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SPANISH EWES .'(,. ■ goie ifv me subseriber. [ntrairo at tbe farm of W". E. And' raoD, on fchesoutli Vpsilnnti rood, two miles trom Ann Arbor. lMttsttold, Sept. 2'ith. isiiws Dwrrr c. anderson. QISSOLUTION, Notioeia hsroby u-ivcn, tln.t the partneraliip Pïisting undet Die ii:l:iíciii Zinii 1'. King s i o., ban beun aisolvad by mutual wuaut. JXA v KiNQ JOHN F. U1LLEE, B. -M. WEBfiTEB. Ann Arlior, 8ept. 51, 1871. l -Hul pOUNTY F Allí. THE 13. S. B. CLUB Of Ihis l'ily will U'ivv' :i OKAISTD BALL AT HANGSTERFER'S HALL THURSUAY EVE., OCT. 5th, 'l. 1 ,.. f ii.tvcut agieal expenaa aogagel the Detroit Light Guard Band, Xo play tor tbtf QQQBMttqBi ADJOSeiOK, - . - OHB IH.T.l.AI!. J. WM. HAIÍ33TERFER, MANAQEB, P. 8.- Tbla Hall hm been altana and lmpnwed, bj moring tln!tc (o the oppösite iJe, and putting iu anewgallery, í;ulíílwl ÜCTION ÖALE. The snbscrihrr vvillsnil ui Piihlic AtlCtton, t fcl rc6idencc,"u the OM Homeetead, in Un TOWN OF ANN ARH01Í, Wednesday, Oct. 25th, 1871. ; Commencing at H pat lo'dock v. si , Iho following prnperty : 1 Ciood I-arm Ilorsr, ■iOShcep oí luir (ír:l! ,"i NllK.Ks, 1 Gimtn Drill, ot Jlporc's Patent, 1 ttiipin, t Mowinjï Machine, wlth apron attnehed. 1 Uy Itiick, of supi-rior putvnt, 1 KcvvlviuiT Honc Kaki', 1 tuo uheokd Cultlralvr, 1 l'Iüii', 1 llarrow, Audotlicr urticlcs of lem vnJiio. TEEMS OF SALE: AU rama of ín dollars aad mider sMh dow! urus of larger demnniii;iuous, t-ix montbj to (vie ■wus Urne -.vül lx; kíysb, wiih gaod apuravfd uotcs beurinï neveu pírcete, iujerost. J W WfIITI,ARJK. F. O. LKI-AND, Auctionecr Iöilï4 J-OTICK. The Atb!nl llcitins of tlic Wichten:! Mtttual l Fi Iiu.uT.iuw Compon; 111 ! held in wc Court . I.juso in i tv of Ann Albor, un BAi I RDAY, . tCTOBKfi ;. 1871, nl llo'olookA. m.. ïm tl"1 paTpoao , otectjnii tneir offiosik, as lequind bT '""'. toaior I, iha tmnsnotioo of uil aeoesnrj ud legitímate j ii-s that may cotne befora tin1 meotinff. ! . liy order ol tho Itofird tt' nmrtoit, ARREN UA-OJl-KiN. AanJAtiiar, Scpt. ll BMwl IE. BBOWK, Az at for the Fiiikto iljon '■ Víctor" Sewing Machine Thpy are rilas, porlllve, rnn e py nul ro .o tlic lockatlleh Í tioiuh -Maiu Streel, nu Arbor 134'tI Boa! Estáte í'or Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county c f Wwhienm.. lu tin matter oí the estáte oí' 1'alTick ll'jbiic. df bcreb] :n i, thiir in [nirwana of an order frrantcd to the nudersUrned, Athnii - iIa bon i f umi with the n :il ttnnexed ui Niiadoenntlf the Hon. Judgeof Probate the coanty of M'kttiutw, u:i the Hfth day m ticp'.ember, A. I). IMl.thm U--oM ;: public v, udue, to the higbost bidder, at the 8O'Jth door ol the Couit House, in 1 Arbox, In the coimty of Woshtenaw, in l sutcra . the itinnrïi day of Norcmber, A.1 1871, al tin. 'i'cidck in Ihe forcnoon of that 'lar. sntr jrcL to all enoambranoi iby morrgago or otherratB istin; at tho time of tin; doath also nrtQed to the Ufe state of hiswidowthen followiofj describen1 real estáte, to-uit: A - lau.l, talDg pr( Of Itit tww in bk)ck two iiorthofMP in Ufe city of Anii .AilMr, deacribed as olaendDg at ji point os Ann Btrect tweDtyrwlil west f)om the aoutheust roiuer of saiil h-t, and tumstlienoe iKirtli puraUel wiih the enatHnetil' lot Sxty f' (■( to the reai end f tlie biiok tiuiUiif sjiil lot, thenoe eaai one fuot. theuce Bouth parsba'3 ■ -! lioe atsty feel to Aon street, thence wwt the uorth lino of Ann streel ono Foot to the pi beffinninK, inoluding west hult o] th bmk w uow standing on said .--:ri' of liuad, Beptombcr lóth, A. D. lsri. UEORGE CLABKEN,. Administrator de tonit l.ill ith the vill. -uraadEstiito of iloscs Eicb. c; TATB OF MICHIGAN, County of ViisMmiw.. kJ Ata xaaslOD of the l'robnte Conrl turtliotoWI Dt" Washtcnav, holden at the ProbateOfBce,itljW n :m Albor, on Thuiaday, the tweuty-tift d"J'j Seytenxhorf in the year wïe thotuyind eiglit bwiw and si-vr'tty-one. r ient Hiram J. Bcahca, Jvdgt of FTobatIn the matter "t II..; ctut ii Uow KiA ■ oeaM ï. , , On rcading and Bliiig the petifaon, duly vcnaw. PhllQ 8, llioh, pruyiug tbat : ■ iruin iiwin" now on file in thil Cotirt, iHlrPrtní IC"1C. j will and testament of soiddeceiued nuiy ljculJ to probate, and that hu raoy lu appoiutnl u' ecutor thoiTof. Thereupon it is orderal, that Monday, the t" thkddayaf OetobernextatVno.'elkiiitbenni edibr the hearing ofsjUl pet it ion, n , di pisees and heirs at bw of aid deceiiaeMJ ;ilt ..liu'i1 persona interested in s:iil estnte, w reqB to appcar .tt a sesaion "i said cmirr, then to t"7 at t!i.: Probate Utfloe, in tho City of Ann ArhJJ show c.iiisc, if aj there )■, why the I'ra1T,, petitioncr shonld not be gnmted: And it ""f ,i ii it .. tíiíit said petitloner givenotice to tbe P ' sona enterested in Baid estator of tho ',■ wio said i'tiiiin, and Ihe hearing thereof, by CJl1l ijpy of tliis order to lio nubliahcd in the J'J Arffus, a áewspaper printen and '■n''"iriI1K,I5?j onnty, three snt oosaive weeks jirevious to ww ". nopy.) HIKAM J. EEAKB, 1311 JaigeofLrtW Qrtate of Eanioe Baldwin. BTATB OF MICHIGAN, oounty "f WaahtsM O At n nrnwinn oí the Probate Court for tlie "J; J Wa&htennw, holdenatthe rmliatc irtliir. u "T ■itv of Ana Arbor, on Mondiiy, tho ""gTL I l.iy ot Septembl I I mietliuHiuuulfig11' Uf 1 and s.'nity onc. Present, Hiram J. Beakcs, Judge of ïn the matter of theestatoof Ënniee BaM"; man B. Covert, Executor of the last i"" tiiament ofsaid deoeaaed, eomosinlxiConrttW'J. raaenta tlmt he is now prepared to render hu M r ouiint na such Kxoeutor. Mt,. Thoreoupon il ■■ orderod.that Momlay, tne" tin. Ida] oïOotobcrncxt,al ten o'cloek in the fonjj , tar xarnioinu an4 eKowinp M""h"ii ;ml Umi the togiirccs, devisös nutl heirs ut VWL. .1, and all other persous iiitcresfcd n '.rft ta.te.are required to .■.iih-u ;.: ■.: scosion ii M'"'itvtl theatobi baldeo at theProbat ottiv, in "" , inn Allwr, in siiid coimty. and show . ■.!'■ " ' there 1 why the said aecomit honW ""'J!" lowel: And ït is fUrUier rU:rl tA'V vt notioe tothc ix-i-sh:is interested " "rï,, DOT Of saiil aCOOUnt, :m'l " l", roof, byouuains a copy of thia "nll-jLU nuhlished ia tho cftoan Itm, a fc-5 printed and cireulating lu saideoontjr, Na 8" i previous to said diiy of hearing. ■v M il"lAll:';!n Estáte of Jolin F. Broitcinvcscbor. aTATEOF MICHIGAN. County "'''"c I 5 At a Beuion of thr ProbateCoorl ''}[% m I .1 Waabtenaw, bolden ai ihfl'n.bnift" „, 1 ■ilvof An Ail...r. o„T„.Mh,,-, tr, v;? t, l-iy' of September. Intha yenr one thous.i" lundred aud seventy one. r urni.ite Present HiramJ Beakea, ludge of Proww, In the matter of efeof Johnir." veschm dteeaxd ..iftw? HenryJ. DavMter, Eeont r of the _ ).vt "',,5, ostamenl otaald fcoenaed, come !"t0„Ltr li ennaenM (hu h b i-"lv prepared to re Inál ücconot as och Eector. (wfBtj'hereaponltisOrderod. Uwt Morlj. ' forf hircl day of Octobor uct ai V a 0,-eI. e ■' "„„ití nuil, be uelgned nr exuurtn!!-' II(1 ristf ncb neconnt, nd that the lfr.-iU-c-, " ,1 nd l.t.íiV at I-i"' of sald 'lece5l. , ther pe)K interosted ln ld .',''"nrV I" iiind toappear :it :i usílnn ' "' ' "7"1 0( .tu e holden at tho Probate Oee, 1" the City ' lllfr .rbor, lnsuWCoaatj and show canse, "'"fad1 ,,,; rt ,.- rnrtftcr ordewd that " .f wil Te uotiea lathu insnions Interestnd , .a l:St neadeacy nf sald cconnt. :n" ' " l b f& ereofyc:nuiisacopyorthií ""'"'" priif mlntlDg In Kiii.1 Connty. tJiree , ,.s prevlon to U ilny ..r ''"r.";l-'RK , f.:;;:v mR)Xc "'


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Michigan Argus