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Local And Other Brevities

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- f'2,000 was the recelpts of the fair held II i'psilanti lust week. - "jMicliiji'm University lm n fclass of KM (romen "- JV. 1'. World. Isn't it astonisblng wliat an hnaglnatlon CliCbe New York Itemlzen have? - The Commoii Couucll ract in regnlar jtssion last Miiiulay evonlng, bat 110 business of importanee was bransacted. - A. 1(. Bnotrit, a memberof the Se nlor CIas, lias been clected an editor of tl e (.roniele, ricrC. G. BbRXBTT, ivsiL'iied. - In a.'tseiKx uf the liev. Mr. GilIMPIB, the Episcop.i! Ohurc-li will be up pK&Vvy cJcrgyraen froiu other Parishes. -'Cm a linsiness ma te honest in tkK times?" is the theme of Rev. L. U. "jk, iiis Dezt Sabbath mornlng discuurse. - Next Tnesilny evcnin, Octobcr Í Oth, WlLL H. GlKLTO is to read some of bid jiftfin-i in Saline, in ald of the JPresbytej'ian ]... 'IS:.s' Society of that place. - Oid "iris sud youf; pirls, big Klrls íid titile jiirls, tall glrls and short trirlsml occKglooally n gmall boy, are buslly en gged in gathering majile leavca. - We aru reqnested to f-t:itc tliatlicre tf:or the Court House doors ivill be kep: kxktd nihts, au;l iflires shonkl eccur, the arm will be given only from the new flre belt. - The Sopliomurc aixl EVefihraaO classes o' the Univeriity had a "rush" last Sul iirda ƒ moral Hg, both clalmlog the vlotory. It wa not a very extensive one, neither chiss Wng out in full ree. - A. love letter picked up not long xiuce, contiiued the bllowlag sfGsctiug sentenec : ".Mj best loved one, I cha wed the postagc ftainjiouyou Inst let.terall to thundei-, I)lausc 1 knew you lickcd it oik" - "A tliing of beauty is a joy forever," bas been truly said. so when you are passlïbythe Farmer-' Store, just take the trouble to look ín at their Windows and sce Ifyon do not pronónnce them beauties. - Mauy of the shadows that cross ouc fath throngh life are caustd by standiuf; in our own l;j;lit. Now we assert that the man who doesn't take a home paper stands in hls own light. Avert the shadows by subscriblng for the Auous. - The ïpsilanti Commercial gayé: "We Kncmber well that ouder Democratie rule tlie hoidcr of eveu a (ive dollar bill did nol 'wlsafeto sleep wilh it over niglit. To whlcli ooght to have been added. wlicn the said kolder slept in close pioxiniity io certain radical editors. We are glad to report evcrything movnr in "apple pie order" la railroad matters, tliesubseripüons required outskle of tliis % belng ralsed to witliin $4,000, which fum Mr. Burcii ieels coiifldcnt will be met W to-niorrow night. The pcople of Mil;in iuve raised their subscriptions to $15,000, a"(l the peoplc of Dundee by the lose of ttis week will have an equal one, f Mr. B. f'oot greatly mistaken. Next week Mr. Hurch will commence taking up the rlgilt ' way from here to the State line, anl re fhll hope witliin a few weeks to licar of 'lic contracta being let. The people of Milan deserve great credit for the energy Bnd liberality whlch they 'ive displayed from the very first in socuring tuis road, aud we feel confirlent thnt ticn It is bulll the benefit received there'toni will be an ampie reward. Live, wide 'Hkc communitiee, üke the ones along the "ito( thls road, ar sure to prosper, lor 'eu thcy take hold of a tlüng they do it l'li an energy whlch makts success eer A few more pulls at the rope will ronder iDuch needed and to bc deslnd Toledo, Aun Arbor and Northern Hailroad a Phixed phact." Lot them be vigoro na atll rapld, for the rallroad guides are "lUiously waiting to accor.l ita plnceupon their pages, and the people are clamoriu for a " ride on a rail " to Toiedo via this foute. We have received a coiniminication frora Cuas. X. Fox, of Sau Francisco, relatlng o the late clectiou in California. As the Clitur m caplte ís absent, it will have to go ''"publlshed for the present, as wc do not crc to bccomc rcsponsiblc for pnblishing a vicw taken from so radical a stauilpoiut.


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Michigan Argus