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How Lager Beer Originated

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-Many yeai'8 ago a shoemaker, in a gmaU town near Bambear, sent his appien tice to gLt a bottlü of Bamberg boer, (small boor,) wbioh was soll in that placo ; but thi; boy, not knowing this, wout to the city itself. On returning, he mot an acquaintanoe of his, who told bim that wlxon he would como home liis "boss" would whip liini for fetaying so long. ïlie poor boy, who was f'rightened at this, thought it. botter not to go home at all, but took his bottle, buried it under a tree, and ran ;iw:iy. He Uien went among tft soldiere, where ho distinguished himself, so that, in short, ho bocanio an officer. Whcn one day his regiment, wás quartered in tliis small towa, the offioerthoughi proper to pay a visit to his old boss, bat nol before ho had got tho bottlo ui' beer which he had buried some years ago under the treo. When ha outcrod ho said, "W.ll sir, horo I bring you your bottlo of Baihberg lieer that you sent me Ibr." Tho bottle wasthen ojnueil, and the beer v;is fouad to be ol Bnperior quality. When this faot tras known, sume, af tho brewqn built deep vuults where thoy jmt tlieir boor ia, and called this, aftor it had ladd t.liere sumo time, lager, rhioh meane aothing moro llmn lying. Tho offloer afterwards married the daughter of the shoemaker, and drank a good deal of lager beer, reoeiving in that ocoupation the assistanoe of lii.-s father-in-law. No voung woman ovor looks so well to a sensible! man is when dressedinaplain, neat, modest litire, with but littlc ornament ;ilmit h( r. Sho looks thon na tbough she pOM ssed worth in herself, and needed no artificial rigging to enhanco her valuó. If a young woman would spend as much timo in iniproviug hei mind, training hor toniir, cherishing kindness, merny, and other good qualities, as most do in extra dress and ornamenta ko increase their personal charms, }w would at least be recognizicl amonga thoosand - hor charactcr would hu r;tid iu her counteaance.


Old News
Michigan Argus