. The Di'inocratic party also wishes it, and the Bopnblioan party bas shown its wishes by defeating every measure framed to introduc ■ civil service reform. He wishes the President to be despoiled of thé arbitrary powers which Congress has conferrod upon him, or which ho hos usurped and been countenanoed iu usurping by the conuivance or tlio oonsont oi (Jongross. Ihose tltings li; proolaiins to ba the ohiof qncstions bo fora tho country. Upon all of them he is at ono wii.h tho Demócrata and at u Ids with the Republicana. Tho ouly consistent conreo opon to him, thereiore, is to juin tin i 'in KjiMts aii'l abandon tho Republicana. The history ot' the lust tour yrirs haa shown tiuit no reforin in any of IIk.'sc partioulan is likely to emanatu iroiu orto sucoeed in tho Ropublioan party, nul tor thoughtful and :itriotie mon in tho prüdioament of llr. Sohnrz there rotcain8 only to practica the prophot's prooept : " Come out of her, iny people, come out of her! " -


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