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ÜKTJtOIT, Scpt. 27. New York rlispatches received at Board o-day report ;m advance in wlicnt oi4@5e over ycsterclay's, occasloning aii adjince ofaboOt :!c liere. Tho weck has been au unusually active omt in wlieat, a largar ainount bavlng chlDged hands tlian for nv cqual time in the lüstory of Detroit coininerce. The total udvance on the week lp lo to-day is TtuitJc, and places the market f 11 1 1 y up to the best figures reaclied duriu last winter and sprüig. Bxjtra white is juoUble to-day at l.ö4, JS'o. ] white at Í1 50@L51, No. 1 Trcadwell at $1.4s1.4j, in I Amber at fl.42(fil.43 Cora has been moderately active and variable, and quoted it58@00. Oats Btropg at 4ü@4l. liarley is in quite active (U-mand at $T.50@1.65 lor No. 2, aod 1.70@l.75 for No. 1, oer 100 .bs. Uve nominal ;it Oc. Appleg aro quite active tor good Khijiping lots. Uood lail varielk-s, $2.80a2.40 per bbl : winter fruit, $.."i(ia.(ü. Beatjs are loactlve; couutry consigo mente fl.50a2.00. Beeewax is vmted ;it ÜOe. liultor is inm at 21a22. It is quite probable tliat bimer may so sonic blghcr owlng to tüe dryuessoftlie pastures and a coDsegnenl reW)eted prodoctlou, r;.; ciaiiy as II) 0 l.ukr M-,:,rior dmand lie coates nioi-e active, but nu present riso can bu :r pivilicalud uptui the testero mai'kets, as tlíoy (Vrf wel gqpplled. Olicosc Isfirmerat lli12k fur Statu -actory. Dried apple,ia7c. Etógs 'ape U.iN to get, and corrítnond Ia22. Cranberrles, per bbl., $1U. Feecl iteady u $15 tor iir.m, $20 for coatsc tu ddllngs, and $37 fof fino, uops are ac tlvc at6Ua59 for new, and Halo ibr oíd. Pota toes are nominal ut ...O jicr bbl. Poultiy and gamo are not yet in marktt to any cj;tcnt. A.n.n Aküok, Se)t. 88. Wc qnate ibis p. m., hü (pllows : Wiikat- Aintcr, $1.0-1; No. I VVIiitc, $1.38; Deilil, ít.40. Oats - í@05. Cokk- 00@88c. N icw Potatom PO@OOc. Onioxs- 00c. Beakb- $1.73, BUTTEU - 22c. fiCOS - 10uArli.i:s-- l".!",í50c, Pr""" - 507oc,


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