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Highway Robbery

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The most dúriiig plece of lilghway rolt ory whicli bas been known foryears in Uiis vielnlty, occarred last Frldaj night on the ülxboi'o i'í'ikI. Il sceins Ihat Aiaiiuu Co ykkt, a funiior, living near Dlxboro, h;ul becu nttendlttg tlie Stute Fair ut Kalamiizoo, ;;ii(l returulng to this city on onu of the aru-rnoon traína Friday, he w.iited autll ubout 8 o'clock In the bopes ofseeing soine of hls íitíiiílibors and obtiilnlng a rldc home Failing in this he resolved to pui'dae lii.-. jouniey ou loot, aml accordlugly starled ai llie boor nbove uienüoned. Wluu oppo site Travcr's Mili, in tlie 5ih warcl, lic was Jolned by i man who Inquirid wlitrc he was goiag, and apon belng Infortned replied tbal lie was mollig the same way and wonld accompnuy Uluj. Tüey w:Iked along for so me dlstance, converslog upon one sub jectaud another, notll after a wiiilc the stranger complained'thal thev were walknj; toen for hiin - whicii Mr. CoVKItT thoaght notliing of u liu is .a UU, stoul man, and gencrally pretty j;ood at pedestrlanlsni - aml ao lagged behind a llttie. Uut the liad his object in view, and w;ii'.:'i ing Lis opportaulty, slruck ]Ir. C. iu tlie back of the '.u-ad witli a siuiig shot, sulü a blowtliatit reudured liim senselcs?, aud Iheu robicd liim o!' what money lie liad, - wl'.tcll was ouly aboat threo dollars - and llrd. Mr. CovXBT rum lined a that COU iJiüoji u ii Li 1 some of iii.-i nelgliborj happening by diiCOVered and look iiim home,' and s dow, we amlerstatici.-slowly raoovering Mr C. has liad the repotatlou of carryinz CDiisider.ibii: ino:icy irllb hiui, Wblch vvas iloubLlciSü tbc cause ? hia beiug waylald Nu clue has been Í0UU ! to tlie perpetra tor of the crime. We Invite tlio rtttention of the public au thurilivs, psrentS and ruariiaiij, kucpjrs Of bllliard and iiquor saloons, students, minors and al! otlier persons lateredte 1 to the fol lowlag stringent law eaactcd at tlic sesston of 1867: A. VCr to prereat t':ic sale of Intoxica ting drinks io stodeuts m 1 minors, aud to prevent thelr belug peruiitted to play at games of chance where sueii dnnkü are sold. Skgtion i 'lhe People of Lhe 8kU of Michigan enaet, 'Hun ;t s:m!i not Ijc lawful for auy persoi), bj lilmself, liis c.'ork or agent, to permlt anv stodeqt in tUenduuce at any public or private Instltutioo ot learnlng In tiüs State, or any minor to plaj :it curds, Oice, blIllavJs or any g;nnu of chance, in aoy part of any building, in wliicli BpIrltQoiis liquora or lotozlcating ilr.nKs are BOld ; nor shall it lio lawful for any person, by hlmself, liis clork or agent, to scll or Rlve to aiiy student In atteudauce at any public or private iiistitulion of learnlug in ttiis State, or any minor any spirituous or IntoxlcatlDg drink, except wlnii prescrlbed by a regalar pttysiclan for medicina! parposes ; and any person who lial oQend agatust oitlicr o!' the rorcgoliig provlsloas of thla act, In addltlon to the tenaltlei now provlded by luw, shall bc leemed to have been Kullty of a mlsde ncanor, and on convlctlon thereof, ehalt bc lned twenty dollars and the coste of proseculion, and II 'iefault of payineut thereof, iliall be iinpiisoneJ In the eounty jail for sixty days. Sec. '. This act shal! take immediato effect. Approved March 25 18C7. The parents o; the largo Dumbec of stutlents now here anrl coming will feel a rrent biirden dropping i'iimi them if they can be assured that tbis stutute is to be rlgldly enfomil. The ürst unuual fair of tlie Waslitcnaw, Wayue and Monroe Agricultura! and Me clnuiicul Society, held in Ypsilauti, cIuslI yesterday. It was flnanc'ally aud other wisu succcssful, coming fully up to tbe :tn UcIpatlODS of lts projectors. Tne ladies of Ypsilanti displayed excellent taste in decoratlng and ornamentlng Floral Hall, whtcb ms Ulied with specimens of Une arts Miid öowers, in great varlety, aud it Beemed to the center of attraction, belng packed drom morning tlll niglit witli vUitors Tlie domesllc manniketarea ulso occapled this hall, and ulthoui;ii oot In as great varleiy as the tlue arts, attracted thelr sharc of attention. In veirctables the display was good, thougb not large. The usnil onraber oi AgricBltaral ImplemeuU lor an exhlblllon of tliis kim! were apon thegroands, Includ'mg some novelties, and some, ol', tbat weren't o qoyel, The total number of entries was 818, of wliicl; 14S vyere horses, ao cattlc, ÜQ sneep, 28 swinc, 34 poultry, 75 fruit, 52 agricultural iinpicnicüls, 84 graius und seeds, 68 veg etables, 20 butter aud cheese, 33 domestio manufactures, 33 carriages and sleighs, 20 c.ibinet and joiner work, aud the remaiuder lor various tilinga.


Old News
Michigan Argus