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Estato of John Rorison. STATE OF MIOIUGAX, Conntyof Wnshtenair.M At BOB8ÍO9 Of the Probate CoWl fortlie Counly .-i' Wsshteoft, bolden at the Probate Office in the City of Adii Arbor, on Wednesdny the fourth day of Oetobor, in the ycar one thousand elfbt Iniudred ami seventy one. Present Hirain J. IV.ikee. .Tndge of Probate. In the muiter of the estáte of John Rorison, dt!CO:tsil. On readi'ng and AUngthe petltlon, dnly verifled of David It. RoiiaoDi pruyiui: that a certaiu Instrument now on illt; in thi.s Court, pUTporttng lo' be the lust will and tost iment of aald decensfd, m:iy b? : ted to Probate and that he. wuiiam Lee Yost and S:i-í.h Rorison may bu nppointed Bxecntors there f, Thercupon Uta orderea.that Sfonday, Lbethlrttetfa day of Octobet iosteofti ai ten o'clock in the (orenooii boasslgned for the bearloffofsold pet!Uontaud tii;u the loKAteeSi devteewana betra m law (f suid deceaaed. and ailother norsous luterested in naidebtatOi ;:■(■ roQiiired t appenT ataiesston of sald Coiirt, then to be holden, ai ihc Probate Office, In the City of Ano Arbor, and show causet If any tbcrt bo. why the prajfei of the petUionfrsboald nol be grantedi And it i" ftirther ordcred tluu sa ld petit oniT ivf notioe to the porsons tnterefitêd in sald catate of the pendency of süid petltton and the hoarlnif thercof. by caoslog a copy of thta order to be publlshed in the Michi#an Argut n newapaper printed and circnlaUng in said Coonty.three sncce[ve weaka prevtoua to saitl day o hearlnc. tAtrnecopy.J QlitAM J. BEÁKRS, 133S JudLc ot Probate. Eatate of Goorge S. Frcer. CTATK OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtanav, u i? At aaassionof the Probate Court for tbc i ounty of Waahtesaw. lioldcn at ths Probate Office, in tb 'ity of Ann Arbor, on T!m:iJuy, t!.e flfth dny ►t Ootober, m the fawc ou thouaand eight hunli l and wventy-one. present, BiramX Beakes, Jndge of Pïobnte. In the matter of the estáte of Uewgi.' t. Fwer, wed. On ronding and SJing tho petiüon, dnly vavifled,of lonas Fn u and James C Ener, Adminlatottors, pvuyDg ttirtt tlu-y may be Uosnaed to eaU oextainreaJ estáte irbereof soid dcoeased dkd m itect, Therenpon it is ordered, that Slonday, tïie sveth day of Nornnber noxt, at ten oc]frk in the toreuoon, tv assjgned Uw hearing of said petition uiw of said d . - , iil othr persAD to raid estáte, are required lo npoai at n seeefOD ut" mUl ('onK, then te beÏjohVu. al he Probuto Citiioe, in the C5ty of Ann Albor, nnd liow oause. it any there lx why the nrn ver of the Kïtitioncr eliould not he granted : And it is forthei rri red, thot petítíoner bíto notioe to tlie pei'sons ■ i ín Baid estnte, of the pendency of said peti ion, and the hearinff thi rcof, by oftaipg aoopy i.f hiA onvT tu be pubushed in t)' Michigan Arfut, % ovspaper printed and circulatíng in sitl C'onuty, tur bucqi save weeks wem oua i said day nf licm-intr (A toiocnpy.] ülltAM J, BJSAKEB, UJ38 Jiide of Probate Estáte of John Greene, Son. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntj nf Washiei. At a siüsion of tho Probato Court fortheftw of Washtemiw, hohlrii at the Probate (Öicc.-n; i :tyiit Ann Ailior, on ïridny, tlio twcniyui' l:' oi S ii::i b ■, ui the year ons Ihousand ïijikt " and (sevtnry-onc. i - ■ at, dirftm 3. Beakea, Jadge of j'ivMtc. In tho uiiittcr of tlic esmte of Joim Givcnc, "i deoeastd. I Jnlin Grecnc, Jv., Exrcutor of the lnt will wSW uu-m of s;ti,l decensed, comes into court nüdiep11 thnt he ia now preparad to ronder hw tiuul awoi1111 Mul] Bxeoutod Theivupoii it i.i tiiilcrcd, thnt Mondnv, tbt tieu doy of Uotober next, nt ten oVlock " ion ooorái be attigned for esamining od I ing Buch jiccoiint, and tbnt the leñatees L'Tli ;in ; Iïi i s at law of aid deoeascv, imd " . it pavona iiktereeted in sai-i estatCi i et in npnear ui acadon of aaid Court, holden at ilic Probate Uffloe, in the '.''')' "'J Arbor, in ;iiil County, und 5I10W crniso, if nj Iv. wk; -liii nct'ount siiuuM not bciiUoweo: it is turilur orderud thnt srid Kxcculor S1", to tho pciüns interuu in sitiu eBtnte of JvBE ávDtrot said socoant, and the hearing 55 oauaing a copy of this ovder to bc pul 1 vl rgns n licw.-pacr prinit-d hii i:i s.ii-1 i nunty. tiirtt; tucccsaive vn LiJpifvioiiöt" duy of In :n lnf;. , Atruooopy.) IIIKAlt J. KAK, 1..-12 Judfc-c of ïwW"Drain Comraissioncr's Xotice. Xoticc is hereby frivon Ihnt tbe Iïmin Cümifli' ' of Washtcnaw County will nl the house 01 J 1 in the Pownahipoi fpailnnti in . "? on the 2Sth day I Ictobcr, 1871, nt 2o'otockP. "', ' partlM to ooutrftct for ilu excavation and a&st ru of a (lrnin known BR the 8pono&r mrah linunJ moncing forty roda weel ol the qnarterline '?■]", No. 1 1 and fovty roí sonth ut the norih af0. S,! ;ml vtiuniug northcrly nmi i'afctcvly to wliwtw ■a willi'W run. t)t Iwillalsobo a tho houw of I."vi Fnv:nu, Mthdayof Ootober afbxeenid, at wlioh timenPJ 1 wül exbibit in.-ips oi the ubove propoeed d. ir deaoriptions of the Kreral piu-celnol lano 'ir''r",1i„1 Bted thereby, and tin amount am!deTO ofdivlaiona nul BubdWifiiont ot the alovep0. j, drata by me npportionrd totho own rs of e ( scription of Innd to oonttruot, and t tol ij"'1 ■. ïpnUonti toooiurtrnct, on ncconn! ofsuchdrw" fliinit the highway, ana to heár reaaona, l "''i-jj c: i, r. .1. why Buoh apportionment should bc' rc ajoneotodA,„1Arbor,Oct.3.1,.87.i.Avt])M n Y Drain ( om. of U ' " GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO' for strictly Pure Drugs ano Medicinep ,Pint,B ,0iIc.


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Michigan Argus