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- It is rt fac'l Wdrthy of iKítrí, p'm-haps tli at not ono of örant's Gabinet are at Washington. All ure absent, "fttumping it," in States whera olüütioh ore to bö held. Such prooeediügS Woilid havo disgraoed Androw Johnsou'S ttdiuinistration, bat the Radioals, wo süppöie, exoune it on the ground that notbingearl ftöoompiish that with the present ono - lloro aro a few WOrdB froüi Ui'1 Spfingfleld BtjnMicaA, the leading liadiorgan of Mar'saehusotts, whioh üviy be of bitoteat to uotne of our Eadioal readen : " The Eepublican party ismarching on toa Big Bethel defeat. Too inaiiy Butlers, too many Simón Cameron, too muoh ■!■ :'!'ng aml land grabbing havo killed It ; it is dead befofo It goos into battle." .Tho Now York Times ííres a bonib at its own party by saying " that whaterer is BÍfeOtUftUy clono for fcform in Now York ftt this olcction mtist bo doiiü ín cooporation with honost Drtmocratfl. The miserrable gpectaele offerred by the &ü publioun Convontion is a warning not to rely on that orgnnization alono, even. if wo can i'cly upon it ut all.' - The international nloncy ordei' systuin betwetm tho United States and Oreat Britain went into oporation last Monday. Bemitttanoefl can also bo made by inter national monoy order vin Switzerla&d to all principal town and oities of Austria, Hungary, Spain, llussia, Swedon, Denmiirk, Norwajr, Turkey, öreece, Egypt, the Bi'.st Iiiaies and China. - At a dinner given tho groat agrioulfcurist, "lííinvco Groeloy, by John Wontworth, at Chicago, hc ix roported as gaying : " Thü jntblic will stand no more horse-joofeay tnd present -taking Prosidents." Coüld it be possible that Horaco feferred to Ulysses ? - 'Dio fight whioh the Radicáis had plaaned for tho Democratie State Ccmvention at Bochester, N. Y., last 'Wcduosday, 'li'l not occur, that body being as iblo a ono as over assomblcd in the State. Of which wo will havo inore to say herrafter, - Rume of Grant's frknil in California havo sent him a easket of California laurol, trimmed with California rcdwood and containing a set of tablc cutlery. Of eourso Ulyssos wouldn't accept of thom. His modosty wouldn't allow it. - Honry Wurd Bocoher says : "If all tho Tufin that havo been guilty of fran.l in NeT York wero to havo a towor fall on them, there would be funcruls enough for 50 years." "Would his family attand ono of the funerala as mournors ? - Tho Lnbor Beformers, of MassachuBetta, havo placed one Chamberlain in nomination for Govornor, and tho Proiribitionista of tho same State havo accordiïd Jungo Pitman a Iike position npou their ticket. - While the frauds in New York rvh being invistigated, would it not bo well for tho poople to know how it happans that U. B. Grant has becorae a millionaire in so short a timo on a salary oí' $25,000 a yeor? - The oditor of the Now York Times has been presontcd with a purso of $öO,000 by the TJnion Lcaguo Club, for his " disinterostod " servicos in blowing up Tammany. Graut lik-, he clutchod it with avidily. - On Monday last, Professor Noah Portur, tho newly electod President of Yale Collego, was inauguratod. This is one of tho steps in the new departuro Tale Ooilege is about to tako. - Tho polico had to bo called in to quell a distuTbanoe in a meeting of the Kings County llcpublicans tho other night, oaused by an outburst of " moral ideas," no doubt. - Tho country will undoubtodly breathe with greator freedom sinc9 tho tolegraph bas ftnnontwed th;it the President will return to Washington in timo to wulcome Alexis of Ilus-ii. - Tho Democratie State Convention of Illinois, whioh met at Springfield Wednesday last, put iu nomination S. S. llays, of Cook countj', as candidato at largo for Congrc3S. - A Mrs. Couway, of Maryland, has been awarded a contract for building a railway in that State. Sho is undoubtedly familia.1' with the niystery of" switohos." - Tho poople of Jacksou have resol l to ba vea Home for tho Priondless ostablishod in that city. Wo had always been of the opinión that tliey had one there. - Kansas City, Mo., puts in its claim as being tho wealthiest city in the west, hnving a property valuation of $30,000,000., whioh is noarly 1,00!) per capita. - Rumor is rosponsible for stating that Professor Goldwin Smith is to undertake tho editorship of a ncw inagazine to bo publishod in Canada. - Tho Vree Prett statos that anothor LL. D. has been conferrod upon Ben. Butler by his friends in Massachusetts, " wliich uieans lickod like, &o." - The shops of tho Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan Railroad aro to be Looated at Ionia, and work upon thciu has already commenced. - Tho election in Louisiaim closos todi;y, but as bayoneta díctate ballots in that locality, Democrats can not oxpect rauch. - 024,263 porsons wero supportrd 1 public charity in England, at tlie end of last June, of whom 123,398 were in Lundon. ' - Jruikson has organized a oompany srith $40,000 oapital stosk, forthe purposo of building B sli:et railway ia that city. ■ " The Eepublioau Party In Disgraoe" is tlio "way fche New York Boening Post heads au editorial. Was it over out of il . - Two cometa aro down on the aslronomical docket for this fall. Encko's und Tuttle's. - ■ Jack Frost and Yellow Jivck havo boon having a tussle at Memphis : Jack Frost coming out ahead. - Juaroz is i; rt:i:n of becoming the next President of the so-called Mexioan Republio. - William II. Seward returned il om his eastern tuur last Tuosday. - Tho official ïnajority against tho ncw oonatitution in Nebr iska, is 641. Addie Ballou, in a lectura delivered in Cbioago last veek, gaid ahe oould not rio smile: v!iun sho heard of a man being led aetray by a woman. If. s:iid slu-, the men are so weak 1 would liko to ive them eomc of my backbone.


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