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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Tv mi()U', Aïcnt lor the Fiiiklc I.y..n li ■ Vir'.or" ScwiiiL' Machine Tliey are rtlent, lire rur i ?y and m ke the lock stllcb N. I laln Street Ann Arbor. 184y. puiVIX t'. l Hl Proaeentlng Attorney. At Tj kou Arhnr Tnesday and Krldajof cach wi'ck. DSre , n Cuurt HoVlse. . 1"" MtCK A St'IPHD. Dealers iu Dry Ooods. Groceriea, Crocfcerj, jfce. No. 54 Bosta Main Srrtt. rflltltis HALE, TO. l Raddence and omce Ho 18 eoruet WIHIoBb nd Thonipsou Street. Btrulor office iioars 1 to Sr. 1884 MÏCIIAKI. HniHAY) Koofer Kire ai) Whht I'i'oo:. Feil and Composltlou Oravel il on ld ofdcr finil warr.uitud. Utrsidence ou irrl, Ann Arbor. RW. KI.I.IK l'O, Uruíítfícts an! dealers ■ in . uts, uils, etc Mo. ' South Main Street, Ao Artxir. JQ, a. sessio'x.n, Attorney and Conuselloi ..ui-, Hc.l I-..-1..1. :,'ik1 Insurance Al-iiii Con. TeTstciuu' ;tll!l Colleciïon t;i ' latmi promptly at tcudfd ui m terms. in Donnellys' upstJ'!'. Huron siret-t, auh Arbor. Mich. ij; H. JACKSON, Dcntlst . smwssortoC. (. iy Portvr. ojlice coruer Main íind ínron ?t'í.íí. oter Ihe 8lr "I R. W. Elllo A lo, An:i Arlxjr, iijiiln [irs .■idininJhiiTtil it' required. IV r. BKEAKIiY, Hf. O., and Tf8ureou. oific . ut rcaidenoa corner of Hamiod División Streeu ütr doir í'a-i oí PresbjIítí-iít Cti ur;-]i Auu Arlior, Mich. ríJ. JOJI"S, Dealer la lints and Cap, J e'urs. S'.r.tvv iíiioJs G-llts' PurbtghlDfi GíOdi te. No ISiiutli Main -treet, Ann Arbor. iicb. QtJTHEfkfcAltn V IIKBOS, Ufe nd n Inaurancv Agents( m1 deah-iHiii Kval Betatei ;iri)ii Harón Stroct. LEWIS C. KISlOSí, Dealer in IIarlw:iro. 610VW Bous Pornl-lilugGoodSi Tin Ware, &c. 0 3' tlítutl M;iÍU btlCOt. 1IAC1I A AIIKIí, Dealers in 1 ry Goode OroJ ei rits, ic Stc.No -i South .Muiii .-treet. Ara Mar. jl.iWMIV A' SO', Ovn-rrs, Prftvieíon and 15 (;ouimLsfÍ4in Merchauta, hihI dealere in Water Itae.l- adPlaeter.audPlasier Paria, o. i( E:ii I reet ■ -jlJi:oi, H'holeaale and Betail Dealer J u R :aiiy v:(íc ' fotbtng, lot lis, Cassinierfv, - . uud (iiMil's Furnirjliillc: üO"da. No.VSooth Haiu 8tl JJ1. WAtiNEB, Di-altr in Ruad; Madedoth iuK.ilnLi Casimerefl VestlueH. líate. Caps, triet Bage, Ac 21 omii Hainstreet. piLWORE A FISKE, Bookaellera ISiVJ lioivr.-í M iiic.f míd College Test Bo k, VV-ol ::il Miwellaueoju Ilmiks. No. B North .Main Htjktgors lilock, Auu Ailicir. IvEWIS, Dcal, isin Boo'e. Shocs, I ■ ts, S íjjper, Jtc. Vu. ■: Eaet llnrun ítrout, inn .rluir. VOAH W CHEËVEK, ÁTTORNEY AT LAW ! fWrr ith E. w. Morgan, Eaet slde rCnirt Ilouse njn-re. 1331 IU II. DAVENPORT & CU, BANKERS, SALINE ■ - - MICHIGAN BCY AN I SliLL Sojernmetit Securities. God Coin, Drafts Detroit, New Túrk, BoaloD, .-ind otlicr CiticK Alm reeeive monry in i).-p.sii make rollM-Wins, mtend prumptly to all bssiuese pertalolng to HlUllg. Moiiu) l-aned on approved Sccuntica. I8-81118 SCHAEBÍKLÍ Teacher nf Mnsic. (:"es inutiiHlion on the PIANO, VIOLIN AND GU1TAR, utít office, Nn. S7 South Main sttret, (Moore's ■Hugiorat iheresidcactofthe pupll. PIANO TÚNICO, ■de a epeciality nnd satlsfaction 'uar;iuteed. UMjl (JlTo CKEUY. GLASSWARE & GBOGERIES, J & ï- Ionnellyí store aUrsc8tockofCrocker, CHaeswanr; ire.fijiie- Orocene, fec, 4c. all tobe "Uattinustially lüw prices. No 12 Kast H-.iron Strest, Ann Arbnr. __ H-3tf J. A: 1. DOWWEIilr }OIIN '(}. GALlT PRESH AND SALT MEATS, r. ík. su;sa(.i:s. K(r., JJwiiolldted and promptly fllled with toebeet nesu n u.,. m.,rk,.t_ 31 Baat Waahlnjtoii ttreet. "Atter,8ept I6th, 1SC9. isaftf N.AKKSKï' ___ MaDatactiuerof "irriages. Buggies, Wagoos, _SS.?LBIH8 of ererj atrle, made ofthc best ■ 'ind warramed. ;.rsc íhociDn and Ke [,'::,"■ .'"""■ prornjtlj tnd prices reasuunhR .run Street, Bear R. I{ Depot, A1111 A,rbor, Mlch 13-J-.'yl l)H.u. a. PORTEE, DENTIST. l!m the SWINGS BANK BLOCK, Aun Arbor. N'Operations on the Natural Teeth PBRFOBUSD WITH CARZ. uStJRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE WlSfi AHTÍFÍCÍAl TEETH, hu T0 GIVE EACH INnIVIUAL, ""ftke prnper tnt, ihapr, r.olor. firmvmtunJ na ni r.xprt9eion. 1244 q# c.jenkin8& ]iRandolpií white, m. d. DENTISTB. 'SSER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. A" Opetations peifoimed In the Most Thorough and Solentifie inanner. flltrovm Oxiiie Gas constantly on hand, mtdminletered with perfect safety. ______ . 130 yl. L'VE G E ËSËFËAT H Ü R S C(ll, PISSTQTJALITY, '"itljou hand tndfotaalcb; B.ACII& ABEZ,


Old News
Michigan Argus