Vanderpool--curious Statement

The Grand Rapids EAQle ís f espód tor the fulldwiiig euriona and remark statement : A report has been in oiroulation in this city to rlic: effoot thai Vanderpool, previou3 to bis trial tKal aazo ed to the killing of Field, and that the ponfeuñon was made to Mr. N. A. Balch, a i distinguishod criminal lawyer of that I place. The report originated froin cortain statements that Mr. Baloh made concerning a conven itim he h id with VancL rpool, wherein Van lei . ■ ia Bupp jsitious cas to the effect following: Ir'. af ter himself and Field retumed to the bank to compl' to their dissolution of partnership and make a división of the ';i alteroation and soufflé en whioh Field pA the best of, and ís sion thereat he had Biozed a favorable opportunity and killed Field with a blow on the heada he asked Mr. Baloh what would be the terdict nnder toch oiroumptaooes. H i Mr. B iloh'i opiu ion as towhetherhia (vanderpool's wer di fense and statement would ba apt to preiudicfl urtfaTora'bly liis caso, if he should a put it upon the grounds abovo stated. The ooüversation o m in no W .■. beconsidored í; a oonfession, the whole statodasé supposod oase by Van dorpooi. At the Bame tiine Ite stated to Mr. B. tiiüt ' was muoh stronger tlian he Bupposed bün K be, is he had always upposed h could handle biu ly, butfouad out that ho could not." It is perha. s needless to state that Mr. Balch l.h'lii v ís Vanderpool to beguilty of the crime with rhioh he is ohai I and he does not besito teto 9 iy thai be considera the beer nos -cuse. We have taken pains to Ie he facts in relation to tho reported " oonfeasion," which are substantially as here gi and leave it tbr tae reader to draw his own infercnce.
Old News
Michigan Argus