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Stealing From The Cemetery

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Oí all coulemptiblc acts, tliat of rob,b.l'f lots iu the Cemetery qf plaats and fiowers which frlends liave placed btside the graves ofthelr dcparted anes, certatuly ex cels. Vet we have peiMdi.s in un Arbor mean aud contera p ti ble enongh iliís We have hcard repeated com'auts from tüdsí whose feclings liave boen thus pain ed. Only the past weck, a ttower vasê wa taken (rom ;i grave. Nothlngbnt lear wil coul ml 1 host! moral Beuse is so low Would it not bc wcll for tlic Trustees i offer Mieh rewtlrds as will leail tu tlie de icction of these robbers of the grave ? A SUFKF.UEU. The Circuit Coitrt Is yet iu sesslon, The Followlog is its wark siuce our lust re port : Trlpp, Aües and Prlce m. Barnes Uros Verdict for Plalutlfft, 1,BU1 41. Motloi for iicvv trial pcDdlDg, mailu by delen Ralph W. Van Fatsen M. TIioa. '1'. IIoilson. EjeotmeDt, V?r1lct not Rullty asto landx dMorlbed In rtcod from Van rossen to UodsoDi '"'I gtillty as to balance. MOtlon tor new nial. Thu People m. Philip Jhons. Information for iirson. Trini coinmcnced mi nT, couc!nlwl innrsoiiy. Jnry.oui al lime ofgolujf 10 piciw. Pfoplc es. Win. Murphy." Information foir burglary aml arcf-ny. Verdict gailty. öeuteuced to State Prlson fot om year. Mtobael Moran and James JoIiusod, i ir 'onned :m;iinst wtlh jM urpliy, Jt tul plead 'utlty. ScnU'iiceil to Reform School. Tile followtng aliena wcre ailmittcd to cltixennlilp: ííenry Bowman, Ajiton Scbaeber!e, Wllliam Aclon. Mr. Buncn reports prowess at Dmuleo mil vlcliilty, and expressen itreat confldeaoe luit he sli:ill soon havo the rtqulred aniount ubacrlbud. Amt tbe Dlrer.tors nssurc tis hut. so boou as that is dono tbc divl.-lun f he Toledo, Ann Aibor and NoTtlièrn raiload between tbls aml tU ötate Unc will )e put niider contract. - Apropos, the Corunna American s;iys bat as soon as round is broken botwecu botwecn tlils city and Toluds; fhe sectlon f tbe 10:ist Sagiuaw mil Aun Arbor rood oi'tli of Coruuua will ;i!so be put under ontract The Dundee peeple should "hnrry ip thelr cukee." We have ■ fnrtlier Instalimont of magaiucs tóv Octuber, of whicu wc makc brief H'ir.ion, as lóllows ; - " 'Au IsIiukI on Firc," is tlie title of nu nicle 011 the graat velc&aseè f Ilawuii y I'. Jl. Coa n, in the October number of cribiter's Munlhly. The descrlptloDS are iteresting, umi tlic lilustr.itlons arood. esides this we have: Tlie Last of the Vqiiods, by Bensou J. Lossinir, un acconut wltli portralt eugraviog) of Eaolce ftlalicc, tlic lut of a powerful Ne.v Bngland ibe of lii'Uaiis; Water, ts Ways and aeg, illus.; an important artlcle by Enoch j. Fancher, Was Adam tlie First .Man p i wliicli it is contended tliat the Mosaic cconl ltself fürnlshes " strong intimations ïat other iialioii.s than the ilescendants of Jam dweit on tbe earth " ; The Pliilosoly o! Gooil Health ; Sumincr Trlpto New 'oundlaud ; The Clo.ik Cubby and the Blue )oin ; The Eleventh Cot ; Dr. Holland, iu 'oplcsol tlie Time, pays a tribute to the ate. Charles Sciibner, in honur of whom ie Monlhly was named, and dUcassei sev■al Interesttug topics ; uumerOQS other areles aio in its table of coiiteuts vvhlch will )e found With the liext aan) er, cocnmettclqg tlie thir.l volume, the agazlnf! will be enlarjed, and Increased in opalar Interest. The subscriplion price ill hereafter be the same as other leading agazines, -! a year. Bobibnh & Co., 34 Broadway, Ne,v ïoric. - The Gatholic World has; Christlanity ui Positivism, The Hoase of orke - iap. xiv , T be Llquefaction of Lbe Blood, St. Januarlas- n., Lacas U;irc';a - n. gyptlan Civllizalton accordlng to the most eceiit Discorei' es - n , A Week at Lata eorge, The Elcmenls of Our Natlouallty, ar Lady of Lourdes- concluded, Tlie RIot f the Tweliih, Tbc PUce Vendóme and i lï xjnette, legger .irticlcs and Reviews; 14t welï lilleil pages, beglnulüg the 14tli volume. ? i year. Addresa Lawrexce Eübhob, 9 Warren Street, New York. - Tlie Jleruld of Heatih has; MinUtcrs and tile Temperante Reform, by Huv.'Wm. Putton, D. I). ; Aumsu ueots, by Rev. Cbaa II. Brlgham A Trip to the Oriënt, by Dr Lydla F. Powierj Tlieorlus fut In Practice, or Dlary of a Physlclan's Wífe, by Mra. II. C. Blrdsall, wiiii brlefer bát none the less intcrestiug papers. Tiie editorial Department bas several readable aml time ly urticles, aud the answers to correeponiients iré tu tlie polot. %% a year. flubscrlbera lor i v i f 1 ;et the tliree closing nuuibcrs of this year f ree. Wood&HolBBOOK, New Yoi'k. - The IsulUx' Bsposltory has its nsually ■ried list of papers, blography, travel, fcetch, esay, story, editorial uotcs, v.c [here are two steel eagraviugs : View on he Bi Beaver, near Grenvllle, Pa., and a KH-truit of Daniel P. KMder, D D., and, lesliles, four Illuntrated anieles. Tlie líewtitory is alwaya readable, and never lemorallzlog $3.59 a year. UlTCHOOcg & Walden, Clnclunatl. Frum the sauie we have Galden. Hours, :. iio el uniiber of a model magaslne for the 'OQDg. $2 a year. - Arthur't Bomi Mnjazine aud the ChilIren's Huur eacb offer attractlve bilis r are: Both good nmnbers of ;ood maga .ine, thu lalter one ol the very best of the nany good magazines Tor chlldren. Tlie ürst2ayear; the second, $1.Í5. T. S. Aiixuüu & Sons, Pblladelpbla. Wc are indebtcil to tlie pubijshcis for a copy of " Farmer'n Nrnc l'oumship and Huil road Map of Michigan." Tliis map is fro) a plato 20x34 iDChes, haiul.somely coloree! )y couiities, and iiiountod. It is brought flown to the lalest date, shows tho newly organized counlics, the ncwlv completed aiul contempl&ted rallroadB, etc, with sta tlatlcal tal)le.s glvlog the populaiion by soantles tor 1840, 1830, 18U0 and 1870, the pol uUünti of ovec 100 of the cities and principal vlllages, and mucli otlier matter at interest. It is a rdiable map and a copy ■iliould líud a plaee in every oltlce aud house. Sil.vs Fahmkk !o Co., Detroit. Froni Root & Cady, Chicago, we have "2c Song Kmg : A Collection of New and Original Music lor áingiiij; Classes, Day Schools, Couveiiüons, tc. By H. B. Paxmbb." Mr. Palmer is to the music-loviiiii as t!ie air . iur oi "The Son Qtieeo," "Paitncr's Normal Coll'ectlou," "Budlmental Class Teachiug," aiul otlier popular wjrks, and that hls latest tfork Is favorably received. A promineqt feature is lts Catecliism, ((eslgntid to inake the pupil proüeieut iu tho rudimeuts and prlMClples. " The Hoosler School-Master " is the tHle o( a nevv story by EDWAIlD Egcu-eston, the llrst chaptera of which are glveo in the Hearth mul liane of' the 30th lust., and whlch la i" be poucluded befoce tliu glose af the year and volume.