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$25,000 AVOBTH OF FALL AND WINTER CLÖTHHNTG Tl GiR Am ! ren HHNVACtt, 8. SONDIIEIM HAS liF.CEIVED THE LARGEST AM) BEST SELECTED STOCK op FALL AND WINTER GOODS ;ets i ii:msiü; oods, [1ÏIILDUEA AND YOUT11S' CLOTMKG fRUNKS, VALISE8, SATCHELS, &c, &c, &c, THAT HAS EVER BEEN BROÜGI1T TO TUIS CITY, WIIICII HK WILL SKLL jheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF 1ASS1MERES, CO ATI N GS, and VESTINGS, WHICH HE WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER [N THE BEST STYLE, AND WARRANTED A FIT OR NO SALEÍ B00K8. BOOKS J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW OOK STORE NE.VR THE EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO ÏOUB I.NTEREST AXI CALL. BOOKS. AM. B. REVENA C(JH ÜEEPS ON HAND A. LARGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE 3LACK WALNÜT AND SJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. SAFE INSURANCE HIBERIMBA FIRE INSURANCE CO., CF OHIO. Principal Office 367 Superior, Qjrner of Erie gj. Cleveland, Ohio, P. O'BRIEN, Pros't. TIIQ8 LAVAN, Sec. r.ici;si:i) itï the mcmui nsi h"k EPlltTflE.T. C. H. MILLEN, Agent, Anti Arbor. VT OTICE, TI(O (j.ilili,: ure forbidden lo trast my son John Voljandun my accouut, is 1 siuM paj do debt o bis r.iit r.ictiiiji. Frudo ' . AogaatSk, ïsri . '■■ ■■: HARMON VOLLAND. Tü RENf Tha ondenigned w&tq to rent ï(;-. rei'Vnoo wn Stoeet, nul boanl uith ihp family tjikin;: tli BHnOa Apply at rusiücuctj. A. IÍ. TARTRIDGE. Aim Arbor, Sopt. 7th, ST1. I IVE (EH?P FEATHERS FIR6ÍT GitJ-A.XIT"S' , OonstUMtiyon hand nndfor sji1( by BACIlfr ABEL GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'b for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Faints ,Oils, &c. OPENS FALL TRADB WITH A LARGE Al COMPLETE STOCK OF FASÍÍIONABLE GOODS ! m(BRA0Iff6 ALt TnE N3WE8T STYLES fOUND IN TUK EASTERN AND EUROïteAN MA UK HTS. I Otter Strong IiulucenietoÉts to Purchascrs of Dry (outls. 500 Yards of Blatk Alpaca at 25 and 30 trn(s. Besl .;(i;I-. for he flonry Evci ()(lit! Ja (bis City. 400 Yards All Wool Empress Cloths and Frer ch Merinos at much Lower Prices than ono Year Ago. -ALSOpl.aidL, sattkk.ns, ca8iimeues, poplins, Plain and Fancy Silks, Ladiks AND (JiUI-ÜHEN's FVKNISIIINQ Goods, 1 1 o.,i ;i;v , &c, &C. IN ADDITION TO MY LARGE STOCK I OFFER SOME MOVELTIES IN LADIES' CA3HMERE, BEAVER AND CLOTH SACKSAND BASQUES wuicn are The Most Stylish Garments Ever Brought to this Market. i'Iio Abovo, I oriniiii; tlic lti licst ollcctiuu of .ooils Ever Offercd n litis City, are to be gold at Prices Lower i li:m tbc I.owest. E. II, M1LLEIV. AXN ARBOK, SEPT. 15, 1871. 1339m3 yypL WAQIMER BEADY FOR THE FALL TRADE HtTtng Ke-uivoJ a Large Stock of FALL AND WINTER O-OODS, 1NXLUDING CLOTHS, CA8STMERES, VEST1NGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and tüALI IES, WHICH II K WILIi MANUFACTURE on terms to suit. Also a full 11 n c of READY-MADE 0LOTHING AND Gents' FUENISÏÏING Goods. BEST STYLE. ALSO LADIES' ASD GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No . 21 South Main Street,-Eaít Side: CALL AND 8EE THEM. U'II.I.IA.n VAGEER. Anu Arbor,Se,)t ,1871. To :ui' pevaon producir: any Medicine ablo to ■howQne-thlrdaS moj lvlag, permanenl mus u Dr .l-'ni.Kü'á VMJBTAfitX KriKOMATly 1ÍKMEDT ; aud a further reunirá f $10(1 for any caso of - linmic or Inflammatory Ktaeumntlsm, Nanralgia, Rheomatlc Asue, Hciatica, and Hheumatism of lbo Kid'11} tvTll iinl cure. This lïhfinnutic Synip u lMd ly only . pleasaut to tl;u tute, niid gnaranteed free frnm injmioiif1 Drnga. Itis not t (nack Medioine but thescieutiflc pntsfriptlou uf Jna. 1'. Killer, M 1)., Professor yf Toxícology and Chcmihtry, gradante of the eeïebrated Univcrity if PtMinsylvitnia, A I).18fl3, whosc entiri' profetalonal üfe hus boen davoted epet;ially to th8 disciso. This preparation nnder soleoin oath ia conscintiouPly believed to l)ithe r.vAy positivo, rt'liablc. intallihli' apeciffi! ever discovered. The prooi thilt llo otlier MMClflC èx iet is found, in evury corarou-nfty fn persons aflUclcd for niny yi'ar nai f.nri stil! sanering. Ifpkfiicümt Mulii ci'ir. if, 'ƒ tr speritc did eoeuL tlii '"iü'l not l'f. so,- a fact Hint must be ooWenalW wlmltted. The oïl dect'ived h'níl'erer muy wtoly aak, what Becnritj or haa be tliat Br.PltiBr Rhenmatlc syr iip wil! cure liiacaae. The prutectton offerad ii paUeotoagalaatlmpoaitton i n a lpgaly aigoed con tract which will be fonrarded lebont charge to any ulTeri-r MndiDg bj k;fer :i deacrlptlon "f afflictlon; Ibh gairantee wOlawle tS exact nunv()'T of bttlea wrrantcd t" cnre, and in Gaa of fallure the money puid wil) bc ntarnad to the patiënt. No o her remedy haaeveV bees oíTepcd on such übenil and honornlili' terina. Medical advice, with ccrtilicmes Irom ppomlnont riivsic.ians, Clprgymen, etc, who hiive been cured nfter all other treiUnn-nts have failed, ent by letter, grillla. Afïïicted cordialIy invltrd to write foi :nlvic-c to th.6 pilnctpal oftlce, 4, South l-'mirth Street. Phil :delphia, l'u. Dr. Fitera RheamaliC Syrup i told by DrutririM1B, W. Billa & 'O„ Sole Agent.-., Ann Arbor, Mich. Finpst éissortujeptof Tpilet Goods in the City,by AlST BECEIVED! RNLEY LEW3S have feceivcd a lafge and ■ffell-selected Stock of New Fall Goeds ! BOUGHT POR CASH, AU of whieh must be sold insiile of sixty days to make room tor ouf Skcok Fall stock. We eau show our customers the Best Kip 33oots ever brought to tliis market, both for men mul boys. CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. We have the exclusive sale of J. H. Burt'8 il iic band-made work - conceded to be the best work to weai In the market. Our stock of LAMES' AND MISES' WORK IS COMPLKTK. É-" Wc have the exdurivt ale of the fine goovU of' E C. Burt, of New York, and Reynorfls Bros., ol Utlca, We guarantee entire satlsfaction on this work. 1384 Sm L Subtcrtbera to Petera . 9 f fl ■!■ Mueical Moirthly re pet'X"fc VA tiiig their Urtalc fot litó thao two d' n ti inece. X G l')llSC WllO tlflV'.1 DOt 'f'U ■ this Musical Maïiizhie 1 shonlilssDd BI) ceDM ■ t .1 fl I R amplecopy. .Tñé m'ü'ílí i _-, I I I hv Hye. Thora, KInTj1! I kei, Perrtej, aác1, otheí J_i !. XJL KJ popular jrl tere. 'l'wo back lAnïtbers lor Á ittw School Book.ln -tllcenl. Four bnek num„ .. -, rt , ' lïers [in "r coiltfi. SqoH. B. PitKKiNS. MSribereKt $T.r0 per doxen. CbntAÍDSr__ ■ ■'iriiwi over two hundred neMf iind I Bi' f f beatifnl soiie, fluc'w, i !!■.■ I IJ' f hy Will S. iíayn. Web"; r" tter, Thomae, etc. Kvery; I Tk Ci hing is iick, fro?hr, umi JL I % BparkHnR. Oontanta and ,. ,., , . wJL eprdmeu pngea eïb( fra lilil i i I Sample copies íOailed i 1 1 E } B ofpostageto taachenfoi Iu!!'.iLlK RS CODta. Librral tftrma forimrQdiicHon. Wortb oflfculotsr 83. Adli J. L. PETKKS. .",(;) Bn.athvay, V. Teacher? eonilinL" ns tb ('ir ordors foi 20 irprl li o munjo run claim a yc;ïrs spLsciititin (o PetCtoJ Musical Monthly. piiysíciaTS'ckíptÍÍ" ICCCRATELT (ND CAHEFOLLY PREPABED BY I R. W. KLUS cÊ 00., niiUGGISI S READ THIS ! ï AM NOW PREPARED ÉOR TUE F ALL TRAD E ! I Il.tyt; THE JLAKtiEST ASJ Finest Assortment ÚF ÉVFRY DESCRIPTI'ON ÉVF.R BROUOHT TO TEIS J1ARKET. EVERYTH1NO '7& ...... _1JEW, ANU STYLISH fltS WARRANTEff, ALSO A LINE OP (MTS' PSKIM GOÖDS Í EVÊBYBODY WISIITXC FALL AND WINTÊlt C1OTH1KG "II.I. FINii TI' Ti) Til SlR iX'ERESÏ TO CALL O JAIVSES BOYD, 24 11;. i.l .stier. yyin-x y oi' want FINE P, OTOGRAPHS, 00 TO SAM. B. RFVENAUGH, !Vo. 3O Huron Mrect. nEOPLE'8 DRUG STOxvj. R. W.ELÜS& CO, -A. isr kt j t; s o r


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